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// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! Communication streams for the polite-grandpa networking protocol.
//! GRANDPA nodes communicate over a gossip network, where messages are not sent to
//! peers until they have reached a given round.
//! Rather than expressing protocol rules,
//! polite-grandpa just carries a notion of impoliteness. Nodes which pass some arbitrary
//! threshold of impoliteness are removed. Messages are either costly, or beneficial.
//! For instance, it is _impolite_ to send the same message more than once.
//! In the future, there will be a fallback for allowing sending the same message
//! under certain conditions that are used to un-stick the protocol.

use std::sync::Arc;

use grandpa::voter_set::VoterSet;
use grandpa::Message::{Prevote, Precommit, PrimaryPropose};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::sync::{oneshot, mpsc};
use log::{debug, trace};
use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode};
use substrate_primitives::{ed25519, Pair};
use substrate_telemetry::{telemetry, CONSENSUS_DEBUG, CONSENSUS_INFO};
use runtime_primitives::ConsensusEngineId;
use runtime_primitives::traits::{Block as BlockT, Hash as HashT, Header as HeaderT};
use network::{consensus_gossip as network_gossip, Service as NetworkService};
use network_gossip::ConsensusMessage;

use crate::{Error, Message, SignedMessage, Commit, CompactCommit};
use crate::environment::HasVoted;
use gossip::{
	GossipMessage, FullCommitMessage, VoteOrPrecommitMessage, GossipValidator
use substrate_primitives::ed25519::{Public as AuthorityId, Signature as AuthoritySignature};

pub mod gossip;
mod periodic;

mod tests;

/// The consensus engine ID of GRANDPA.
pub const GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID: ConsensusEngineId = [b'a', b'f', b'g', b'1'];

// cost scalars for reporting peers.
mod cost {
	pub(super) const PAST_REJECTION: i32 = -50;
	pub(super) const BAD_SIGNATURE: i32 = -100;
	pub(super) const MALFORMED_COMMIT: i32 = -1000;
	pub(super) const FUTURE_MESSAGE: i32 = -500;

	pub(super) const INVALID_VIEW_CHANGE: i32 = -500;
	pub(super) const PER_UNDECODABLE_BYTE: i32 = -5;
	pub(super) const PER_SIGNATURE_CHECKED: i32 = -25;
	pub(super) const PER_BLOCK_LOADED: i32 = -10;
	pub(super) const INVALID_COMMIT: i32 = -5000;

// benefit scalars for reporting peers.
mod benefit {
	pub(super) const ROUND_MESSAGE: i32 = 100;
	pub(super) const BASIC_VALIDATED_COMMIT: i32 = 100;
	pub(super) const PER_EQUIVOCATION: i32 = 10;

/// A handle to the network. This is generally implemented by providing some
/// handle to a gossip service or similar.
/// Intended to be a lightweight handle such as an `Arc`.
pub trait Network<Block: BlockT>: Clone + Send + 'static {
	/// A stream of input messages for a topic.
	type In: Stream<Item=network_gossip::TopicNotification,Error=()>;

	/// Get a stream of messages for a specific gossip topic.
	fn messages_for(&self, topic: Block::Hash) -> Self::In;

	/// Register a gossip validator.
	fn register_validator(&self, validator: Arc<dyn network_gossip::Validator<Block>>);

	/// Gossip a message out to all connected peers.
	/// Force causes it to be sent to all peers, even if they've seen it already.
	/// Only should be used in case of consensus stall.
	fn gossip_message(&self, topic: Block::Hash, data: Vec<u8>, force: bool);

	/// Send a message to a bunch of specific peers, even if they've seen it already.
	fn send_message(&self, who: Vec<network::PeerId>, data: Vec<u8>);

	/// Report a peer's cost or benefit after some action.
	fn report(&self, who: network::PeerId, cost_benefit: i32);

	/// Inform peers that a block with given hash should be downloaded.
	fn announce(&self, block: Block::Hash);

/// Create a unique topic for a round and set-id combo.
pub(crate) fn round_topic<B: BlockT>(round: u64, set_id: u64) -> B::Hash {
	<<B::Header as HeaderT>::Hashing as HashT>::hash(format!("{}-{}", set_id, round).as_bytes())

