1. Jan 30, 2020
    • Cecile Tonglet's avatar
      CLI API refactoring and improvement (#4692) · 26e37ff6
      Cecile Tonglet authored
      It changes the way we extended the CLI functionalities of substrate to allow more flexibility. (If this was not clear, here is another version: it changes the `sc_cli` API to allow more flexibility).
      This touches a few important things:
       - the startup of the async task with tokei:
          This was in node and node-template and I moved it to substrate. The idea is to have 1 time the code that handles unix signals (SIGTERM and SIGINT) properly. It is however possible to make this more generic to wait for a future instead and provide only a helper for the basic handling of SIGTERM and SIGINT.
       - increased the version of structopt and tokei
       - no more use of structopt internal's API
       - less use of generics
      Related to #4643 and https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/pull/42: the implementation of "into_configuration" and "get_config" are similar but with better flexibility so it is now possible in cumulus to have the command-line arguments only of the run command for polkadot if we want
      Related to https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/issues/24 and https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/issues/34 : it will now be possible to make a configuration struct for polkadot with some overrides of the default parameters much more easily.
  2. Jan 29, 2020
  3. Jan 28, 2020
  4. Jan 27, 2020
  5. Jan 25, 2020
  6. Jan 24, 2020
  7. Jan 23, 2020
  8. Jan 22, 2020
  9. Jan 21, 2020
  10. Jan 20, 2020
  11. Jan 17, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/finality-grandpa: Reintegrate gossip validator report stream (#4661) · f0c18520
      Max Inden authored
      * client/finality-grandpa: Reintegrate gossip validator report stream
      The `finality-grandpa` `GossipValidator` is called by the `GossipEngine`
      in a synchronous fashion on each gossip message. Its main task is to
      decide whether to gossip the given message on, or whether to drop it.
      In addition it also updates the reputation of a node's peers based on
      the incoming gossip messages. To do so it needs to be able to report the
      reputation change which it does through an unbounded channel (in order
      to stay synchronous).
      Previously the receiving side of this channel would be handled by a new
      task, polling the channel and forwarding the changes to a clone of the
      `GossipEngine` that it would own.
      Instead the receiver of the above mentioned channel is now being polled
      by the `NetworkBridge` within its `Future::poll` implementation.
      Reputation changes are reported through the already existing
      `GossipEngine` instance within `NetworkBridge`.
      For details on the overall goal, see d4fbb897.
      * client/finality-grandpa: Remove exit future from test NetworkBridges
    • Nikolay Volf's avatar
      add missing bits (#4660) · 10bebed2
      Nikolay Volf authored
    • André Silva's avatar