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Commit d8a16f1d authored by Gav's avatar Gav
Browse files

Borked timestamp example

parent 1ce4e976
No related merge requests found
......@@ -19,10 +19,9 @@
use rstd::prelude::*;
use codec::KeyedVec;
use runtime_support::{storage, StorageValue, StorageMap};
use runtime_support::{storage, StorageValue, StorageMap, PrivPass, PublicPass};
use demo_primitives::{AccountId, SessionKey, BlockNumber};
use runtime::{system, staking};
use runtime_support::{PrivPass, PublicPass};
use runtime::system;
use consensus;
name = "substrate-runtime-system"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Parity Technologies <>"]
hex-literal = "0.1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", default_features = false }
serde_derive = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
substrate-runtime-std = { path = "../../runtime-std", default_features = false }
substrate-runtime-support = { path = "../../runtime-support", default_features = false }
substrate-codec = { path = "../../codec", default_features = false }
substrate-runtime-io = { path = "../../runtime-io", default_features = false }
default = ["std"]
std = [
// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate Demo.
// Substrate Demo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate Demo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate Demo. If not, see <>.
//! System manager: Handles all of the top-level stuff; executing block/transaction, setting code
//! and depositing logs.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#[cfg_attr(test, macro_use)] extern crate substrate_runtime_std as rstd;
#[macro_use] extern crate substrate_runtime_support as runtime_support;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate substrate_runtime_io as runtime_io;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate substrate_codec as codec;
extern crate substrate_primitives as primitives;
#[cfg(feature = "std")] #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
#[cfg(feature = "std")] extern crate serde;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))] extern crate substrate_keyring as keyring;
extern crate safe_mix;
use rstd::prelude::*;
use rstd::mem;
use runtime_io::{print, storage_root, enumerated_trie_root};
use codec::Slicable;
use runtime_support::{Hashable, StorageValue, StorageMap};
use primitives::{AuthorityId, Hash, BlockNumber, Header, Log};
use primitives::block::{generic, Number as BlockNumber, Header, Log};
use runtime::{staking, session};
use runtime::staking::public_pass_from_payment;
use safe_mix::TripletMix;
type TxOrder = u64;
storage_items! {
pub Nonce get(nonce): b"sys:non" => default map [ AuthorityId => TxOrder ];
pub BlockHashAt get(block_hash): b"sys:old" => required map [ BlockNumber => Hash ];
RandomSeed get(random_seed): b"sys:rnd" => required Hash;
// The current block number being processed. Set by `execute_block`.
Number get(block_number): b"sys:num" => required BlockNumber;
ParentHash get(parent_hash): b"sys:pha" => required Hash;
TransactionsRoot get(transactions_root): b"sys:txr" => required Hash;
Digest: b"sys:dig" => default block::Digest;
pub trait Checkable {
type CheckedType;
fn check(self) -> Option<Self::CheckedType>;
pub trait Dispatchable {
type AccountIdType;
type TxOrderType;
fn nonce(&self) -> Self::TxOrder;
fn sender(&self) -> &Self::AccountId;
fn dispatch(self);
impl Dispatchable for CheckedTransaction {
type TxOrderType;
fn nonce(&self) -> Self::TxOrder {
fn sender(&self) -> &Self::AccountId;
fn dispatch(self);
impl Checkable for UncheckedTransaction {
type CheckedType = CheckedTransaction;
fn check(self) -> Option<CheckedType> {
pub struct Internal<Unchecked: Checkable<CheckedType = Checked> + PartialEq + Eq + Clone, Checked: Dispatchable>;
impl<Unchecked, Checked> Internal<Unchecked: Checkable<CheckedType = Checked> + PartialEq + Eq + Clone, Checked: Dispatchable> {
type Block = generic::Block<Unchecked>;
/// Deposits a log and ensures it matches the blocks log data.
pub fn deposit_log(log: Log) {
let mut l = Digest::get();
/// Actually execute all transitioning for `block`.
pub fn execute_block(mut block: Block) {
// any initial checks
// execute transactions
// post-transactional book-keeping.
// any final checks
// any stuff that we do after taking the storage root.
/// Start the execution of a particular block.
pub fn initialise_block(mut header: &Header) {
// populate environment from header.
/// Finalise the block - it is up the caller to ensure that all header fields are valid
/// except state-root.
pub fn finalise_block() -> Header {
let header = Header {
number: Number::take(),
digest: Digest::take(),
parent_hash: ParentHash::take(),
transaction_root: TransactionsRoot::take(),
state_root: storage_root().into(),
/// Execute a transaction outside of the block execution function.
