1. Dec 25, 2020
  2. Dec 17, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Fix bug and further optimizations in availability distribution (#2104) · affa668a
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Fix bug and further optimizations in availability distribution
      - There was a bug that resulted in only getting one candidate per block
      as the candidates were put into the hashmap with the relay block hash as
      key. The solution for this is to use the candidate hash and the relay
      block hash as key.
      - We stored received/sent messages with the candidate hash and chunk
      index as key. The candidate hash wasn't required in this case, as the
      messages are already stored per candidate.
      * Update node/core/bitfield-signing/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * Remove the reverse map
      * major refactor of receipts & query_live
      * finish refactoring
      remove ancestory mapping,
      improve relay-parent cleanup & receipts-cache cleanup,
      add descriptor to `PerCandidate`
      * rename and rewrite query_pending_availability
      * add a bunch of consistency tests
      * Add some last changes
      * xy
      * fz
      * Make it compile again
      * Fix one test
      * Fix logging
      * Remove some buggy code
      * Make tests work again
      * Move stuff around
      * Remove dbg
      * Remove state from test_harness
      * More refactor and new test
      * New test and fixes
      * Move metric
      * Remove "duplicated code"
      * Fix tests
      * New test
      * Change break to continue
      * Update node/core/av-store/src/lib.rs
      * Update node/core/av-store/src/lib.rs
      * Update node/core/bitfield-signing/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
      * update guide to match live_candidates changes
      * add comment
      * fix bitfield signing
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBernhard Schuster <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFedor Sakharov <[email protected]>
  3. Dec 07, 2020
  4. Nov 24, 2020
  5. Nov 20, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Add tracing support to node (#1940) · f7ea3d07
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * drop in tracing to replace log
      * add structured logging to trace messages
      * add structured logging to debug messages
      * add structured logging to info messages
      * add structured logging to warn messages
      * add structured logging to error messages
      * normalize spacing and Display vs Debug
      * add instrumentation to the various 'fn run'
      * use explicit tracing module throughout
      * fix availability distribution test
      * don't double-print errors
      * remove further redundancy from logs
      * fix test errors
      * fix more test errors
      * remove unused kv_log_macro
      * fix unused variable
      * add tracing spans to collation generation
      * add tracing spans to av-store
      * add tracing spans to backing
      * add tracing spans to bitfield-signing
      * add tracing spans to candidate-selection
      * add tracing spans to candidate-validation
      * add tracing spans to chain-api
      * add tracing spans to provisioner
      * add tracing spans to runtime-api
      * add tracing spans to availability-distribution
      * add tracing spans to bitfield-distribution
      * add tracing spans to network-bridge
      * add tracing spans to collator-protocol
      * add tracing spans to pov-distribution
      * add tracing spans to statement-distribution
      * add tracing spans to overseer
      * cleanup
  6. Nov 19, 2020
  7. Nov 18, 2020
  8. Nov 17, 2020
    • ordian's avatar
      update most of the dependencies (#1946) · 31fb8fed
      ordian authored
      * update tiny-keccak to 0.2
      * update deps except bitvec and shared_memory
      * fix some warning after futures upgrade
      * remove useless package rename caused by bug in cargo-upgrade
      * revert parity-util-mem *
      * remove unused import
      * cargo update
      * remove all renames on parity-scale-codec
      * remove the leftovers
      * remove unused dep
  9. Oct 27, 2020
  10. Oct 09, 2020
    • Rakan Alhneiti's avatar
      Update to work with async keystore – Companion PR for #7000 (#1740) · bc7d1322
      Rakan Alhneiti authored
      * Fix keystore types
      * Use SyncCryptoStorePtr
      * Borrow keystore
      * Fix unused imports
      * Fix polkadot service
      * Fix bitfield-distribution tests
      * Fix indentation
      * Fix backing tests
      * Fix tests
      * Fix provisioner tests
      * Removed SyncCryptoStorePtr
      * Fix services
      * Address PR feedback
      * Address PR feedback - 2
      * Update CryptoStorePtr imports to be from sp_keystore
      * Typo
      * Fix CryptoStore import
      * Document the reason behind using filesystem keystore
      * Remove VALIDATORS
      * Fix duplicate dependency
      * Mark sp-keystore as optional
      * Fix availability distribution
      * Fix call to sign_with
      * Fix keystore usage
      * Remove tokio and fix parachains Cargo config
      * Typos
      * Fix keystore dereferencing
      * Fix CryptoStore import
      * Fix provisioner
      * Fix node backing
      * Update services
      * Cleanup dependencies
      * Use sync_keystore
      * Fix node service
      * Fix node service - 2
      * Fix node service - 3
      * Rename CryptoStorePtr to SyncCryptoStorePtr
      * "Update Substrate"
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      * Update node/core/backing/Cargo.toml
      * Update primitives/src/v0.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Fix wasm build
      * Update Cargo.lock
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  11. Sep 10, 2020
    • Fedor Sakharov's avatar
      Collator protocol subsystem (#1659) · b32dcc44
      Fedor Sakharov authored
      * WIP
      * The initial implementation of the collator side.
