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// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! Polkadot service. Starts a thread that spins the network, the client and the transaction pool.
//! Manages communication between them.

extern crate futures;
extern crate ed25519;
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extern crate clap;
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extern crate exit_future;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
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extern crate polkadot_primitives;
extern crate polkadot_runtime;
extern crate polkadot_executor;
extern crate polkadot_api;
extern crate polkadot_consensus as consensus;
extern crate polkadot_transaction_pool as transaction_pool;
extern crate substrate_keystore as keystore;
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extern crate substrate_primitives as primitives;
extern crate substrate_runtime_primitives as runtime_primitives;
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extern crate substrate_network as network;
extern crate substrate_codec as codec;
extern crate substrate_executor;
extern crate substrate_state_machine as state_machine;
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extern crate substrate_client as client;
extern crate substrate_client_db as client_db;
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extern crate substrate_telemetry;
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extern crate error_chain;
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extern crate slog;	// needed until we can reexport `slog_info` from `substrate_telemetry`
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extern crate log;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate hex_literal;
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mod error;
mod config;
mod chain_spec;
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use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::prelude::*;
use transaction_pool::TransactionPool;
use keystore::Store as Keystore;
use polkadot_api::PolkadotApi;
use polkadot_primitives::{Block, BlockId, Hash};
use client::{Client, BlockchainEvents};
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use network::ManageNetwork;
use exit_future::Signal;
use polkadot_network::{NetworkService, PolkadotProtocol};
use tokio::runtime::TaskExecutor;
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pub use self::error::{ErrorKind, Error};
pub use self::components::{Components, FullComponents, LightComponents};
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pub use config::{Configuration, Role, PruningMode};
pub use chain_spec::ChainSpec;
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/// Polkadot service.
pub struct Service<Components: components::Components> {
	client: Arc<Client<Components::Backend, Components::Executor, Block>>,
	transaction_pool: Arc<TransactionPool<Components::Api>>,
	signal: Option<Signal>,
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	_consensus: Option<consensus::Service>,

/// Creates light client and register protocol with the network service
pub fn new_light(config: Configuration, executor: TaskExecutor) -> Result<Service<components::LightComponents>, error::Error> {
	Service::new(components::LightComponents, config, executor)

/// Creates full client and register protocol with the network service
pub fn new_full(config: Configuration, executor: TaskExecutor) -> Result<Service<components::FullComponents>, error::Error> {
	let is_validator = (config.roles & Role::AUTHORITY) == Role::AUTHORITY;
	Service::new(components::FullComponents { is_validator }, config, executor)
/// Creates bare client without any networking.
pub fn new_client(config: Configuration) -> Result<Arc<Client<
		<components::FullComponents as Components>::Backend,
		<components::FullComponents as Components>::Executor,
	let db_settings = client_db::DatabaseSettings {
		cache_size: None,
		path: config.database_path.into(),
		pruning: config.pruning,
	let executor = polkadot_executor::Executor::new();
	let is_validator = (config.roles & Role::AUTHORITY) == Role::AUTHORITY;
	let components = components::FullComponents { is_validator };
	let (client, _) = components.build_client(db_settings, executor, &config.chain_spec)?;

impl<Components> Service<Components>
		Components: components::Components,
		client::error::Error: From<<<<Components as components::Components>::Backend as client::backend::Backend<Block>>::State as state_machine::Backend>::Error>,
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	/// Creates and register protocol with the network service
	fn new(components: Components, config: Configuration, task_executor: TaskExecutor) -> Result<Self, error::Error> {
		let (signal, exit) = ::exit_future::signal();

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		// Create client
		let executor = polkadot_executor::Executor::new();
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		let mut keystore = Keystore::open(config.keystore_path.into())?;
		for seed in &config.keys {

		if keystore.contents()?.is_empty() {
			let key = keystore.generate("")?;
			info!("Generated a new keypair: {:?}", key.public());
		let db_settings = client_db::DatabaseSettings {
			cache_size: None,
			path: config.database_path.into(),
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			pruning: config.pruning,
		let (client, on_demand) = components.build_client(db_settings, executor, &config.chain_spec)?;
		let api = components.build_api(client.clone());
		let best_header = client.best_block_header()?;
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		info!("Best block: #{}", best_header.number);
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		telemetry!("node.start"; "height" => best_header.number, "best" => ?best_header.hash());
		let transaction_pool = Arc::new(TransactionPool::new(config.transaction_pool, api.clone()));
		let transaction_pool_adapter = components.build_network_tx_pool(client.clone(), transaction_pool.clone());
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		let network_params = network::Params {
			config: network::ProtocolConfig {
				roles: config.roles,
			chain: client.clone(),
			on_demand: on_demand.clone().map(|d| d as Arc<network::OnDemandService<Block>>),
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			transaction_pool: transaction_pool_adapter,
			specialization: PolkadotProtocol::new(),

		let network = network::Service::new(network_params, ::polkadot_network::DOT_PROTOCOL_ID)?;|on_demand| on_demand.set_service_link(Arc::downgrade(&network)));

			// block notifications
			let network = network.clone();
			let txpool = transaction_pool.clone();

			let events = client.import_notification_stream()
				.for_each(move |notification| {
					network.on_block_imported(notification.hash, &notification.header);
					prune_imported(&*txpool, notification.hash);
				.then(|_| Ok(()));
			// transaction notifications
			let network = network.clone();
			let events = transaction_pool.import_notification_stream()
				// TODO [ToDr] Consider throttling?
				.for_each(move |_| {
				.then(|_| Ok(()));

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		// Spin consensus service if configured
		let consensus_service = components.build_consensus(
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		Ok(Service {
			client: client,
			network: network,
			transaction_pool: transaction_pool,
			signal: Some(signal),
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			_consensus: consensus_service,

	/// Get shared client instance.
	pub fn client(&self) -> Arc<Client<Components::Backend, Components::Executor, Block>> {
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	/// Get shared network instance.
	pub fn network(&self) -> Arc<NetworkService> {
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	/// Get shared transaction pool instance.
	pub fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Arc<TransactionPool<Components::Api>> {
/// Produce a task which prunes any finalized transactions from the pool.
pub fn prune_imported<A>(pool: &TransactionPool<A>, hash: Hash)
	where A: PolkadotApi,
	let block = BlockId::hash(hash);
	if let Err(e) = pool.cull(block) {
		warn!("Culling error: {:?}", e);

	if let Err(e) = pool.retry_verification(block) {
		warn!("Re-verifying error: {:?}", e);
impl<Components> Drop for Service<Components> where Components: components::Components {
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	fn drop(&mut self) {
		debug!(target: "service", "Polkadot service shutdown");

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		if let Some(signal) = self.signal.take() {;