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.gitlab-ci.yml 27.28 KiB
# .gitlab-ci.yml
# substrate
# pipelines can be triggered manually in the web
# setting DEPLOY_TAG will only deploy the tagged image

# SAMPLE JOB TEMPLATE - This is not a complete example but is enough to build a
# simple CI job. For full documentation, visit
# my-example-job:
#   stage:                           test # One of the stages listed below this job (required)
#   image:                           paritytech/tools:latest # Any docker image (required)
#   allow_failure:                   true # Allow the pipeline to continue if this job fails (default: false)
#   dependencies:
#     - build-rust-doc-release # Any jobs that are required to run before this job (optional)
#   variables:
#     MY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE:       "some useful value" # Environment variables passed to the job (optional)
#   script:
#     - echo "List of shell commands to run in your job"
#     - echo "You can also just specify a script here, like so:"
#     - ./.maintain/gitlab/

  - check
  - test
  - build
  - post-build-test
  - docker
  - chaos
  - publish
  - deploy
  - flaming-fir

variables:                         &default-vars
  GIT_STRATEGY:                    fetch
  GIT_DEPTH:                       100
  CARGO_INCREMENTAL:               0
  DOCKER_OS:                       "debian:stretch"
  ARCH:                            "x86_64"
  # FIXME set to release
  CARGO_UNLEASH_INSTALL_PARAMS:    "--version 1.0.0-alpha.10"
  CARGO_UNLEASH_PKG_DEF:           "--skip node node-* pallet-template pallet-example pallet-example-* subkey chain-spec-builder"

  cache:                           {}

.collect-artifacts:                &collect-artifacts
    name:                          "${CI_JOB_NAME}_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}"
    when:                          on_success
    expire_in:                     7 days
      - artifacts/

.kubernetes-build:                 &kubernetes-build
    - kubernetes-parity-build
    name: parity-build
  interruptible:                   true

.docker-env:                       &docker-env
  image:                           paritytech/ci-linux:production
    - rustup show
    - cargo --version
    - sccache -s
    max: 2