1. Aug 28, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/*: Treat protocol name as str and not [u8] (#6967) · beb74f49
      Max Inden authored
      * client/*: Treat protocol name as str and not [u8]
      Notification protocol names are in practice always valid utf8 strings.
      Instead of treating them as such in the type system, thus far they were
      casted to a [u8] at creation time.
      With this commit protocol names are instead treated as valid utf8
      strings throughout the codebase and passed as `Cow<'static, str>`
      instead of `Cow<'static, [u8]>`. Among other things this eliminates the
      need for string casting when logging.
      * client/network: Don't allocate when protocol name is borrowed
  2. Jul 21, 2020
  3. May 20, 2020
  4. May 18, 2020
  5. May 15, 2020
  6. Apr 23, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/network-gossip/state_machine: Reduce indentation level (#5714) · b08804b9
      Max Inden authored
      * client/network-gossip/src/state_machine: Add unit test for on_incoming
      Add two unit tests to ensure `on_incoming` is ingoring discarded
      messages and reports and ignores messages from unknown peers.
      * client/network-gossip/state_machine: Reduce indentation level
      * client/network-gossip/bridge: Remove unnecessary into_iter
      * client/network-gossip/state_machine: Report success after register check
      * client/network-gossip/state_machine: Error not report on unregistered
      `peers` contains all the peers we're connected to. If we receive a
      message from a peer not in this list, that means there's an internal
      problem within the local client. It's not the fault of the peer in
      With the above in mind instead of reducing the reputation of such peer,
      log an error.
  7. Apr 20, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/network-gossip: Move sink IO outside of state_machine (#5669) · 99adaeb0
      Max Inden authored
      * client/network-gossip: Move sink IO outside of state_machine
      `ConsensusGossip` is supposed to be a deterministic state machine.
      `GossipEngine` wrapping `ConsensusGossip` should handle IO operations.
      This commit moves the `message_sink` IO operations to `GossipEngine`.
      More specifically on incoming messages a `GossipEngine` calls
      `ConsensusGossip::on_incoming` to validate and register the messages.
      `ConsensusGossip` returns the valid messages which are then forwarded by
      `GossipEngine` to the upper layer via the `message_sinks`.
      * client/network-gossip: Adjust and extend tests
      * Update client/network-gossip/src/bridge.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
  8. Apr 13, 2020
  9. Apr 04, 2020
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Additional Metrics collected and exposed via prometheus (#5414) · 8991aab9
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      This PR refactors the metrics measuring and Prometheus exposing entity in sc-service into its own submodule and extends the parameters it exposes by:
      - system load average (over one, five and 15min)
      - the TCP connection state of the process (lsof), refs #5304
      - number of tokio threads
      - number of known forks
      - counter for items in each unbounded queue (with internal unbounded channels)
      - number of file descriptors opened by this process (*nix only at this point)
      - number of system threads (*nix only at this point)
      refs #4679
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMax Inden <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAshley <[email protected]>
  10. Apr 03, 2020
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Split the Roles in three types (#5520) · 525cb7a1
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Split the Roles bitfield in three
      * Forgot to include some changes
      * Fix cli test
      * More test fixes
      * Oh God, merging master broke other tests
      * Didn't run the doctests
      * Address review
      * I'm trying to fix the build blindly because it's taking a good hour to compile on my machine
      * Address some review
      * Also update the peerset's API to make sense
      * Fix peerset tests
      * Fix browser node
      * client: distinguish between local and network authority
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
  11. Mar 23, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/network-gossip/state_machine: Fix log message (#5350) · 682ff1f9
      Max Inden authored
      A gossip validator returns `ValidationResult::Discard` for messages that
      should not be processed nor kept due to not being useful for the node.
      Examples are out-of-scope messages or messages with bad signatures. The
      corresponding log message did not reflect this, thus the update through
      this patch.
      One caveat is a finality grandpa neighbor packet. Given that the concept
      of neighbor packets is handled in the finality grandpa gossip validator
      only, valid neighbor packets are always discarded on the
      `client/network-gossip` layer.
