1. Mar 09, 2018
    • Aleksey Sidorov's avatar
      Make parity-bitcoin usable for spv validation · f120076c
      Aleksey Sidorov authored
      - In this PR I extract from the crate `db` to the new `storage` crate all traits that is not specifically related to the concrete implementation of database. So I now can use `verification` crate without `rocksdb` dependency.
      - Also I modify the `HeaderAcceptor` so that can be constructed without the private `BlockDeployments`.
  2. Feb 09, 2018
  3. May 05, 2017
  4. Apr 05, 2017
  5. Dec 12, 2016
  6. Dec 10, 2016
  7. Dec 09, 2016
  8. Dec 08, 2016
  9. Dec 07, 2016