1. Nov 02, 2016
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Serving some sync requests (#73) · 0b212ec5
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * started work on synchronization_server
      * continue synchronization server
      * added response to getblocks message
      * renamed Synchronization to Client
      * LocalNode parametrized by Server
      * LocalNode parametrized by Client
      * fixed test
      * support connect to given port via command line
      * fixed couple of sync server issues && added sync server trace
      * fixing sync issues
      * fixed grumbles
  2. Oct 31, 2016
  3. Oct 29, 2016
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Async verification (#54) · 68ddc7fa
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * async verifying
      * lost file
      * removed debug timer
      * fixed compilation && tests
      * fixed typo
      * async verification refactoring
      * fixed sync stall
      * fixed dead_code warning
      * get rid of extra locks
      * fixed tests
      * * separated tasks executor from sync node
      * local node mutex removed
  4. Oct 26, 2016