  12. Mar 21, 2020
  13. Mar 20, 2020
  14. Mar 06, 2020
  15. Mar 02, 2020
  16. Feb 17, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Fix various spelling errors (#4940) · db1ab7d1
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * meaningfull -> meaningful
      * initialise -> initialize
      * tokans -> tokens
      * incentivise -> incentivize
      * lenght -> length
      * incentivisation -> incentivization
      * doesnt't -> doesn't
      * overwriten -> overwritten
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * usefull -> useful
      * noone -> no one
      * spaming -> spamming
      * defered -> deferred
      * hieght -> height
      * sumation -> summation
      * ingore -> ignore
      * registed -> registered
      * Auxialary -> Auxiliary
      * loggin -> logging
      * independance -> independence
      * trailling -> trailing
      * responsability -> responsibility
      * trunkated -> truncated
      * Weither -> Whether
      * informations -> information
      * Runtume -> Runtime
      * choosen -> chosen
      * delcataion -> declaration
      * Unchekced -> Unchecked
      * defintion -> definition
      * scrach -> scratch
      * imput -> input
      * transfered -> transferred
      * endownment -> endowment
      * Determinator -> Determiner
      * relevent -> relevant
      * emited -> emitted
      * acocunt -> account
      * proprotional -> proportional
      * instantiaion -> instantiation
      * commited -> committed
      * tombstonedead -> tombstone
      * uwnrap -> unwrap
      * acount -> account
      * specialised -> specialized
      * existant -> existent
      * requried -> required
      * Anull -> Annul
      * underyling -> underlying
      * recognisable -> recognizable
      * Capitalise -> Capitalize
      * reportfor -> report for
      * hearbeat -> heartbeat
      * onlineness -> being online
      * creater -> creator
      * Bytearray -> Byte array
      * Despoit -> Deposit
      * substratced -> subtracted
      * Curent -> Current
      * imbalanes -> imbalances
      * countfown -> countdown
      * inexisting -> inexistent
      * additionaly -> additionally
      * substracted -> subtracted
      * auxilary -> auxiliary
      * parital -> partial
      * in't -> isn't
      * compatability -> compatibility
      * infomation -> information
      * etected -> detected
      * extrinsiscs -> extrinsics
      * reprensentation -> representation
      * coonfiguration -> configuration
      * primtives -> primitives
      * miscelanious -> miscellaneous
      * endcoded -> encoded
      * Genrates -> Generates
      * miliseconds -> milliseconds
      * occured -> occurred
      * trully -> truely
      * truely -> truly
      * conjuction -> conjunction
      * encouters -> encounters
      * customised -> customized
      * deterministicly -> deterministically
      * finalisation -> finalization
      * pluggable -> plugable
      * wakeup -> wake-up
      * interemdiate -> intermediate
      * intepreting -> interpreting
      * finalzied -> finalized
      * throgh -> through
      * extinsic -> extrinsic
      * convient -> convenient
      * allocater -> allocator
      * propagateable -> propagatable
      * succesfuly -> successfully
      * finalising -> finalizing
      * publically -> publicly
      * phrasee -> phrase
      * substration -> substractions
      * substractions -> subtractions
      * neccessarily -> necessarily
      * Inlucde -> Include
      * unefficient -> inefficient
      * thay -> they
      * funtion -> function
      * datastructures -> data structures
      * infromation -> information
      * propagatable -> propagable
      * ecountered -> encountered
      * recognise -> recognize
      * intergration -> integration
      * lastet -> latest
      * datatypes -> data types
      * datatype -> data type
      * Strongarming -> Strong Arming
      * avaible -> available
      * Commiting -> Committing
      * Retreiving -> Retrieving
      * shoud -> should
      * canonicaliziation -> canonicalization
      * comitted -> committed
      * clonable -> cloneable
      * Uknown -> Unknown
      * reponse -> response
      * arbitary -> arbitrary
      * Capapbilities -> Capabilities
      * responsbile -> responsible
      * initialisation -> initialization
      * cames -> came
      * intemediate -> intermediate
      * reqeust -> request
      * intance -> instance
      * explcitly -> explicitly
      * neighor -> neighbor
      * reolving -> resolving
      * untill -> until
      * Validte -> Validate
      * deserailize -> deserialize
      * literaly -> literally
      * preceeding -> preceding
      * abpve -> above
      * chcecked -> checked
      * numbet -> number
      * Unknow -> Unknown
      * halfs -> halves
      * gossup -> gossip
      * givent -> given
      * immediatelly -> immediately
      * slicable -> sliceable
      * conensus -> consensus
