1. Jun 23, 2020
  2. Jun 22, 2020
  3. Jun 19, 2020
  4. Jun 18, 2020
  5. Jun 17, 2020
  6. Jun 16, 2020
  7. Jun 12, 2020
  8. Jun 11, 2020
    • Fedor Sakharov's avatar
      New service initial commit (#1234) · 9b634717
      Fedor Sakharov authored
      * New service initial commit
      * More separation of the new and old services
      * Fix review comments
      * Adds polkadot.json
      * Fix browser build
      * Remove unused import
      * Update node/service/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
      * Remove duplicate json files
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Scheduler Module (#1162) · 1696982d
      asynchronous rob authored
      * scheduler module skeleton
      * update scheduler skeleton to match latest version of guide
      * better session change notification
      * add mock randomness and fix test compilation
      * shuffle validators into groups
      * finish implementing session change logic for scheduler
      * tweak core assignment type to track retries of parathread
      * reframe queued parathread core as offset
      * implement initialzation and finalization routines
      * implement parathread claim queuing
      * implement core_para
      * implement the group_validators routine and fix errors
      * add a reason for freeing cores
      * implement `schedule` function
      * add some docs to the scheduled function
      * implement `occupied` helper
      * implement availability predicate
      * fix some warnings
      * integrate scheduler into initializer
      * integrate scheduler into mock module
      * avoid conflict with Substrate's scheduler storage
      * add parathreads index to paras module
      * implement parathreads map in paras module
      * add is_parathread to paras
      * test adding parathread claim
      * test that you cannot add claims when no parathread cores exist
      * check session change parathread queue pruning
      * test validator shuffling
      * add allow_unused to scheduler items
      * add test for scheduling
      * add some more tests for scheduling logic
      * test core rotation
      * check parathread claim pruning after retries
      * add bound notes
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBernhard Schuster <[email protected]>
      * more suggestions from review
      * test availability predicate, add box to please compiler
      * add changes to guide
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBernhard Schuster <[email protected]>
    • André Silva's avatar
      service: update to latest ServiceBuilder changes (#1245) · b61a0375
      André Silva authored
      * service: update to latest ServiceBuilder changes
      * Update Cargo.lock
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  9. Jun 10, 2020
  10. Jun 09, 2020
  11. Jun 08, 2020
  12. Jun 06, 2020
  13. Jun 05, 2020
  14. Jun 04, 2020
  15. Jun 03, 2020
  16. Jun 02, 2020
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Comanion for substrate/pull/6173 (#1184) · 3b5bce88
      Kian Paimani authored
      * Make it work
      * Upsub
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      New parachain runtime skeleton (#1158) · 217083a9
      asynchronous rob authored
      * file structure and initializer skeleton
      * ensure session changes happen before initialization
      * add a couple tests for initializer flow
      * integrate with session handling
      * configuration update logic
      * configuration methods
      * move test mock to its own module
      * integrate configuration into initializer
      * add note about initialization order
      * integrate configuration module into mock
      * add some tests for config module
      * paras module storage
      * implement paras session change operation
      * amend past code pruning to fully cover acceptance period
      * update guide again
      * do pruning of historical validation code
      * add weight to initialization
      * integrate into mock & leave notes for next session
      * clean up un-ended sentence
      * alter test to account for double index in past code meta
      * port over code-at logic test
      * clarify checking for conflicting code upgrades
      * add genesis for paras, include in mock, ensure incoming paras are processed
      * note on return value of `validation_code_at`
      * implement paras routines from implementor's guide
      * bring over some existing tests and begin porting
      * port over code upgrade tests
      * test parachain registration
      * test code_at with intermediate block
      * fix warnings
      * clean up docs and extract to separate struct
      * adjust implementor's guide to include replacementtimes
      * kill stray println
      * rename expected_at to applied_after
      * rewrite ParaPastCodeMeta to avoid reversal
      * clarify and test interface of validation_code_at
      * make FutureCode optional
      * rename do_old_code_pruning
      * add comment on Option<()> to answer FAQ
      * address some more grumbles
    • Fedor Sakharov's avatar
      Overseer (#1152) · 162486cd
      Fedor Sakharov authored
      * Initial commit
      * Licenses, spaces, docs
      * Add a spawner
      * Watch spawned subsystems with a FuturesUnordered
      * Move the types around a bit
      * Suggested fixes by Max
      * Add a handler to talk to the Overseer
      * FromOverseer and ToOverseer msgs and stopping
      * Docs and return errors
      * Dont broadcast, have add a from field to messages
      * Allow communication between subsystems and outside world
      * A message with a oneshot to send result example
      * Remove leftover can_recv_msg
      * Remove from field from messages
      * Dont be generic over stuff
      * Gather messages with StreamUnordered
      * Fix comments and formatting
      * More docs fixes and an example
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Fixes from review
      Move function from impl block.
      Do not panic but resolve with errors if spawner fails or subsystem
      * Dropping a handler results in a flaky test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  17. Jun 01, 2020
  18. May 30, 2020