• Max Inden's avatar
    *: Update to next libp2p version 0.24.0 (#6891) · 3f1341a3
    Max Inden authored
    * *: Update to next libp2p version (likely v0.24.0)
    * Revert "*: Update to next libp2p version (likely v0.24.0)"
    This reverts commit ffe1545a.
    * */Cargo.toml: Update to libp2p v0.24.0
    * client/network/src/service: Handle ConnectionClosed returning Option
    * Cargo.*: Test kad usize conversion
    * Revert "Cargo.*: Test kad usize conversion"
    This reverts commit ad317879.
    * Cargo.lock: Update to libp2p-kad v0.22.1
    * client/cli/Cargo.toml: Update to libp2p 0.24.0