1. Aug 19, 2020
  2. Aug 18, 2020
    • Roman Borschel's avatar
      Add support for sourced metrics. (#6895) · f8c83bd5
      Roman Borschel authored
      * Add support for sourced metrics.
      A sourced metric is a metric that obtains its values
      from an existing source, rather than the values being
      independently recorded. It thus allows collecting
      metrics from existing counters or gauges without
      having to duplicate them in a dedicated prometheus
      counter or gauge (and hence another atomic value).
      The first use-case is to feed the bandwidth counters
      from libp2p directly into prometheus.
      * Tabs, not spaces.
      * Tweak bandwidth counter registration.
      * Add debug assertion for variable labels and values.
      * Document monotonicity requirement for sourced counters.
      * CI
      * Update client/network/src/service.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
  3. Aug 17, 2020
  4. Aug 15, 2020
  5. Aug 14, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/authority-discovery: Revert query interval change (#6897) · eec7d713
      Max Inden authored
      Revert the accidental query interval change from every one minute back
      to every 10 minutes.
    • Roman Borschel's avatar
      Update to libp2p-0.23. (#6870) · 13b0650c
      Roman Borschel authored
      * Update to libp2p-0.23.
      Thereby incorporate bandwidth measurement along the
      lines previously done by libp2p itself.
      * Tweak dependencies for wasm32 compilation.
      For wasm32 we need to enable unstable features to
      make `task::Builder::local` available.
      * Simplify dependencies.
      * Simplify.
      Leave the calculation of bytes sent/received per second
      to the outer layers of the code, subject to their own
      individual update intervals.
      * Cleanup
      * Re-add lost dev dependency.
      * Avoid division by zero.
      * Remove redundant metric.
      * Enable sending of noise legacy handshakes.
      * Add comment about monotonic gauge.
      * CI
  6. Aug 13, 2020
  7. Aug 12, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/authority-discovery: Introduce AuthorityDiscoveryService (#6760) · 473a23f4
      Max Inden authored
      * client/authority-discovery: Rename AuthorityDiscovery to XXXWorker
      * client/authority-discovery: Introduce AuthorityDiscoveryService
      Add a basic `AuthorityDiscoveryService` implementation which enables
      callers to get the addresses for a given `AuthorityId` from the local
      * client/authority-discovery: Split into worker and service mod
      Move `Service` and `Worker` to their own Rust modules resulting in the
      following file structure.
      ├── build.rs
      ├── Cargo.toml
      └── src
          ├── error.rs
          ├── lib.rs
          ├── service.rs
          ├── tests.rs
          ├── worker
          │   ├── addr_cache.rs
          │   ├── schema
          │   │   └── dht.proto
          │   └── tests.rs
          └── worker.rs
      * client/authority-discovery: Cache PeerId -> AuthorityId mapping
      * client/authority-discovery: Update priority group on interval
      Instead of updating the authority discovery peerset priority group each
      time a new DHT value is found, update it regularly on an interval.
      This removes the need for deterministic random selection. Instead of
      trying to return a random stable set of `Multiaddr`s, the `AddrCache`
      now returns a random set on each call.
      * client/authority-discovery: Implement Service::get_authority_id
      * client/authority-discovery: Use HashMap instead of BTreeMap
      * client/authority-discovery: Rework priority group interval
      * client/authority-discovery: Fix comment
      * bin/node/cli: Update authority discovery constructor
      * client/authority-discovery: Fuse from_service receiver
      * client/authority-discovery: Remove Rng import
      * client/authority-discovery: Ignore Multiaddr without PeerId
      * client/authority-discovery/service: Add note on returned None
      * client/authority-discovery/addr_cache: Replace double clone with deref
    • mattrutherford's avatar
      Implement tracing::Event handling & parent_id for spans and events (#6672) · 0c3cdf16
      mattrutherford authored
      * implement events handling, implement parent_id for spans & events
      * add events to sp_io::storage
      * update test
      * add tests
      * adjust limit
      * let tracing crate handle parent_ids
      * re-enable current-id tracking
      * add test for threads with CurrentSpan
      * fix log level
      * remove redundant check for non wasm traces
      * remove duplicate definition in test
      * Adding conditional events API
      * prefer explicit parent_id over current,
      enhance test
      * limit changes to client::tracing event implementation
      * remove From impl due to fallback required on parent_id
      * implement SPAN_LIMIT
      change event log output
      * change version of tracing-core
      * update dependancies
      * revert limit
      * remove duplicate dependency
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMatt Rutherford <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Add a warning if users pass --sentry or --sentry-nodes (#6779) · f6d66db4
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Add a warning if users pass --sentry or --sentry-nodes
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      * Fix text
      Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
  8. Aug 11, 2020
  9. Aug 10, 2020
    • André Silva's avatar
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Add Subscription RPC for Grandpa Finality (#5732) · eb0e05e1
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Rough skeleton for what I think the RPC should look like
      * Create channel for sending justifications
      Sends finalized header and justification from Grandpa to the
      client. This lays the groundwork for hooking into the RPC module.
