1. Jan 24, 2019
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Initial erasure-coding of availability data (#56) · a9767290
      asynchronous rob authored
      * erasure-coding block data
      * adjust error handling
      * merkleize chunks and yield branches for each
      * construction and proving of merkle branches
      * port over to new GF(2^16) impl
      * some tests for wrapped_shard
      * handle extra byte from GF(2^16) better
      * point to github dependency
      * add issue link
      * point to master for reed-solomon-erasure
      * add missing license header
  2. Nov 25, 2018
    • Gav Wood's avatar
      Make work with Substrate master (#36) · a35ddc58
      Gav Wood authored
      * Fix up wasm runtime build
      * Fixes for runtime
      * Fix.
      * More fixes
      * Runtime builds on native.
      * Native and wasm both build without warnings.
      * Fix runtime tests.
      * Merge #20
      * Final fix for native runtime.
      * Compile polkadot wo consensus
      * Reverted changes to polkadot-consensus
      * reintroduce minimal subset of consensus
      * reintroduce checked_block to runtime for std
      * polkadot_consensus compiles without most of the code
      * remove checked_block again and do more checks in parachains for runtime
      * uncomment proposer
      * remove offline tracker
      * extract out parachain-attestation logic from proposal directly
      * reintroduce transaction_pool
      * write some custom aura verification logic for the block verifier
      * use transaction pool in more generic way
      * service compiles again
      * polkadot-network and tests pass
      * remove unused session_key function from router
      * everything but CLI compiles due to service hell
      * Fixes compilation of `polkadot_cli`
      * everything compiles
      * update adder wasm
  3. Sep 12, 2018
  4. Aug 15, 2018
  5. Aug 14, 2018