/// This doesn't attempt to validate anything regarding the block.
pub fn execute_transaction(utx: UncheckedTransaction) {
// Verify the signature is good.
let tx = match transaction::check(utx) {
Ok(tx) => tx,
Err(_) => panic!("All transactions should be properly signed"),
// check nonce
let expected_nonce: TxOrder = Nonce::get(&tx.signed);
assert!(tx.nonce == expected_nonce, "All transactions should have the correct nonce");
// increment nonce in storage
Nonce::insert(&tx.signed, &(expected_nonce + 1));
// decode parameters and dispatch
// let tx = tx.drain().transaction;
// tx.function.dispatch(public_pass_from_payment(&tx.signed));
fn initial_checks(block: &Block) {
let ref header = block.header;
// check parent_hash is correct.
header.number > 0 && BlockHashAt::get(&(header.number - 1)) == header.parent_hash,
"Parent hash should be valid."
// check transaction trie root represents the transactions.
let txs = block.transactions.iter().map(Slicable::encode).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let txs = txs.iter().map(Vec::as_slice).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let txs_root = enumerated_trie_root(&txs).into();
info_expect_equal_hash(&header.transaction_root, &txs_root);
assert!(header.transaction_root == txs_root, "Transaction trie root must be valid.");
fn final_checks(block: &Block) {
let ref header = block.header;
// check digest
assert!(header.digest == Digest::get());
// remove temporaries.
// check storage root.
let storage_root = storage_root().into();
info_expect_equal_hash(&header.state_root, &storage_root);
assert!(header.state_root == storage_root, "Storage root must match that calculated.");
fn kill_temps() {
fn post_finalise(header: &Header) {
// store the header hash in storage; we can't do it before otherwise there would be a
// cyclic dependency.
BlockHashAt::insert(&header.number, &header.blake2_256().into());
fn calculate_random() -> Hash {
let c = block_number() - 1;
.map(|i| if c >= i { block_hash(c - i) } else { Default::default() })
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn info_expect_equal_hash(given: &Hash, expected: &Hash) {
use primitives::hexdisplay::HexDisplay;
if given != expected {
println!("Hash: given={}, expected={}", HexDisplay::from(&given.0), HexDisplay::from(&expected.0));
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
fn info_expect_equal_hash(given: &Hash, expected: &Hash) {
if given != expected {
print("Hash not equal");
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub mod testing {
use super::*;
use runtime_io::{twox_128, TestExternalities};
use codec::Joiner;
pub fn externalities() -> TestExternalities {
twox_128(&BlockHashAt::key_for(&0)).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode(),
twox_128(Number::key()).to_vec() => 1u64.encode(),
twox_128(ParentHash::key()).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode(),
twox_128(RandomSeed::key()).to_vec() => [0u8; 32].encode()
pub fn set_block_number(n: BlockNumber) {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::internal::*;
use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
use runtime_support::StorageValue;
use codec::{Joiner, KeyedVec, Slicable};
use keyring::Keyring::*;
use primitives::hexdisplay::HexDisplay;
use demo_primitives::{Header, Digest};
use transaction::{UncheckedTransaction, Transaction};
use runtime::staking;
use dispatch::public::Call as PubCall;
use runtime::staking::public::Call as StakingCall;
fn staking_balance_transfer_dispatch_works() {
let mut t: TestExternalities = map![
twox_128(&staking::FreeBalanceOf::key_for(*One)).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
twox_128(staking::TransactionFee::key()).to_vec() => vec![10u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
twox_128(&BlockHashAt::key_for(&0)).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode()
let tx = UncheckedTransaction {
transaction: Transaction {
signed: One.into(),
nonce: 0,
function: PubCall::Staking(StakingCall::transfer(Two.into(), 69)),
signature: hex!("3a682213cb10e8e375fe0817fe4d220a4622d910088809ed7fc8b4ea3871531dbadb22acfedd28a100a0b7bd2d274e0ff873655b13c88f4640b5569db3222706").into(),
with_externalities(&mut t, || {
assert_eq!(staking::balance(&One), 32);
assert_eq!(staking::balance(&Two), 69);
fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities {
staking::testing::externalities(2, 2, 0)
fn block_import_works() {
let mut t = new_test_ext();
let h = Header {
parent_hash: [69u8; 32].into(),
number: 1,
state_root: hex!("cc3f1f5db826013193e502c76992b5e933b12367e37a269a9822b89218323e9f").into(),
transaction_root: hex!("56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421").into(),
digest: Digest { logs: vec![], },
let b = Block {
header: h,
transactions: vec![],
with_externalities(&mut t, || {
fn block_import_of_bad_state_root_fails() {
let mut t = new_test_ext();
let h = Header {
parent_hash: [69u8; 32].into(),
number: 1,
state_root: [0u8; 32].into(),
transaction_root: hex!("56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421").into(),
digest: Digest { logs: vec![], },
let b = Block {
header: h,
transactions: vec![],
with_externalities(&mut t, || {
fn block_import_of_bad_transaction_root_fails() {
let mut t = new_test_ext();
let h = Header {
parent_hash: [69u8; 32].into(),
number: 1,
state_root: hex!("1ab2dbb7d4868a670b181327b0b6a58dc64b10cfb9876f737a5aa014b8da31e0").into(),
transaction_root: [0u8; 32].into(),
digest: Digest { logs: vec![], },
let b = Block {
header: h,
transactions: vec![],
with_externalities(&mut t, || {
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ serde = { version = "1.0", default_features = false }
serde_derive = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
substrate-runtime-std = { path = "../../runtime-std", default_features = false }
substrate-runtime-support = { path = "../../runtime-support", default_features = false }
substrate-codec = { path = "../../codec", default_features = false }
substrate-codec = { path = "../../codec", default_features = false }
substrate-runtime-io = { path = "../../runtime-io", default_features = false }
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#[cfg_attr(test, macro_use)] extern crate substrate_runtime_std as rstd;
#[macro_use] extern crate substrate_runtime_support as runtime_support;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate substrate_runtime_io as runtime_io;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate substrate_codec as codec;
extern crate substrate_codec as codec;
#[cfg(feature = "std")] #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
#[cfg(feature = "std")] extern crate serde;
......@@ -29,44 +29,130 @@
use runtime_support::storage::StorageValue;
use runtime_support::PublicPass;
pub type Timestamp = u64;
pub trait Trait {
type Timestamp: codec::Slicable;
type PublicAux;
type PrivAux;
pub struct Module<T: Trait>(::std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
// TODO: create from storage_items macro.