      * Mimicks -> Mimics
      * acccept -> accept
      * serialise -> serialize
      * exstrinsics -> extrinsics
      * panicks -> panics
      * maintaince -> maintenance
      * repeatidely -> repeatedly
      * anecstor -> ancestor
      * becasue -> because
      * processer -> processor
      * Prunning -> Pruning
      * insterested -> interested
      * unuseful -> not useful
      * yeided -> yielded
      * descendfing -> descending
      * corresponts -> corresponds
      * survivew -> survive
      * keps -> keeps
      * ligh -> light
      * prerequisities -> prerequisites
      * positiion -> position
      * depedency -> dependency
      * extrinisic -> extrinsic
      * atomicaly -> atomically
      * staticly -> statically
      * resul -> result
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      * Utilites -> Utilities
      * ammount -> amount
      * pocess -> process
      * exteral -> external
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/tests.rs
      * Update primitives/io/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update primitives/blockchain/src/lib.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update frame/support/src/weights.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update bin/node/cli/tests/common.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/execution_extensions.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/cli/src/params.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/executor/common/src/sandbox.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/execution_extensions.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/communication/mod.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/state-db/src/pruning.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update frame/contracts/src/tests.rs
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/execution_extensions.rs
      * bump impl
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
  17. Feb 12, 2020
    • Max Inden's avatar
      client/network-gossip: Integrate GossipEngine tasks into Future impl (#4767) · e1668c2a
      Max Inden authored
      `GossipEngine` spawns two tasks, one for a periodic tick, one to forward
      messages from the network to subscribers. These tasks hold an `Arc` to a
      To reduce the amount of shared ownership (locking) this patch integrates
      the two tasks into a `Future` implementation on the `GossipEngine`
      struct. This `Future` implementation can now be called from a single
      owner, e.g. the `finality-grandpa` `NetworkBridge`.
      As a side effect this removes the requirement on the `network-gossip`
      crate to spawn tasks and thereby removes the requirement on the
      `finality-grandpa` crate to spawn any tasks.
      This is part of a greater effort to reduce the number of owners of
      components within `finality-grandpa`, `network` and `network-gossip` as
      well as to reduce the amount of unbounded channels. For details see
      d4fbb897, f0c18520 and 5afc7777.
  18. Feb 10, 2020
    • Ashley's avatar
      Fix timer panics in the wasm light client (#4561) · ae03ee91
      Ashley authored
      * Make WASM browser thing compile
      * Fix
      * updated exit-future (github repo)
      * Switch to broadcast crate
      * Migrate client/cli
      * Switch exit-future to modernize branch
      * Small changes
      * Switch to cargo version and fix fg tests
      * fix basic-authorship
      * Fix crash on grafana macro
      * Fix grafana macro
      * Switch node python version
      * Disable record_metrics_slice in grafana macro on wasm
      * Update client/grafana-data-source/src/lib.rs
      * Revert "Update client/grafana-data-source/src/lib.rs"
      This reverts commit 888009a8.
      * Add wasm support for state machine
      * Switch to my own libp2p version
      * Revert "Switch to my own libp2p version"
      This reverts commit ce613871.
      * Revert "Add wasm support for state machine"
      This reverts commit de7eaa06
      * Add sc-browser
      * Squash
      * remove sc-browser
      * Fix keystore on wasm
      * stubs for removed functions to make env compatible with old runtimes
      * Add test (that doesn't work)
      * Fix build scripts
      * Revert basic-authorship due to no panics
      * Revert cli/informant
      * Revert consensus
      * revert offchain
      * Update utils/browser/Cargo.toml
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      * export console functions
      * Add new chainspec
      * Fix ws in chain spec
      * revert chainspec
      * Fix chainspec
      * Use an Option<PathBuf> in keystore instead of cfg flags
      * Remove crud
      * Only use wasm-timer for instant and systemtime
      * Remove telemetry changes
      * Assuming this is ok
      * Add a KeystoreConfig
      * Add stubs back in
      * Update libp2p
      * Revert "Add stubs back in"
      This reverts commit 4690cf18.
