1. Jul 23, 2020
    • Bernhard Schuster's avatar
      implement bitfield distribution subsystem (#1368) · 08fcbda4
      Bernhard Schuster authored
      * feat bitfield distribution
      * feat bitfield distribution part 2
      * pair programming with rustc & cargo
      * lets go
      * move bitfield-distribution to the node/network folder
      * shape shifting
      * lunchtime
      * ignore the two fn recursion for now
      * step by step
      * triplesteps
      * bandaid commit
      * unordered futures magic
      * chore
      * reword markdown
      * clarify
      * lacks abortable processing impl details
      * slimify
      * fix: warnings and avoid ctx.clone() improve comments
      * review comments
      * fix details
      * make sure outgoing messages are tracked
      * fix name
      * fix subsystem
      * partial test impl
      * relax context bounds
      * test
      * X
      * X
      * initial test
      * fix relay_message not tracked when origin is self
      * fix/guide: grammar
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * work around missing Eq+PartialEq
      * fix: add missing message to provisioner
      * unify per_job to job_data
      * fix/review: part one
      * fix/review: more grumbles
      * fix/review: track incoming messages per peer
      * fix/review: extract fn, avoid nested matches
      * fix/review: more tests, simplify test
      * fix/review: extend tests to cover more cases
      * chore/rename: Tracker -> ProtocolState
      * chore check and comment rewording
      * feat test: invalid peer message
      * remove ignored test cases and unused macros
      * fix master merge fallout + warnings
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>