1. Aug 31, 2020
  2. Aug 21, 2020
  3. Aug 20, 2020
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      prepping for releasing rc6 (#6922) · be8bb186
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Bump version
      * update test-utils crates to be ready for publishing
      * adding changelog
      * Adding automaticly generated READMEs
      * fixing versions
      * another version mishap
      2 tags
    • Web3 Philosopher's avatar
      Merge Subkey into sc-cli (#4954) · 6e098a10
      Web3 Philosopher authored
      * draft
      * revert
      * WIP
      * all that remains is tests
      * update Cargo.lock
      * tests WIP
      * WIP refactor node-template-runtime and node-runtime
      * implments sc_cli::RuntimeAdapter for node_template_runtime::Runtime
      * final draft
      * fix update_config for subcommands
      * proper AccountId decoding
      * test-runtime tests
      * revert
      * move RuntimeAdapter to cli-utils
      * use &'static str for TryFrom::<&'a str>::Error for Ss58AddressFormat
      * tests
      * add frame-system to sc-cli dev-dependencies
      * add frame-system to sc-cli dev-dependencies
      * fix ui test
      * wip
      * fixed inspect test
      * bump impl version
      * bump impl version, fixx spaces remove todos
      * pallet-balances-cli, rustc for some reason cannot resolve pallet_balances_cli in node-cli 😩
      * wip
      * Subcommand::run takes &self
      * can't believe i missed that 🤦🏾‍♂️
      * bump wasm-bindgen for some reason
      * adds key subcommand, rename generate-node-key to generate-node-id
      * cargo update and crossed fingers 🤞🏽
      * update ui test
      * update more ui tests
      * should be all good now
      * revert subkey change
      * revert subkey change
      * adds frame-utilities-cli
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      * removes frame from sc-cli, fix license
      * my editor and ci disagrees on line width
      * bump spec version
      * turn off default features for parity-scale-codec
      * enable full_crypto feature for sp-core in cli-utils
      * merge frame-utilities-cli with pallet-balances-cli
      * remove full_crypto feature from sp_core in cli-utils
      * bump Cargo.lock
      * cli-utils -> frame-utils
      * rename BlockNumber to GenericNumber, fix spaces
      * fix spaces
      * construct additional_signed manually
      * sign test
      * remove unused vars
      * implement subkey with frame-utilities-cli and sc_cli
      * fix moduleid test
      * CI and clion disagree on line widths
      * adds associated Params type to SignedExtensionProvider
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      * move some code around
      * removes unneccesary generic params
      * moves module_id back to frame_utilities_cli
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * remove print_ext
      * remove MaybeDisplay from pallet_balances::Trait::Balance
      * a lot of stuff tbh
      * adds ExtrasParamsBuilder
      * remove tests for ModuleIdCmd
      * address comments from PR
      * bump Cargo.lock
      * manually insert key into keystore
      * remove unnecessary SharedParams
      * add validation to vanity pattern, remove unused arg
      * remove SharedParams from Sign, Vanity, Verify
      * remove SharedParams from ModuleIdCmd, remove expect from Verify, new line to Cargo.toml
      * remove SharedParams from InsertCmd
      * 🤦🏾
      * deleted prometheus.yml
      * move a few things around
      * fix vanity test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
  4. Aug 17, 2020
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      babe, aura, pow: only call check_inherents if authoring version is compatible (#6862) · 488b7c72
      Wei Tang authored
      * pow: check can_author_with before calling check_inherents
      * babe: check can_author_with before calling check_inherents
      * aura: check can_author_with before calling check_inherents
      * Fix node and node template compile
      * Add missing comma
      * Put each parameter on its own line
      * Add debug print
      * Fix line width too long
      * Fix pow line width issue
  5. Aug 15, 2020
  6. Aug 12, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/authority-discovery: Introduce AuthorityDiscoveryService (#6760) · 473a23f4
      Max Inden authored
      * client/authority-discovery: Rename AuthorityDiscovery to XXXWorker
      * client/authority-discovery: Introduce AuthorityDiscoveryService
      Add a basic `AuthorityDiscoveryService` implementation which enables
      callers to get the addresses for a given `AuthorityId` from the local
      * client/authority-discovery: Split into worker and service mod
      Move `Service` and `Worker` to their own Rust modules resulting in the
      following file structure.
