1. Jul 30, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Candidate Validation Subsystem (#1432) · cdb5c408
      asynchronous rob authored
      * skeleton for candidate-validation
      * add to workspace
      * implement candidate validation logic
      * guide: note occupied-core assumption for candidate validation
      * adjust message doc
      * wire together `run` asynchronously
      * add a Subsystem implementation
      * clean up a couple warnings
      * fix compilation errors due to merge
      * improve candidate-validation.md
      * remove old reference to subsystem-test helpers crate
      * update Cargo.lock
      * add a couple new Runtime API methods
      * add a candidate validation message
      * fetch validation data from the chain state
      * some tests for assumption checking
      * make spawn_validate_exhaustive mockable
      * more tests on the error handling side
      * fix all other grumbles except for wasm validation API change
      * wrap a SpawnNamed in candidate-validation
      * warn
      * amend guide
      * squanch warning
      * remove duplicate after merge