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  1. Jul 16, 2016
  2. Jul 13, 2016
  3. Jul 11, 2016
  4. Jul 08, 2016
  5. Jun 29, 2016
  6. Jun 28, 2016
  7. Jun 18, 2016
    • Nikolay Volf's avatar
      Appveyor config for windows build+installer (#1302) · 76b413b5
      Nikolay Volf authored and Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar Arkadiy Paronyan committed
      * appveyor
      * proper dist name
      * quote
      * win-build config
      * proper build section
      * tests in release
      * plugin dir
      * cache binaries
      * quotes
      * escaped quotes
      * forces user dir
      * fixes
      * syntax
      * proper cahce dir
      * quotes?
      * root nsis instead of bin
      * submodules init
      * artifact path fix
      * no submodule
      * raw link here
      * another way to force cargo cache
      * include vc++ 2015 redist
      * fix name of the dist
      * ETHCORE -> Ethcore
  8. Jun 16, 2016
    • Nikolay Volf's avatar
      Appveyor config for windows build+installer (#1302) · 2a101baf
      Nikolay Volf authored
      * appveyor
      * proper dist name
      * quote
      * win-build config
      * proper build section
      * tests in release
      * plugin dir
      * cache binaries
      * quotes
      * escaped quotes
      * forces user dir
      * fixes
      * syntax
      * proper cahce dir
      * quotes?
      * root nsis instead of bin
      * submodules init
      * artifact path fix
      * no submodule
      * raw link here
      * another way to force cargo cache
      * include vc++ 2015 redist
      * fix name of the dist
      * ETHCORE -> Ethcore