_src_methods_staking_payoutnominator_.stakingpayoutnominatorargs.md 1.35 KiB
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# Interface: StakingPayoutNominatorArgs

## Hierarchy

* object


## Index

### Properties

* [era](_src_methods_staking_payoutnominator_.stakingpayoutnominatorargs.md#era)
* [validators](_src_methods_staking_payoutnominator_.stakingpayoutnominatorargs.md#validators)
*Defined in [src/methods/staking/payoutNominator.ts:15](https://github.com/paritytech/txwrapper/blob/2e195b6/src/methods/staking/payoutNominator.ts#L15)*

May not be lower than one following the most recently paid era. If it is
higher, then it indicates an instruction to skip the payout of all
previous eras.


###  validators

**validators**: *[string, number][]*

*Defined in [src/methods/staking/payoutNominator.ts:22](https://github.com/paritytech/txwrapper/blob/2e195b6/src/methods/staking/payoutNominator.ts#L22)*
List of all validators that `who` had exposure to during `era` alongside
the index of the `who` in the clipped exposure of the validator. i.e. each
element is a tuple of `(validator, index of `who` in clipped exposure of