      * Remove commented js again
      * Bump kvdb-web version
      * Fix cli
      * Switch branch on futures-timer
      * Fix tests
      * Remove sc-client test build in check-web-wasm because there isn't a good way to build futures-timer with wasm-bindgen support in the build
      * Remove more things ^^
      * Switch branch on futures-timer back
      * Put DB io stats behind a cfg flag
      * Fix things
      * Don't timeout transports on wasm
      * Update branch of futures-timer and fix bad merge
      * Spawn informant
      * Fix network test
      * Fix delay resets
      * Changes
      * Fix tests
      * use wasm_timer for transaction pool
      * Fixes
      * Switch futures-timer to crates
      * Only diagnose futures on native
      * Fix sc-network-test tests
      * Select log level in js
      * Fix syncing ;^)
      * Allow disabling colours in the informant
      * Use OutputFormat enum for informant
      * MallocSizeOf impl on transaction pool broke stuff because wasm_timer::Instant doesnt impl it so just revert the transaction pool to master
      * Update futures-diagnose
      * Revert "MallocSizeOf impl on transaction pool broke stuff because wasm_timer::Instant doesnt impl it so just revert the transaction pool to master"
      This reverts commit baa4ffc9
      * Pass whole chain spec in start_client
      * Get Instant::now to work in transaction pool again
      * Informant dep reordering
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPierre Krieger <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSvyatoslav Nikolsky <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBenjamin Kampmann <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDemi Obenour <[email protected]>
  19. Jan 09, 2020
  20. Jan 07, 2020
  21. Jan 05, 2020
  22. Dec 16, 2019
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      [big refactor] Remove crate aliasing. (#4395) · 40a16efe
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Rename: Phase 1.
      * Unify codec.
      * Fixing: Phase 2
      * Fixing: Phase 3.
      * Fixing: Phase 4.
      * Fixing: Phase 5.
      * Fixing: Phase 6.
      * Fixing: Phase 7.
      * Fixing: Phase 8. Tests
      * Fixing: Phase 9. Tests!!!
      * Fixing: Phase 10. Moar tests!
      * Finally done!
      * More fixes.
      * Rename primitives:: to sp_core::
      * Apply renames in finality-grandpa.
      * Fix benches.
      * Fix benches 2.
      * Revert node-template.
      * Fix frame-system in our modules.
  23. Dec 13, 2019
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Extract consensus_gossip.rs and put it in its own crate (#4284) · 723148f1
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Extract gossiping system from network
      * Finish porting GRANDPA tests
      * Try put correct engine ID
      * Fix messages encoding
      * Fix communication tests
      * Use a threads pool to spawn stuff
      * Fix compilation everywhere
      * Fix bad merge conflict
      * Remove dependency on async-std
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * More suggestions
      * Remove network startup GP future
      * Update to futures_timer
      * adjust wait_when_behind test
      * Pass correct Roles after handshake
      * Revert "adjust wait_when_behind test"
      This reverts commit 9e310244.
      * Crate root documentation
      * Remove MessageRecipient
      * Address concerns
      * Fix more concerns
      * Forgot Cargo.lock
  24. Dec 03, 2019
  25. Dec 02, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      The crate rename (#4223) · 28c329e0
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding script for rename, could be applicable for nodes on top of it, too
      * add stderr and gitlab ci features
      * apply script
      * fix now minor details in expected stderr
      * Update the Cargo.lock
      * fix name: sc-transaction -> sc-tracing
      * fix rename in script, too
  26. Nov 26, 2019
  27. Nov 19, 2019
  28. Nov 14, 2019
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Reorganising the repository - external renames and moves (#4074) · f44873dc
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * Adding first rough ouline of the repository structure
      * Remove old CI stuff
      * add title
      * formatting fixes
      * move node-exits job's script to scripts dir
      * Move docs into subdir
      * move to bin
      * move maintainence scripts, configs and helpers into its own dir
      * add .local to ignore
      * move core->client
      * start up 'test' area
      * move test client
      * move test runtime
      * make test move compile
      * Add dependencies rule enforcement.
      * Fix indexing.
      * Update docs to reflect latest changes
      * Moving /srml->/paint
      * update docs
      * move client/sr-* -> primitives/
      * clean old readme
      * remove old broken code in rhd
      * update lock
      * Step 1.
      * starting to untangle client
      * Fix after merge.
      * start splitting out client interfaces
      * move children and blockchain interfaces
      * Move trie and state-machine to primitives.
      * Fix WASM builds.