storage_items! {
trait Trait;
pub Now: b"tim:val" => required Timestamp;
pub struct Now<T: Trait>(::std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Trait> ::runtime_support::storage::generator::StorageValue<T::Timestamp> for Now<T> {
type Query = T::Timestamp;
/// Get the storage key.
fn key() -> &'static [u8] {
/// Load the value from the provided storage instance.
fn get<S: ::runtime_support::GenericStorage>(storage: &S) -> Self::Query {
storage.require(<Self as ::runtime_support::storage::generator::StorageValue<T::Timestamp>>::key())
/// Take a value from storage, removing it afterwards.
fn take<S: ::runtime_support::GenericStorage>(storage: &S) -> Self::Query {
storage.take_or_panic(<Self as ::runtime_support::storage::generator::StorageValue<T::Timestamp>>::key())
// TODO: all `Storage*` functions should take `self` parameter to avoid need for obscure `<Now<TraitImpl>>::`
// syntax. this can be cleaned up once we get `type`s in `impl`s.
/*impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
pub const NOW: Now<T> = Now(::std::marker::PhantomData::<T>);
// This would be nice but not currently supported.
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
type Now = super::Now<T>;
pub trait StorageItems {
type NowS;
impl<T: Trait> StorageItems for Module<T> {
type NowS = Now<T>;
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
pub fn get() -> T::Timestamp { <Now<T>>::get() }
// pub fn get() -> T::Timestamp { Self::NOW.get() }
// TODO: implement `Callable` and `Dispatch` in `impl_dispatch` macro.
impl_dispatch! {
trait Trait;
pub mod public;
fn set(self, now: Timestamp) = 0;
fn set(_, now: Timestamp) = 0;
pub trait Dispatchable {
type AuxType;
fn dispatch(self, aux: &Self::AuxType);
impl<'a> public::Dispatch for PublicPass<'a> {
pub mod public {
use super::Trait;
pub enum Callable<T: Trait> { set(T::Timestamp) }
pub trait Dispatch<T: Trait> { fn set(aux: &T::PublicAux, now: T::Timestamp); }
impl<T: Trait> super::Dispatchable for Callable<T> where super::Module<T>: Dispatch<T> {
type AuxType = T::PublicAux;
fn dispatch(self, aux: &Self::AuxType) {
match self {
Callable::set(a) => <super::Module<T>>::set(aux, a),
impl<T: Trait> public::Dispatch<T> for Module<T> {
/// Set the current time.
fn set(self, now: Timestamp) {
fn set(_aux: &T::PublicAux, now: T::Timestamp) {
// Self::NOW.put(now);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::public::*;
use runtime_io::{with_externalities, twox_128, TestExternalities};
use codec::Joiner;
use runtime_support::storage::StorageValue;
use runtime_support::PublicPass;
struct TraitImpl;
impl super::Trait for TraitImpl {
type Timestamp = u64;
type PublicAux = u64;
type PrivAux = ();
type Timestamp = super::Module<TraitImpl>;
fn timestamp_works() {
let mut t: TestExternalities = map![
twox_128(Now::key()).to_vec() => vec![].and(&42u64)
twox_128(<Now<TraitImpl>>::key()).to_vec() => vec![].and(&42u64)
with_externalities(&mut t, || {
assert_eq!(Now::get(), 42);
assert_eq!(Now::get(), 69);
assert_eq!(<Now<TraitImpl>>::get(), 42);
// assert_eq!(Timestamp::NOW.get(), 42);
assert_eq!(<Timestamp as StorageItems>::NowS::get(), 69);
// assert_eq!(Timestamp::NOW.get(), 69);
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