1. Jan 02, 2020
    • Amaury Martiny's avatar
    • Amaury Martiny's avatar
      refactor: Put all available methods under `method.*` (#23) · 77176a3f
      Amaury Martiny authored
      - Instead of importing methods (like `bond`, `balanceTransfer`) directly from the root, the package exposes a `methods` object in the root, and this object contains all available methods organized by pallet:
      - import { bond, balanceTransfer } from '@amaurymartiny/txwrapper';
      + import { methods } from '@amaurymartiny/txwrapper';
      - bond(...);
      - balanceTransfer(...);
      + methods.staking.bond(...);
      + methods.balances.tranfer({dest: '...', value: }, {blockHash: '0x...'});
      + methods.balances.transferKeepAlive(...);
      - All the methods under `methods.*.*` take now 2 arguments: the first one is the actual args specific to the tx method, and the second one is `BaseTxInfo`, common to all transactions
      methods.staking.nominate({target: ['F1...']}, {blockHash: '0x..', ...});
      - `balances::transfer` arguments has been renamed from `{to, amount}` to `{dest, value}`, to reflect the rust codebase:
      methods.balances.transfer({dest: '5....', value: 100}, {blockHash: '0x..', ...});
  2. Dec 30, 2019
  3. Dec 16, 2019
  4. Dec 11, 2019
  5. Dec 06, 2019
  6. Dec 05, 2019
  7. Dec 03, 2019
  8. Dec 02, 2019
  9. Nov 29, 2019