      * WIP: Add subscribers for justifications to Grandpa
      Adds the Sender end of a channel into Grandpa, through which notifications
      about block finality events can be sent.
      * WIP: Add a struct for managing subscriptions
      Slightly different approach from the last commit, but same
      basic idea. Still a rough sketch, very much doesn't compile yet.
      * Make naming more clear and lock data in Arc
      * Rough idea of what RPC would look like
      * Remove code from previous approach
      * Missed some things
      * Update client/rpc-api/src/chain/mod.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Update client/rpc-api/src/chain/mod.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * Split justification subscription into sender and receiver halves
      * Replace RwLock with a Mutex
      * Add sample usage from the Service's point of view
      * Remove code that referred to "chain_" RPC
      * Use the Justification sender/receivers from Grandpa LinkHalf
      * Add some PubSub boilerplate
      * Add guiding comments
      * TMP: comment out to fix compilation
      * Return MetaIoHandler from PubSubHandler in create_full
      * Uncomment pubsub methods in rpc handler (fails to build)
      * node/rpc: make Metadata concrete in create_full to fix compilation
      * node: pass in SubscriptionManger to grandpa rpc handler
      * grandpa-rpc: use SubscriptionManger to add subscriber
      * grandpa-rpc: attempt at setting up the justification stream (fails to build)
      * grandpa-rpc: fix compilation of connecting stream to sink
      * grandpa-rpc: implement unsubscribe
      * grandpa-rpc: update older tests
      * grandpa-rpc: add full prefix to avoid confusing rust-analyzer
      * grandpa-rpc: add test for pubsub not available
      * grandpa-rpc: tidy up leftover code
      * grandpa-rpc: add test for sub and unsub of justifications
      * grandpa-rpc: minor stylistic changes
      * grandpa-rpc: split unit test
      * grandpa-rpc: minor stylistic changes in test
      * grandpa-rpc: skip returning future when cancelling
      * grandpa-rpc: reuse testing executor from sc-rpc
      * grandpa-rpc: don't need to use PubSubHandler in tests
      * node-rpc: use MetaIoHandler rather than PubSubHandler
      * grandpa: log if getting header failed
      * grandpa: move justification channel creation into factory function
      * grandpa: make the justification sender optional
      * grandpa: fix compilation warnings
      * grandpa: move justification notification types to new file
      * grandpa-rpc: move JustificationNotification to grandpa-rpc
      * grandpa-rpc: move JustificationNotification to its own file
      * grandpa: rename justification channel pairs
      * grandpa: rename notifier types
      * grandpa: pass justification as GrandpaJustification to the rpc module
      * Move Metadata to sc-rpc-api
      * grandpa-rpc: remove unsed error code
      * grandpa: fix bug for checking if channel is closed before sendind
      * grandpa-rpc: unit test for sending justifications
      * grandpa-rpc: update comments for the pubsub test
      * grandpa-rpc: update pubsub tests with more steps
      * grandpa-rpc: fix pubsub test
      * grandpa-rpc: minor indendation
      * grandpa-rpc: decode instead of encode in test
      * grandpa: fix review comments
      * grandpa: remove unused serde dependency
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJon Häggblad <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
  10. Aug 07, 2020
  11. Aug 06, 2020
  12. Aug 05, 2020
  13. Aug 03, 2020
  14. Jul 31, 2020
  15. Jul 30, 2020