      * Improve comments
      * Multiple collation requests
      * Add more tests and comments to validator side
      * Add comments, remove dead code
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * Fix build after suggested changes
      * Also connect to the next validator group
      * Remove a Future impl and move TimeoutExt to util
      * Minor nits
      * Fix build
      * Change FetchCollations back to FetchCollation
      * Try this
      * Final fixes
      * Fix build
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
  12. Aug 20, 2020
  13. Aug 12, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Network bridge refactoring impl (#1537) · 1e9c0540
      asynchronous rob authored
      * update networking types
      * port over overseer-protocol message types
      * Add the collation protocol to network bridge
      * message sending
      * stub for ConnectToValidators
      * add some helper traits and methods to protocol types
      * add collator protocol message
      * leaves-updating
      * peer connection and disconnection
      * add utilities for dispatching multiple events
      * implement message handling
      * add an observedrole enum with equality and no sentry nodes
      * derive partial-eq on network bridge event
      * add PartialEq impls for network message types
      * add Into implementation for observedrole
      * port over existing network bridge tests
      * add some more tests
      * port bitfield distribution
      * port over bitfield distribution tests
      * add codec indices
      * port PoV distribution
      * port over PoV distribution tests
      * port over statement distribution
      * port over statement distribution tests
      * update overseer and service-new
      * address review comments
      * port availability distribution
      * port over availability distribution tests
  14. Aug 10, 2020
  15. Aug 07, 2020
  16. Jul 28, 2020
  17. Jul 23, 2020
    • Bernhard Schuster's avatar
      implement bitfield distribution subsystem (#1368) · 08fcbda4
      Bernhard Schuster authored
      * feat bitfield distribution
      * feat bitfield distribution part 2
      * pair programming with rustc & cargo
      * lets go
      * move bitfield-distribution to the node/network folder
      * shape shifting
      * lunchtime
      * ignore the two fn recursion for now
      * step by step
      * triplesteps
      * bandaid commit
      * unordered futures magic
      * chore
      * reword markdown
      * clarify
      * lacks abortable processing impl details
      * slimify
      * fix: warnings and avoid ctx.clone() improve comments
      * review comments
      * fix details
      * make sure outgoing messages are tracked
      * fix name
      * fix subsystem
      * partial test impl
      * relax context bounds
      * test
      * X
      * X
      * initial test
      * fix relay_message not tracked when origin is self
      * fix/guide: grammar
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * work around missing Eq+PartialEq
      * fix: add missing message to provisioner
      * unify per_job to job_data
      * fix/review: part one
      * fix/review: more grumbles
      * fix/review: track incoming messages per peer
      * fix/review: extract fn, avoid nested matches
      * fix/review: more tests, simplify test
      * fix/review: extend tests to cover more cases
      * chore/rename: Tracker -> ProtocolState
      * chore check and comment rewording
      * feat test: invalid peer message
      * remove ignored test cases and unused macros
      * fix master merge fallout + warnings
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  18. Jul 21, 2020
    • Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus's avatar
      Add test suite and minor refinements to the utility subsystem (#1403) · cc2d7afd
      Peter Goodspeed-Niklaus authored
      * get conclude signal working properly; don't allocate a vector
      * wip: add test suite / example / explanation for using utility subsystem
      Unfortunately, the test fails right now for reasons which seem
      very odd. Just have to keep poking at it.