      * fixing broken imports
      * more interface moves
      * move backend and light to interfaces
      * move CallExecutor
      * move cli off client
      * moving around more interfaces
      * re-add consensus crates into the mix
      * fix subkey path
      * relieve client from executor
      * starting to pull out client from grandpa
      * move is_decendent_of out of client
      * grandpa still depends on client directly
      * lemme tests pass
      * rename srml->paint
      * Make it compile.
      * rename interfaces->client-api
      * Move keyring to primitives.
      * fixup libp2p dep
      * fix broken use
      * allow dependency enforcement to fail
      * move fork-tree
      * Moving wasm-builder
      * make env
      * move build-script-utils
      * fixup broken crate depdencies and names
      * fix imports for authority discovery
      * fix typo
      * update cargo.lock
      * fixing imports
      * Fix paths and add missing crates
      * re-add missing crates
  29. Nov 11, 2019
  30. Nov 08, 2019
    • Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar
      Batch gossip messages (#4055) · 48d5c453
      Arkadiy Paronyan authored
    • André Silva's avatar
      grandpa: progressively increase target gossip peers (#4050) · 3fea3295
      André Silva authored
      * grandpa: stricter gossip message filtering
      * gossip: remove filtered message on send_message
      * gossip: add test for tracking of broadcast attempts
      * grandpa: only restrict gossip if we're connected to more than 5 authorities
      * grandpa: add test for progressive gossip
      * grandpa: add test for gossip filtering on local non-authority node
      * grandpa: fix doc
      * gossip, grandpa: tabify
      * grandpa: relax filtering logic for global messages
  31. Oct 23, 2019
  32. Oct 08, 2019
  33. Aug 15, 2019
  34. Aug 09, 2019
  35. Jul 29, 2019
    • Kian Paimani's avatar
      Refactor sr_primitives. (#3214) · 1fcd1286
      Kian Paimani authored
      * refactor sr_primitives.
      * Fix try build error.
      * Line-width
      * Ui test.
      * Final fixes.
      * Fix build again.
      * bring back ui test.
      * Fix unsigned import.
      * Another ui fix.
      * Also refactor substrate-primitives
      * Fix benchmarks.
      * Fix doc test.
      * fix doc tests
  36. Jul 04, 2019
    • André Silva's avatar
      grandpa: round catchup messages (#2801) · 968ff41f
      André Silva authored
      * grandpa: initial structure for catch up messages
      * grandpa: answer catch up requests
      * grandpa: inject catch up messages into global stream
      * grandpa: keep track of pending catch up request
      * grandpa: block catchup until all referenced blocks are imported
      * grandpa: unify catch up and commit streams
      * grandpa: simplify communication stream/sink types
      * grandpa: note gossip validator on catch up message import
      * grandpa: fix cost on catch up message validation
      * grandpa: check signatures on catch up messages
      * grandpa: clean up catch up request handling state
      * grandpa: adjust costs on invalid catch up requests
      * grandpa: release lock before pushing catch up message
      * grandpa: validate catch up request against peer view
      * grandpa: catch up docs
      * grandpa: fix tests
      * grandpa: until_imported: add tests for catch up messages
      * grandpa: add tests for catch up message gossip validation
      * grandpa: integrate HistoricalVotes changes
      * grandpa: add test for neighbor packet triggering catch up
      * grandpa: add test for full voter catch up
      * grandpa: depend on finality-grandpa 0.8 from crates
      * granda: use finality-grandpa test helpers
      * grandpa: add PSM cost for answering catch up requests
      * grandpa: code style fixes
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
      * grandpa: more trailing commas
      * grandpa: lower cost of invalid catch up requests near set change
      * grandpa: process catch up sending on import of neighbor message
      * grandpa: add comments on HistoricalVotes
      * grandpa: use finality-grandpa v0.8.1 from crates.io
      * grandpa: fix test compilation
  37. Jun 13, 2019
    • Pierre Krieger's avatar
      Merge network-libp2p into network (#2843) · b6eba618
      Pierre Krieger authored
      * Move network-libp2p into network
      * Merge libp2p_service into service
      * Don't expose RegisteredProtocol in the API
      * Extract DiscoveryBehaviour from Behaviour
      * Restore libp2p tests
      * Add a test for discovery
      * Line width
      * Remove bandwidth check
      * Fix gitlab
  38. Jun 07, 2019
  39. Jun 04, 2019