1. Jul 08, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement PoV Distribution Subsystem (#1344) · b651e4af
      asynchronous rob authored
      * introduce candidatedescriptor type
      * add PoVDistribution message type
      * loosen bound on PoV Distribution to account for equivocations
      * re-export some types from the messages module
      * begin PoV Distribution subsystem
      * remove redundant index from PoV distribution
      * define state machine for pov distribution
      * handle overseer signals
      * set up control flow
      * remove `ValidatorStatement` section
      * implement PoV fetching
      * implement distribution logic
      * add missing `
      * implement some network bridge event handlers
      * stub for message processing, handle our view change
      * control flow for handling messages
      * handle `awaiting` message
      * handle any incoming PoVs and redistribute
      * actually provide a subsystem implementation
      * remove set-builder notation
      * begin testing PoV distribution
      * test that we send awaiting messages only to peers with same view
      * ensure we distribute awaited PoVs to peers on view changes
      * test that peers can complete fetch and are rewarded
      * test some reporting logic
      * ensure peer is reported for flooding
      * test punishing peers diverging from awaited protocol
      * test that we eagerly complete peers' awaited PoVs based on what we receive
      * test that we prune the awaited set after receiving
      * expand pov-distribution in guide to match a change I made
      * remove unneeded import
  2. Jul 07, 2020
  3. Jun 22, 2020
  4. Jun 20, 2020
    • Sergey Pepyakin's avatar
      Fix glossary link (snowballed) (#1297) · ff708f3a
      Sergey Pepyakin authored
      * Add mdbook-linkcheck
      * Convert todo to not a link
      * Fix external glossary link
      * Fix various broken links
      * Mass replace: s/.html/.md/
      * My sloppy attempt to add a gitlab CI check
  5. Jun 16, 2020
  6. Jun 11, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Convert guide from single markdown file to mdbook (#1247) · e5c7a3e6
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * move old implementers' guide, add skeleton of new
      * Split the old implementers' guide into the new one's sections
      This is mostly a straightforward copying operation, moving the
      appropriate sections from the old guide to the new. However, there
      are certain differences between the old text and the new:
      - removed horizontal rules between the sections
      - promoted headers appropriately within each section
      - deleted certain sections which were in the old guide's ToC but
        which were not actually present in the old guide.
      - added Peer Set Manager to the new ToC
      * remove description headers
      It is redundant and unnecessary. Descriptions fall directly under the
      top-level header for any given section.
      * add stub description of the backing module
      * add stub description for the availability module
      * add stub description for collators
      * add stub description for validity
      * add stub description for utility
      * highlight TODO and REVIEW comments
      * add guide readme describing how to use mdbook
      * fix markdownlint lints
      * re-title parachains overview
      * internal linking for types
      * module and subsystem internal links
      * .gitignore should have a trailing newline
      * node does not have modules, just subsystems