Unverified Commit f9645b64 authored by lanaivina's avatar lanaivina Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Generate multiple runtimes (#78)

* feat: preinitialize tUSD on Trappist parachain

Refers #44

* feat: add dex exchange to geneis block
Alice can exchange currency to assets

Refers #44

* Auto stash before merge of "44-defi-xcm-use-case-no1" and "master"

* Fix errors after merging master


* Bash file to build all runtimes

* Edit ticker, remove symlinks

* Fix build command

* Run cargo fmt

* Add missing feature for runtime benchmarks

* Add base runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Bigos <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarSteve Degosserie <[email protected]>
parent 57a73921
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