/// Create a unique topic for global messages on a set ID.
pub(crate) fn global_topic<B: BlockT>(set_id: u64) -> B::Hash {
	<<B::Header as HeaderT>::Hashing as HashT>::hash(format!("{}-GLOBAL", set_id).as_bytes())

impl<B, S> Network<B> for Arc<NetworkService<B, S>> where
	B: BlockT,
	S: network::specialization::NetworkSpecialization<B>,
	type In = NetworkStream;

	fn messages_for(&self, topic: B::Hash) -> Self::In {
		let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
		self.with_gossip(move |gossip, _| {
			let inner_rx = gossip.messages_for(GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID, topic);
			let _ = tx.send(inner_rx);
		NetworkStream { outer: rx, inner: None }

	fn register_validator(&self, validator: Arc<dyn network_gossip::Validator<B>>) {
			move |gossip, context| gossip.register_validator(context, GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID, validator)

	fn gossip_message(&self, topic: B::Hash, data: Vec<u8>, force: bool) {
		let msg = ConsensusMessage {
			engine_id: GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID,
			move |gossip, ctx| gossip.multicast(ctx, topic, msg, force)

	fn send_message(&self, who: Vec<network::PeerId>, data: Vec<u8>) {
		let msg = ConsensusMessage {
			engine_id: GRANDPA_ENGINE_ID,

		self.with_gossip(move |gossip, ctx| for who in &who {
			gossip.send_message(ctx, who, msg.clone())

	fn report(&self, who: network::PeerId, cost_benefit: i32) {
		self.report_peer(who, cost_benefit)

	fn announce(&self, block: B::Hash) {

/// A stream used by NetworkBridge in its implementation of Network.
pub struct NetworkStream {
	inner: Option<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<network_gossip::TopicNotification>>,
	outer: oneshot::Receiver<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<network_gossip::TopicNotification>>

impl Stream for NetworkStream {
	type Item = network_gossip::TopicNotification;
	type Error = ();

	fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
		if let Some(ref mut inner) = self.inner {
			return inner.poll();
		match self.outer.poll() {
			Ok(futures::Async::Ready(mut inner)) => {
				let poll_result = inner.poll();
				self.inner = Some(inner);
			Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => Ok(futures::Async::NotReady),
			Err(_) => Err(())

/// The result of processing a commit.
pub(crate) enum CommitProcessingOutcome {

/// Bridge between the underlying network service, gossiping consensus messages and Grandpa
pub(crate) struct NetworkBridge<B: BlockT, N: Network<B>> {
	service: N,
	validator: Arc<GossipValidator<B>>,
	neighbor_sender: periodic::NeighborPacketSender<B>,

impl<B: BlockT, N: Network<B>> NetworkBridge<B, N> {
	/// Create a new NetworkBridge to the given NetworkService. Returns the service
	/// handle and a future that must be polled to completion to finish startup.
	pub(crate) fn new(
		service: N,
		config: crate::Config,
		on_exit: impl Future<Item=(),Error=()> + Clone + Send + 'static,
	) -> (
		impl futures::Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static,
	) {

		let (validator, report_stream) = GossipValidator::new(config);
		let validator = Arc::new(validator);

		let (rebroadcast_job, neighbor_sender) = periodic::neighbor_packet_worker(service.clone());
		let reporting_job = report_stream.consume(service.clone());

		let bridge = NetworkBridge { service, validator, neighbor_sender };

		let startup_work = futures::future::lazy(move || {
			// lazily spawn these jobs onto their own tasks. the lazy future has access
			// to tokio globals, which aren't available outside.
			tokio::spawn(|_| Ok(())));
			tokio::spawn(|_| Ok(())));

		(bridge, startup_work)

