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Unverified Commit 1b37b9e1 authored by Nikos Kontakis's avatar Nikos Kontakis Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Implement parachain and validator registration process in Subxt (#112)

Fixes #106


Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <>
parent baf29310
No related merge requests found
......@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ sha2 = { version = "0.10.2", default-features = false }
hex = "0.4"
sp-core = "22.0.0"
libp2p = { version = "0.52" }
subxt = "0.32.0"
subxt-signer = { version = "0.32.0", features = ["subxt"]}
use std::time::Duration;
use configuration::{NetworkConfigBuilder, RegistrationStrategy};
use orchestrator::{AddNodeOpts, Orchestrator};
use provider::NativeProvider;
use support::fs::local::LocalFileSystem;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let config = NetworkConfigBuilder::new()
.with_relaychain(|r| {
.with_node(|node| node.with_name("alice"))
.with_node(|node| node.with_name("bob"))
.with_parachain(|p| {
.with_collator(|n| n.with_name("collator").with_command("polkadot-parachain"))
let fs = LocalFileSystem;
let provider = NativeProvider::new(fs.clone());
let orchestrator = Orchestrator::new(fs, provider);
let mut network = orchestrator.spawn(config).await?;
println!("🚀🚀🚀🚀 network deployed");
// add a new node
let opts = AddNodeOpts {
rpc_port: Some(9444),
is_validator: true,
// TODO: add check to ensure if unique
network.add_node("new1", opts, None).await?;
// Example of some opertions that you can do
// with `nodes` (e.g pause, resume, restart)
// Get a ref to the node
let node = network.get_node("alice")?;
let is_10 = node.assert("block_height{status=\"best\"}", 10).await?;
println!("is_10: {is_10}");
let role = node.reports("node_roles").await?;
println!("Role is {role}");
// pause the node
// node.pause().await?;
// println!("node new1 paused!");
// node.resume().await?;
// println!("node new1 resumed!");
let col_opts = AddNodeOpts {
command: Some("polkadot-parachain".try_into()?),
network.add_node("new-col-1", col_opts, Some(100)).await?;
println!("new collator deployed!");
// For now let just loop....
loop {}
// Ok(())
......@@ -23,4 +23,6 @@ sha2 = { workspace = true, default-features = false }
hex = { workspace = true }
sp-core = { workspace = true }
libp2p = { workspace = true }
subxt = { workspace = true }
subxt-signer = { workspace = true }
reqwest = { workspace = true }
pub mod chain_spec;
pub mod errors;
pub mod key;
pub mod para_artifact;
mod bootnode_addr;
mod command;
mod identity;
mod key;
mod keystore;
mod port;
......@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ use provider::{constants::LOCALHOST, types::TransferedFile, Provider};
use support::fs::{FileSystem, FileSystemError};
use tokio::time::timeout;
use crate::{generators::chain_spec::ParaGenesisConfig, spawner::SpawnNodeCtx};
use crate::{
generators::chain_spec::ParaGenesisConfig, shared::types::RegisterParachainOptions,
pub struct Orchestrator<T, P>
......@@ -141,14 +144,13 @@ where
let para_to_register_in_genesis: Vec<&ParachainSpec> = network_spec
.filter(|para| match &para.registration_strategy {
RegistrationStrategy::InGenesis => true,
RegistrationStrategy::UsingExtrinsic => false,
// Gather the parachains to register in genesis and the ones to register with extrinsic
let (para_to_register_in_genesis, para_to_register_with_extrinsic): (
) = network_spec.parachains.iter().partition(|para| {
matches!(para.registration_strategy, RegistrationStrategy::InGenesis)
let mut para_artifacts = vec![];
for para in para_to_register_in_genesis {
......@@ -233,6 +235,9 @@ where
.map(|node| spawner::spawn_node(node, global_files_to_inject.clone(), &ctx));
// Initiate the node_ws_uel which will be later used in the Parachain_with_extrinsic config
let mut node_ws_url: String = "".to_string();
// Calculate the bootnodes addr from the running nodes
let mut bootnodes_addr: Vec<String> = vec![];
for node in futures::future::try_join_all(spawning_tasks).await? {
......@@ -246,6 +251,12 @@ where
// Is used in the register_para_options (We need to get this from the relay and not the collators)
if node_ws_url.is_empty() {
node_ws_url = node.ws_uri.clone()
// Add the node to the `Network` instance
network.add_running_node(node, None);
......@@ -256,6 +267,7 @@ where
let spawning_tasks = relaynodes
.map(|node| spawner::spawn_node(node, global_files_to_inject.clone(), &ctx));
for node in futures::future::try_join_all(spawning_tasks).await? {
// Add the node to the `Network` instance
network.add_running_node(node, None);
......@@ -324,6 +336,38 @@ where
// TODO: we should wait until node is ready!
