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  • Marek Kotewicz's avatar
    simplification of peerset api (#2123) · dd82e0e6
    Marek Kotewicz authored
    * Introduction of PeersetHandle
    * integrate PeersetHandle with the rest of the codebase
    * fix compilation errors
    * more tests for peerset, fixed overwriting bug in add_reserved_peer
    * Slots data structure and bugfixes for peerset
    * bend to pressure
    * updated lru-cache to 0.1.2 and updated linked-hash-map to 0.5.2
    * peerset discovered list is now a LinkedHashMap
    * fix review suggestions
    * split back Peerset and PeersetHandle
    * test for Peerset::discovered
    * applied review suggestions
    * fixes to peerset::incoming
    * peerset disconnects are all instantaneous
    * instantaneous drop in peerset finished
    * Peerset::set_reserved_only can also reconnect nodes
    * Peerset scores cache uses lru-cache
    * remove redundant function call and comment from Peerset::on_set_reserved_only
    * add_peer returns SlotState enum
    * apply review suggestions
    * is_reserved -> is_connected_and_reserved