	/// Get the round messages for a round in a given set ID. These are signature-checked.
	pub(crate) fn round_communication(
		round: Round,
		set_id: SetId,
		voters: Arc<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>,
		local_key: Option<Arc<ed25519::Pair>>,
	) -> (
		impl Stream<Item=SignedMessage<B>,Error=Error>,
		impl Sink<SinkItem=Message<B>,SinkError=Error>,
	) {
			|to, neighbor| self.service.send_message(

		let locals = local_key.and_then(|pair| {
			let public = pair.public();
			let id = AuthorityId(public.0);
			if voters.contains_key(&id) {
				Some((pair, id))
			} else {

		let topic = round_topic::<B>(round.0, set_id.0);
		let incoming = self.service.messages_for(topic)
			.filter_map(|notification| {
				let decoded = GossipMessage::<B>::decode(&mut &notification.message[..]);
				if decoded.is_none() {
					debug!(target: "afg", "Skipping malformed message {:?}", notification);
			.and_then(move |msg| {
				match msg {
					GossipMessage::VoteOrPrecommit(msg) => {
						// check signature.
						if !voters.contains_key(& {
							debug!(target: "afg", "Skipping message from unknown voter {}",;
							return Ok(None);

						match &msg.message.message {
							PrimaryPropose(propose) => {
								telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.received_propose";
									"voter" => ?format!("{}",,
									"target_number" => ?propose.target_number,
									"target_hash" => ?propose.target_hash,
							Prevote(prevote) => {
								telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.received_prevote";
									"voter" => ?format!("{}",,
									"target_number" => ?prevote.target_number,
									"target_hash" => ?prevote.target_hash,
							Precommit(precommit) => {
								telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.received_precommit";
									"voter" => ?format!("{}",,
									"target_number" => ?precommit.target_number,
									"target_hash" => ?precommit.target_hash,

					_ => {
						debug!(target: "afg", "Skipping unknown message type");
						return Ok(None);
			.filter_map(|x| x)
			.map_err(|()| Error::Network(format!("Failed to receive message on unbounded stream")));

		let (tx, out_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
		let outgoing = OutgoingMessages::<B, N> {
			round: round.0,
			set_id: set_id.0,
			network: self.service.clone(),
			sender: tx,

		let out_rx = out_rx.map_err(move |()| Error::Network(
			format!("Failed to receive on unbounded receiver for round {}", round.0)

		let incoming =;

		(incoming, outgoing)

	/// Set up the global communication streams.
	pub(crate) fn global_communication(
		set_id: SetId,
		voters: Arc<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>,
		is_voter: bool,
		impl Stream<Item = (u64, CompactCommit<B>, impl FnMut(CommitProcessingOutcome)), Error = Error>,
		impl Sink<SinkItem = (u64, Commit<B>), SinkError = Error>,
	) {
			|to, neighbor| self.service.send_message(to, GossipMessage::<B>::from(neighbor).encode()),
		let service = self.service.clone();
		let topic = global_topic::<B>(set_id.0);
		let incoming = incoming_global(service, topic, voters, self.validator.clone());

		let outgoing = CommitsOut::<B, N>::new(
fn incoming_global<B: BlockT, N: Network<B>>(
	service: N,
	topic: B::Hash,
	voters: Arc<VoterSet<AuthorityId>>,
	gossip_validator: Arc<GossipValidator<B>>,
) -> impl Stream<Item = (u64, CompactCommit<B>, impl FnMut(CommitProcessingOutcome)), Error = Error> {
		.filter_map(|notification| {
			// this could be optimized by decoding piecewise.
			let decoded = GossipMessage::<B>::decode(&mut &notification.message[..]);
			if decoded.is_none() {
				trace!(target: "afg", "Skipping malformed commit message {:?}", notification);
			} |d| (notification, d))
		.filter_map(move |(notification, msg)| {
			match msg {
				GossipMessage::Commit(msg) => {
					let precommits_signed_by: Vec<String> =
						msg.message.auth_data.iter().map(move |(_, a)| {
							format!("{}", a)
					telemetry!(CONSENSUS_INFO; "afg.received_commit";
						"contains_precommits_signed_by" => ?precommits_signed_by,
						"target_number" => ?msg.message.target_number.clone(),
						"target_hash" => ?msg.message.target_hash.clone(),
					if let Err(cost) = check_compact_commit::<B>(
					) {
						if let Some(who) = notification.sender {, cost);
					} else {
						Some((msg, notification, service.clone()))
				_ => {
					debug!(target: "afg", "Skipping unknown message type");
					return None;
		.map(move |(msg, mut notification, service)| {
			let round = msg.round.0;
			let commit = msg.message;
			let finalized_number = commit.target_number;
			let gossip_validator = gossip_validator.clone();
			let cb = move |outcome| match outcome {
				CommitProcessingOutcome::Good => {
					// if it checks out, gossip it. not accounting for
					// any discrepancy between the actual ghost and the claimed
					// finalized number.
						|to, neighbor_msg| service.send_message(

