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// Copyright 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! The Statement Distribution Subsystem.
//! This is responsible for distributing signed statements about candidate
//! validity amongst validators.

use polkadot_subsystem::{
	Subsystem, SubsystemResult, SubsystemContext, SpawnedSubsystem,
	ActiveLeavesUpdate, FromOverseer, OverseerSignal,
		AllMessages, NetworkBridgeMessage, StatementDistributionMessage, CandidateBackingMessage,
		RuntimeApiMessage, RuntimeApiRequest,
use polkadot_node_subsystem_util::{
	metrics::{self, prometheus},
use node_primitives::SignedFullStatement;
use polkadot_primitives::v1::{
	Hash, CompactStatement, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorId, SigningContext, ValidatorSignature,
use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{
	v1 as protocol_v1, View, PeerId, ReputationChange as Rep, NetworkBridgeEvent,
use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
use indexmap::IndexSet;

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

const COST_UNEXPECTED_STATEMENT: Rep = Rep::new(-100, "Unexpected Statement");
const COST_INVALID_SIGNATURE: Rep = Rep::new(-500, "Invalid Statement Signature");
const COST_DUPLICATE_STATEMENT: Rep = Rep::new(-250, "Statement sent more than once by peer");
const COST_APPARENT_FLOOD: Rep = Rep::new(-1000, "Peer appears to be flooding us with statements");

const BENEFIT_VALID_STATEMENT: Rep = Rep::new(5, "Peer provided a valid statement");
	"Peer was the first to provide a valid statement",

/// The maximum amount of candidates each validator is allowed to second at any relay-parent.
/// Short for "Validator Candidate Threshold".
/// This is the amount of candidates we keep per validator at any relay-parent.
/// Typically we will only keep 1, but when a validator equivocates we will need to track 2.
const VC_THRESHOLD: usize = 2;

const LOG_TARGET: &str = "statement_distribution";

/// The statement distribution subsystem.
pub struct StatementDistribution {
	// Prometheus metrics
	metrics: Metrics,

impl<C> Subsystem<C> for StatementDistribution
	where C: SubsystemContext<Message=StatementDistributionMessage>
	fn start(self, ctx: C) -> SpawnedSubsystem {
		// Swallow error because failure is fatal to the node and we log with more precision
		// within `run`.
		SpawnedSubsystem {
			name: "statement-distribution-subsystem",
			future:|_| ()).boxed(),

/// Tracks our impression of a single peer's view of the candidates a validator has seconded
/// for a given relay-parent.
/// It is expected to receive at most `VC_THRESHOLD` from us and be aware of at most `VC_THRESHOLD`
/// via other means.
struct VcPerPeerTracker {
	local_observed: arrayvec::ArrayVec<[Hash; VC_THRESHOLD]>,
	remote_observed: arrayvec::ArrayVec<[Hash; VC_THRESHOLD]>,

impl VcPerPeerTracker {
	// Note that the remote should now be aware that a validator has seconded a given candidate (by hash)
	// based on a message that we have sent it from our local pool.
	fn note_local(&mut self, h: Hash) {
		if !note_hash(&mut self.local_observed, h) {
			log::warn!("Statement distribution is erroneously attempting to distribute more \
				than {} candidate(s) per validator index. Ignoring", VC_THRESHOLD);

	// Note that the remote should now be aware that a validator has seconded a given candidate (by hash)
	// based on a message that it has sent us.
	// Returns `true` if the peer was allowed to send us such a message, `false` otherwise.
	fn note_remote(&mut self, h: Hash) -> bool {
		note_hash(&mut self.remote_observed, h)

fn note_hash(
	observed: &mut arrayvec::ArrayVec<[Hash; VC_THRESHOLD]>,
	h: Hash,
) -> bool {
	if observed.contains(&h) { return true; }


/// knowledge that a peer has about goings-on in a relay parent.
struct PeerRelayParentKnowledge {
	/// candidates that the peer is aware of. This indicates that we can
	/// send other statements pertaining to that candidate.
	known_candidates: HashSet<Hash>,
	/// fingerprints of all statements a peer should be aware of: those that
	/// were sent to the peer by us.
	sent_statements: HashSet<(CompactStatement, ValidatorIndex)>,
	/// fingerprints of all statements a peer should be aware of: those that
	/// were sent to us by the peer.
	received_statements: HashSet<(CompactStatement, ValidatorIndex)>,
	/// How many candidates this peer is aware of for each given validator index.
	seconded_counts: HashMap<ValidatorIndex, VcPerPeerTracker>,
	/// How many statements we've received for each candidate that we're aware of.
	received_message_count: HashMap<Hash, usize>,

impl PeerRelayParentKnowledge {
	/// Attempt to update our view of the peer's knowledge with this statement's fingerprint based
	/// on something that we would like to send to the peer.
	/// This returns `None` if the peer cannot accept this statement, without altering internal
	/// state.
	/// If the peer can accept the statement, this returns `Some` and updates the internal state.
	/// Once the knowledge has incorporated a statement, it cannot be incorporated again.
	/// This returns `Some(true)` if this is the first time the peer has become aware of a
	/// candidate with the given hash.
	fn send(&mut self, fingerprint: &(CompactStatement, ValidatorIndex)) -> Option<bool> {
		let already_known = self.sent_statements.contains(fingerprint)
			|| self.received_statements.contains(fingerprint);

		if already_known {
			return None;

		let new_known = match fingerprint.0 {
			CompactStatement::Candidate(ref h) => {

			CompactStatement::Valid(ref h) | CompactStatement::Invalid(ref h) => {
				// The peer can only accept Valid and Invalid statements for which it is aware
				// of the corresponding candidate.
				if !self.known_candidates.contains(h) {
					return None;




	/// Attempt to update our view of the peer's knowledge with this statement's fingerprint based on
	/// a message we are receiving from the peer.
	/// Provide the maximum message count that we can receive per candidate. In practice we should
	/// not receive more statements for any one candidate than there are members in the group assigned
	/// to that para, but this maximum needs to be lenient to account for equivocations that may be
	/// cross-group. As such, a maximum of 2 * n_validators is recommended.
	/// This returns an error if the peer should not have sent us this message according to protocol
	/// rules for flood protection.
	/// If this returns `Ok`, the internal state has been altered. After `receive`ing a new
	/// candidate, we are then cleared to send the peer further statements about that candidate.
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