1. Jul 25, 2018
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Substrate CLI (#423) · 1fb72bf3
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
      * Moved chain ops to substrate-service
      * moved RPC to susbstrate-service WIP
      * Moved RPC to substrate-service
      * Version
      * Removed redundadnt messages
      * substrate CLI
      * Removed obsolete files
      * Sorted out startup messages
      * Pass executable name to CLI
  2. Jul 17, 2018
  3. Jul 15, 2018
    • snd's avatar
      Issue 279 - unique path for each chains db, network, keystore to prevent collisions (#322) · 27a19e1f
      snd authored
      * make spec.name() part of database_path preventing collisions
      resolves #279
      * add `id` field to `ChainSpec`
      * add blank line for readability
      * dot/cli: use spec_id in db_path
      * dot/cli: make spec_id part of keystore_path
      * dot/cli: make spec_id part of network_path
      * add id field to poc-1.json chain spec
      * dot/cli: spec_id -> chain_id
  4. Jul 03, 2018
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Serialisable genesis config (#229) · 5f1e44be
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
      * Genesis serialization
      * Custom type for AuthorityId
      * Merge w master
      * Fixed a few minor issues
      * Fixed unmerged file
      * Renamed tag
      * Deferred genesis loading
      * Upated wasm runtime
      * Minor issues