					service.gossip_message(topic, notification.message.clone(), false);
				CommitProcessingOutcome::Bad => {
					// report peer and do not gossip.
					if let Some(who) = notification.sender.take() {, cost::INVALID_COMMIT);

			(round, commit, cb)
		.map_err(|()| Error::Network(format!("Failed to receive message on unbounded stream")))

impl<B: BlockT, N: Network<B>> Clone for NetworkBridge<B, N> {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {
		NetworkBridge {
			service: self.service.clone(),
			validator: Arc::clone(&self.validator),
			neighbor_sender: self.neighbor_sender.clone(),

fn localized_payload<E: Encode>(round: u64, set_id: u64, message: &E) -> Vec<u8> {
	(message, round, set_id).encode()

/// Type-safe wrapper around u64 when indicating that it's a round number.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct Round(pub u64);

/// Type-safe wrapper around u64 when indicating that it's a set ID.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct SetId(pub u64);

// check a message.
pub(crate) fn check_message_sig<Block: BlockT>(
	message: &Message<Block>,
	id: &AuthorityId,
	signature: &AuthoritySignature,
	round: u64,
	set_id: u64,
) -> Result<(), ()> {
	let as_public = AuthorityId::from_raw(id.0);
	let encoded_raw = localized_payload(round, set_id, message);
	if ed25519::Pair::verify(signature, &encoded_raw, as_public) {
	} else {
		debug!(target: "afg", "Bad signature on message from {:?}", id);

/// A sink for outgoing messages to the network. Any messages that are sent will
/// be replaced, as appropriate, according to the given `HasVoted`.
/// NOTE: The votes are stored unsigned, which means that the signatures need to
/// be "stable", i.e. we should end up with the exact same signed message if we
/// use the same raw message and key to sign. This is currently true for
/// `ed25519` and `BLS` signatures (which we might use in the future), care must
/// be taken when switching to different key types.
struct OutgoingMessages<Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>> {
	round: u64,
	set_id: u64,
	locals: Option<(Arc<ed25519::Pair>, AuthorityId)>,
	sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<SignedMessage<Block>>,
	network: N,

impl<Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>> Sink for OutgoingMessages<Block, N>
	type SinkItem = Message<Block>;
	type SinkError = Error;

	fn start_send(&mut self, mut msg: Message<Block>) -> StartSend<Message<Block>, Error> {
		// if we've voted on this round previously under the same key, send that vote instead
		match &mut msg {
			grandpa::Message::PrimaryPropose(ref mut vote) =>
				if let Some(propose) = self.has_voted.propose() {
					*vote = propose.clone();
			grandpa::Message::Prevote(ref mut vote) =>
				if let Some(prevote) = self.has_voted.prevote() {
					*vote = prevote.clone();
			grandpa::Message::Precommit(ref mut vote) =>
				if let Some(precommit) = self.has_voted.precommit() {
					*vote = precommit.clone();

		// when locals exist, sign messages on import
		if let Some((ref pair, ref local_id)) = self.locals {
			let encoded = localized_payload(self.round, self.set_id, &msg);
			let signature = pair.sign(&encoded[..]);

			let target_hash =;
			let signed = SignedMessage::<Block> {
				message: msg,
				id: local_id.clone(),

			let message = GossipMessage::VoteOrPrecommit(VoteOrPrecommitMessage::<Block> {
				message: signed.clone(),
				round: Round(self.round),
				set_id: SetId(self.set_id),

				target: "afg",
				"Announcing block {} to peers which we voted on in round {} in set {}",

				CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.announcing_blocks_to_voted_peers";
				"block" => ?target_hash, "round" => ?self.round, "set_id" => ?self.set_id,

			// announce our block hash to peers and propagate the
			// message.;

			let topic = round_topic::<Block>(self.round, self.set_id);, message.encode(), false);

			// forward the message to the inner sender.
			let _ = self.sender.unbounded_send(signed);


	fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> { Ok(Async::Ready(())) }

	fn close(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> {
		// ignore errors since we allow this inner sender to be closed already.
		self.sender.close().or_else(|_| Ok(Async::Ready(())))

// checks a compact commit. returns `None` if it was bad and
fn check_compact_commit<Block: BlockT>(
	msg: &CompactCommit<Block>,
	round: Round,
	set_id: SetId,
) -> Result<(), i32> {
	// 4f + 1 = equivocations from f voters.
	let f = voters.total_weight() - voters.threshold();
	let full_threshold = voters.total_weight() + f;
	// check total weight is not too high.
	let mut total_weight = 0;
	for (_, ref id) in &msg.auth_data {
		if let Some(weight) =|info| info.weight()) {
			total_weight += weight;
			if total_weight > full_threshold {
				return Err(cost::MALFORMED_COMMIT);
		} else {
			debug!(target: "afg", "Skipping commit containing unknown voter {}", id);
			return Err(cost::MALFORMED_COMMIT);

	if total_weight < voters.threshold() {
		return Err(cost::MALFORMED_COMMIT);

	// check signatures on all contained precommits.
	for (i, (precommit, &(ref sig, ref id))) in msg.precommits.iter()
		use crate::communication::gossip::Misbehavior;
		use grandpa::Message as GrandpaMessage;

		if let Err(()) = check_message_sig::<Block>(
		) {
			debug!(target: "afg", "Bad commit message signature {}", id);
			telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.bad_commit_msg_signature"; "id" => ?id);
			let cost = Misbehavior::BadCommitMessage {
				signatures_checked: i as i32,
				blocks_loaded: 0,
				equivocations_caught: 0,

			return Err(cost);
/// An output sink for commit messages.
struct CommitsOut<Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>> {
	network: N,
	set_id: SetId,
	is_voter: bool,
	gossip_validator: Arc<GossipValidator<Block>>,

impl<Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>> CommitsOut<Block, N> {
	/// Create a new commit output stream.
	pub(crate) fn new(
		network: N,
		set_id: u64,
		is_voter: bool,
		gossip_validator: Arc<GossipValidator<Block>>,
	) -> Self {
		CommitsOut {
			set_id: SetId(set_id),

impl<Block: BlockT, N: Network<Block>> Sink for CommitsOut<Block, N> {
	type SinkItem = (u64, Commit<Block>);
	type SinkError = Error;

	fn start_send(&mut self, input: (u64, Commit<Block>)) -> StartSend<Self::SinkItem, Error> {
		if !self.is_voter {
			return Ok(AsyncSink::Ready);

		let (round, commit) = input;
		let round = Round(round);

		telemetry!(CONSENSUS_DEBUG; "afg.commit_issued";
			"target_number" => ?commit.target_number, "target_hash" => ?commit.target_hash,
		let (precommits, auth_data) = commit.precommits.into_iter()
			.map(|signed| (signed.precommit, (signed.signature,

		let compact_commit = CompactCommit::<Block> {
			target_hash: commit.target_hash,
			target_number: commit.target_number,

		let message = GossipMessage::Commit(FullCommitMessage::<Block> {
			round: round,
			set_id: self.set_id,
			message: compact_commit,

		let topic = global_topic::<Block>(self.set_id.0);

		// the gossip validator needs to be made aware of the best commit-height we know of
		// before gosipping
			|to, neighbor|
		);, message.encode(), false);


	fn close(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> { Ok(Async::Ready(())) }
	fn poll_complete(&mut self) -> Poll<(), Error> { Ok(Async::Ready(())) }