if !para_to_register_with_extrinsic.is_empty() {
// Now we need to register the paras with extrinsic from the Vec collected before;
for para in para_to_register_with_extrinsic {
let register_para_options: RegisterParachainOptions = RegisterParachainOptions {
// This needs to resolve correctly
wasm_path: para
"artifact path for wasm must be set at this point",
state_path: para
"artifact path for state must be set at this point",
node_ws_url: node_ws_url.clone(),
onboard_as_para: para.onboard_as_parachain,
seed: None, // TODO: Seed is passed by?
finalization: false, // TODO: Seed is passed by?
Parachain::register(register_para_options, &scoped_fs).await?;
// TODO (future):
// - add-ons (introspector/tracing/etc)
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use subxt::{dynamic::Value, OnlineClient, SubstrateConfig};
use subxt_signer::{sr25519::Keypair, SecretUri};
use support::fs::FileSystem;
// use crate::generators::key::generate_pair;
// use sp_core::{sr25519, Pair};
use super::node::NetworkNode;
use crate::{shared::types::RegisterParachainOptions, ScopedFilesystem};
pub struct Parachain {
......@@ -35,4 +45,62 @@ impl Parachain {
collators: Default::default(),
pub async fn register(
options: RegisterParachainOptions,
scoped_fs: &ScopedFilesystem<'_, impl FileSystem>,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
println!("Registering parachain: {:?}", options);
// get the seed
let sudo: Keypair;
if let Some(possible_seed) = options.seed {
sudo = Keypair::from_seed(possible_seed).expect("seed should return a Keypair.");
} else {
let uri = SecretUri::from_str("//Alice")?;
sudo = Keypair::from_uri(&uri)?;
let genesis_state = scoped_fs
.expect("State Path should be ok by this point.");
let wasm_data = scoped_fs
.expect("Wasm Path should be ok by this point.");
let api = OnlineClient::<SubstrateConfig>::from_url(options.node_ws_url).await?;
let schedule_para = subxt::dynamic::tx(
("para_kind", Value::bool(options.onboard_as_para)),
let sudo_call = subxt::dynamic::tx("Sudo", "sudo", vec![schedule_para.into_value()]);
// TODO: uncomment below and fix the sign and submit (and follow afterwards until
// finalized block) to register the parachain
let result = api
.sign_and_submit_then_watch_default(&sudo_call, &sudo)
let result = result.wait_for_in_block().await?;
println!("In block: {:#?}", result.block_hash());
use std::{
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
pub type Accounts = HashMap<String, NodeAccount>;
use configuration::shared::{
types::{Arg, AssetLocation, Command, Image, Port},
pub type Accounts = HashMap<String, NodeAccount>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct NodeAccount {
pub address: String,
......@@ -55,3 +57,21 @@ pub struct ChainDefaultContext<'a> {
pub default_db_snapshot: Option<&'a AssetLocation>,
pub default_args: Vec<&'a Arg>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RegisterParachainOptions {
pub id: u32,
pub wasm_path: PathBuf,
pub state_path: PathBuf,
pub node_ws_url: String,
pub onboard_as_para: bool,
pub seed: Option<[u8; 32]>,
pub finalization: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ParachainGenesisArgs {
pub genesis_head: String,
pub validation_code: String,
pub parachain: bool,
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