      ├── build.rs
      ├── Cargo.toml
      └── src
          ├── error.rs
          ├── lib.rs
          ├── service.rs
          ├── tests.rs
          ├── worker
          │   ├── addr_cache.rs
          │   ├── schema
          │   │   └── dht.proto
          │   └── tests.rs
          └── worker.rs
      * client/authority-discovery: Cache PeerId -> AuthorityId mapping
      * client/authority-discovery: Update priority group on interval
      Instead of updating the authority discovery peerset priority group each
      time a new DHT value is found, update it regularly on an interval.
      This removes the need for deterministic random selection. Instead of
      trying to return a random stable set of `Multiaddr`s, the `AddrCache`
      now returns a random set on each call.
      * client/authority-discovery: Implement Service::get_authority_id
      * client/authority-discovery: Use HashMap instead of BTreeMap
      * client/authority-discovery: Rework priority group interval
      * client/authority-discovery: Fix comment
      * bin/node/cli: Update authority discovery constructor
      * client/authority-discovery: Fuse from_service receiver
      * client/authority-discovery: Remove Rng import
      * client/authority-discovery: Ignore Multiaddr without PeerId
      * client/authority-discovery/service: Add note on returned None
      * client/authority-discovery/addr_cache: Replace double clone with deref
    • mattrutherford's avatar
      Implement tracing::Event handling & parent_id for spans and events (#6672) · 0c3cdf16
      mattrutherford authored
      * implement events handling, implement parent_id for spans & events
      * add events to sp_io::storage
      * update test
      * add tests
      * adjust limit
      * let tracing crate handle parent_ids
      * re-enable current-id tracking
      * add test for threads with CurrentSpan
      * fix log level
      * remove redundant check for non wasm traces
      * remove duplicate definition in test
      * Adding conditional events API
      * prefer explicit parent_id over current,
      enhance test
      * limit changes to client::tracing event implementation
      * remove From impl due to fallback required on parent_id
      * implement SPAN_LIMIT
      change event log output
      * change version of tracing-core
      * update dependancies
      * revert limit
      * remove duplicate dependency
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMatt Rutherford <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
  7. Aug 10, 2020
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Add Subscription RPC for Grandpa Finality (#5732) · eb0e05e1
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Rough skeleton for what I think the RPC should look like
      * Create channel for sending justifications
      Sends finalized header and justification from Grandpa to the
      client. This lays the groundwork for hooking into the RPC module.
      * WIP: Add subscribers for justifications to Grandpa
      Adds the Sender end of a channel into Grandpa, through which notifications
      about block finality events can be sent.
      * WIP: Add a struct for managing subscriptions
      Slightly different approach from the last commit, but same
      basic idea. Still a rough sketch, very much doesn't compile yet.
