• Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
    Continue synchronization protocol impl (#30) · b081ca3d
    Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
    * p2p <-> sync interfaces proposal
    * updated with example
    * send errors will be handled in p2p module => no need to return to the sync
    * poc of outbound sync connection
    * simplified send_to_peer
    * context has cpu pool and enent loop handles
    * on_message won't return ProtocolAction anymore
    * session initialized sync protocol, remove retain cycles on P2P::drop
    * removed ProtocolAction
    * uncommented ping protocol
    * node_table sorts nodes also by recently used time
    * started work on sync package
    * send getaddr on connect
    * fixed node_table insert, added insert_many
    * addr protocol
    * sync headers response
    * continue sync
    * continue sync protocol
    * separated sync connection start from sync connection creation
    * switched to getblocks (instead of getheaders)
    * starting to receive blocks in sync
    * deal with orphaned blocks in sync::local_chain
    * continue sync
    * fix warnings
    * removed TODOs
    * protocol::sync is back to private state
    * fixed grumbes