      * explicitly import everything
      * fix subsystem-util test
      The root problem here was two-fold:
      - there was a circular dependency from subsystem -> test-helpers/subsystem ->
      - cfg(test) doesn't propagate between crates
      The solution: move the subsystem test helpers into a sub-module
      within subsystem. Publicly export them from the previous location
      so no other code breaks.
      Doing this has an additional benefit: it ensures that no production
      code can ever accidentally use the subsystem helpers, as they are compile-
      gated on cfg(test).
      * fully commit to moving test helpers into a subsystem module
      * add some more tests
      * get rid of log tests in favor of real error forwarding
      It's not obvious whether we'll ever really want to chase down
      these errors outside a testing context, but having the capability
      won't hurt.
      * fix issue which caused test to hang on osx
      * only require that job errors are PartialEq when testing
      also fix polkadot-node-core-backing tests
      * get rid of any notion of partialeq
      * rethink testing
      Combine tests of starting and stopping job: leaving a test executor
      with a job running was pretty clearly the cause of the sometimes-hang.
      Also, add a timeout so tests _can't_ hang anymore; they just fail
      after a while.
      * rename fwd_errors -> forward_errors
      * warn on error propagation failure
      * fix unused import leftover from merge
      * derive eq for subsystemerror
  19. Jul 17, 2020
  20. Jul 08, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement PoV Distribution Subsystem (#1344) · b651e4af
      asynchronous rob authored
      * introduce candidatedescriptor type
      * add PoVDistribution message type
      * loosen bound on PoV Distribution to account for equivocations
      * re-export some types from the messages module
      * begin PoV Distribution subsystem
      * remove redundant index from PoV distribution
      * define state machine for pov distribution
      * handle overseer signals
      * set up control flow
      * remove `ValidatorStatement` section
      * implement PoV fetching
      * implement distribution logic
      * add missing `
      * implement some network bridge event handlers
      * stub for message processing, handle our view change
      * control flow for handling messages
      * handle `awaiting` message
      * handle any incoming PoVs and redistribute
      * actually provide a subsystem implementation
      * remove set-builder notation
      * begin testing PoV distribution
      * test that we send awaiting messages only to peers with same view
      * ensure we distribute awaited PoVs to peers on view changes
      * test that peers can complete fetch and are rewarded
      * test some reporting logic
      * ensure peer is reported for flooding
      * test punishing peers diverging from awaited protocol
      * test that we eagerly complete peers' awaited PoVs based on what we receive
      * test that we prune the awaited set after receiving
      * expand pov-distribution in guide to match a change I made
      * remove unneeded import
  21. Jun 30, 2020
    • asynchronous rob's avatar
      Implement Network Bridge (#1280) · eaae8653
      asynchronous rob authored
      * network bridge skeleton
      * move some primitives around and add debug impls
      * protocol registration glue & abstract network interface
      * add send_msgs to subsystemctx
      * select logic
      * transform different events into actions and handle
      * implement remaining network bridge state machine
      * start test skeleton
      * make network methods asynchronous
      * extract subsystem out to subsystem crate
      * port over overseer to subsystem context trait
      * fix minimal example
      * fix overseer doc test
      * update network-bridge crate
      * write a subsystem test-helpers crate
      * write a network test helper for network-bridge
      * set up (broken) view test
      * Revamp network to be more async-friendly and not require Sync
      * fix spacing
      * fix test compilation
      * insert side-channel for actions
      * Add some more message types to AllMessages
      * introduce a test harness
      * add some tests
      * ensure service compiles and passes tests
      * fix typo
      * fix service-new compilation
      * Subsystem test helpers send messages synchronously
      * remove smelly action inspector
      * remove superfluous let binding
      * fix warnings
      * Update node/network/bridge/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>
      * fix compilation
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPeter Goodspeed-Niklaus <[email protected]>