      * Make naming more clear and lock data in Arc
      * Rough idea of what RPC would look like
      * Remove code from previous approach
      * Missed some things
      * Update client/rpc-api/src/chain/mod.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Update client/rpc-api/src/chain/mod.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Split justification subscription into sender and receiver halves
      * Replace RwLock with a Mutex
      * Add sample usage from the Service's point of view
      * Remove code that referred to "chain_" RPC
      * Use the Justification sender/receivers from Grandpa LinkHalf
      * Add some PubSub boilerplate
      * Add guiding comments
      * TMP: comment out to fix compilation
      * Return MetaIoHandler from PubSubHandler in create_full
      * Uncomment pubsub methods in rpc handler (fails to build)
      * node/rpc: make Metadata concrete in create_full to fix compilation
      * node: pass in SubscriptionManger to grandpa rpc handler
      * grandpa-rpc: use SubscriptionManger to add subscriber
      * grandpa-rpc: attempt at setting up the justification stream (fails to build)
      * grandpa-rpc: fix compilation of connecting stream to sink
      * grandpa-rpc: implement unsubscribe
      * grandpa-rpc: update older tests
      * grandpa-rpc: add full prefix to avoid confusing rust-analyzer
      * grandpa-rpc: add test for pubsub not available
      * grandpa-rpc: tidy up leftover code
      * grandpa-rpc: add test for sub and unsub of justifications
      * grandpa-rpc: minor stylistic changes
      * grandpa-rpc: split unit test
      * grandpa-rpc: minor stylistic changes in test
      * grandpa-rpc: skip returning future when cancelling
      * grandpa-rpc: reuse testing executor from sc-rpc
      * grandpa-rpc: don't need to use PubSubHandler in tests
      * node-rpc: use MetaIoHandler rather than PubSubHandler
      * grandpa: log if getting header failed
      * grandpa: move justification channel creation into factory function
      * grandpa: make the justification sender optional
      * grandpa: fix compilation warnings
      * grandpa: move justification notification types to new file
      * grandpa-rpc: move JustificationNotification to grandpa-rpc
      * grandpa-rpc: move JustificationNotification to its own file
      * grandpa: rename justification channel pairs
      * grandpa: rename notifier types
      * grandpa: pass justification as GrandpaJustification to the rpc module
      * Move Metadata to sc-rpc-api
      * grandpa-rpc: remove unsed error code
      * grandpa: fix bug for checking if channel is closed before sendind
      * grandpa-rpc: unit test for sending justifications
      * grandpa-rpc: update comments for the pubsub test
      * grandpa-rpc: update pubsub tests with more steps
      * grandpa-rpc: fix pubsub test
      * grandpa-rpc: minor indendation
      * grandpa-rpc: decode instead of encode in test
      * grandpa: fix review comments
      * grandpa: remove unused serde dependency
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJon Häggblad <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
    • Joshy Orndorff's avatar
      Update pinned wasm-bindgen dependency (#6861) · 6f31766f
      Joshy Orndorff authored
      * Update dependency.
      * Update readme docs
      * update python webserver command
  8. Aug 07, 2020
  9. Aug 06, 2020
  10. Aug 05, 2020
  11. Jul 30, 2020
  12. Jul 28, 2020
  13. Jul 26, 2020
  14. Jul 22, 2020
    • Wei Tang's avatar
      Better handling of stable-only build (#6569) · 17922fe4
      Wei Tang authored
      * Better handling of stable-only build
      * Fix node template build
      * Fix wasm builder node-template version mismatch
      * Fix load_spec error
      * Add , in parameter
      * Add descrptive panic messages in tests
      * Add descriptive tests in node/executor benches
      * Fix missing compact_code_unwrap
      * Add missing wasm_binary_unwrap function for executor integration test
      * Only define import_sp_io in no_std
      * Small Cargo.toml styling fix
      * Bump wasm-builder to 2.0.0
      * Fix all `with_wasm_builder_from_crates` version in Substrate
      * Use `with_wasm_builder_from_crates` for node-template
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
    • Ashley's avatar
      Remove the service builder (#6557) · 08c3d65c
      Ashley authored
      * :)
      * Slight tidy
      * Remove ServiceBuilderCommand
      * Remove whitespace
      * Keep task manager alive for check_block/import_blocks
      * Pass task_manager to run_until_exit
      * WIP
      * WIP
      * Get rid of the macros
      * Simplify a few chain components creation APIs related to the service
      * Fix basic-authorship doc tests
      * Remove DefaultQueue
      * Update client/service/src/builder.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      * Move ExecutionExtensions comment around
      * Remove unused BlakeTwo256
      * Add sc-prelude
      * Rename sc-prelude to sc-service-prelude
      * Rename to sc-service-types
      * Improve service types
      * Fix line widths
      * Remove sc-service-types and move type definitions to crates
      * Update bin/node-template/node/src/service.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSeun Lanlege <[email protected]>
      * Add TLightClientWithHash
      * Rework types
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSeun Lanlege <[email protected]>
    • ddorgan's avatar
      Reset flaming fir network (#6703) · a3ecfbb2
      ddorgan authored
  15. Jul 21, 2020
  16. Jul 17, 2020
  17. Jul 09, 2020
  18. Jul 08, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Improve transaction submission (#6599) · d076f470
      Bastian Köcher authored
      * Improve transaction submission
      Before this pr the transaction pool validated each transaction, even if
      the transaction was already known to the pool. This pr changes the
      behavior to first check if we are already aware of a transaction and
      thus, to only validate them if we don't know them yet. However, there is
      still the possibility that a given transaction is validated multiple
      times. This can happen if the transaction is added the first time, but
      is not yet validated and added to the validated pool.
      Besides that, this pr fixes the wrong metrics of gossiped transactions
      in the network. It also moves some metrics to the transaction pool api,
      to better track when a transaction actually is scheduled for validation.
      * Make sure we don't submit the same transaction twice from the network concurrently
      * Remove added listener call
      * Feedback
      * Ignore banned on resubmit
  19. Jul 04, 2020
    • André Silva's avatar
      babe: report equivocations (#6362) · 18334ee1
      André Silva authored
      * slots: create primitives crate for consensus slots
      * offences: add method to check if an offence is unknown
      * babe: initial equivocation reporting implementation
      * babe: organize imports
      * babe: working equivocation reporting
      * babe: add slot number to equivocation proof
      * session: move duplicate traits to session primitives
      * babe: move equivocation stuff to its own file
      * offences: fix test
      * session: don't have primitives depend on frame_support
      * babe: use opaque type for key owner proof
      * babe: cleanup client equivocation reporting
      * babe: cleanup equivocation code in pallet
      * babe: allow sending signed equivocation reports
      * node: fix compilation
      * fix test compilation
      * babe: return bool on check_equivocation_proof
      * babe: add test for equivocation reporting
      * babe: add more tests
      * babe: add test for validate unsigned
      * babe: take slot number in generate_key_ownership_proof API
      * babe: add benchmark for equivocation proof checking
      * session: add benchmark for membership proof checking
      * offences: fix babe benchmark
      * babe: add weights based on benchmark results
      * babe: adjust weights after benchmarking on reference hardware
      * babe: reorder checks in check_and_report_equivocation
  20. Jul 02, 2020
  21. Jun 30, 2020
    • Ashley's avatar
      Remove the service, replacing it with a struct of individual chain components (#6352) · ec2ab797
      Ashley authored
      * WIP
      * Making progress
      * Almost ready
      * Get service tests compiling
      * Fix node screenshot
      * Line widths
      * Fix node cli tests
      * Fix node cli warning
      * ChainComponents -> ServiceComponents, fix tests
      * make spawn_handle public
      * Remove spawnnamed impl for taskmanager
      * Move the keep alive stuff to the task manager
      * Move the telemetry, base path, rpc keep_alive to the service builder
      * Make the task manager keep alive an internal detail
      * Rewrite the browser start_client future
      * Remove run_node etc
      * Revert my personal changes to browser-demo/build.sh
      * use |config|
      * Add a runtime_version function to SubstrateCli
      * Reexport role and runtime version from sc cli
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * runtime_version -> native_runtime_version
      * Pass chain spec to native_runtime_version for polkadot
      * Fix line widths
      * Traitify ServiceComponents Client
  22. Jun 26, 2020
  23. Jun 25, 2020
  24. Jun 21, 2020
  25. Jun 19, 2020
  26. Jun 16, 2020
  27. Jun 11, 2020
  28. Jun 10, 2020
  29. Jun 09, 2020
  30. Jun 08, 2020