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Zeke Mostov's avatar
Zeke Mostov committed
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

Tarik Gul's avatar
Tarik Gul committed
## [11.4.1]( (2022-05-18)

**Upgrade Priority** High (Required for users looking to update to 11.3.18, 11.3.19, or 11.4.0)

### Bug Fixes

- fix: revert apps-config to stable version ([#921]( ([faf1595](

## [11.4.0]( (2022-05-18)

**Upgrade Priority** low

### Features

- feat(balance-info): add query param to convert free balance to human readable format ([#914]( ([f1e03d6](

### Bug Fixes

- fix(deps): update polkadot.js common, api, type interfaces ([#918]( ([6baf526](
- fix(dev): updates substrate-js-dev, and fixes latest eslint rules ([#913]([12c5914](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9210
- Kusama v9210
- Westend v9210

## [11.3.19]( (2022-05-10)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix(deps): update pjs api ([#915]( ([f089967](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9200
- Kusama v9200
- Westend v9200

## [11.3.18]( (2022-05-03)

**Upgrade Priority** Medium (For users querying `/runtime/metadata`. Fixes decoding all constants for V14)

### Bug Fixes

- fix(deps): update pjs api ([#906]( ([528420c](
- fix: decode Bytes types for /runtime/metadata correctly ([#907]( ([ce48c14](
- fix: update substrate-js-dev, add update-pjs script ([#904]( ([59aabc3](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9190
- Kusama v9190
- Westend v9190

## [11.3.17]( (2022-04-21)

**Upgrade Priority** High (For users querying chains using v9190, and need partialFee information)

### Bug Fixes

- fix(bug): handle lengthToFee given runtime v9190 ([#900]( ([992b458](
- fix(deps): update pjs api ([#897]( ([511fcf9](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9190
- Kusama v9190
- Westend v9190

## [11.3.16]( (2022-04-13)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix(deps): update pjs common, api, wasm-crypto ([#895]( ([c09a869](
- fix: remove blockWeightsStore ([#891]( ([ce701a0](
- fix: update polkadot-js deps, adjust tests for getWeight ([#890]( ([c348363](

### Docs 

- docs(release): abstract the release process into its own file ([#894]( ([eece110](
- docs: updated README with trace endpoints & requirements note ([#872]( ([d323857]( Contributed by ([Imod7](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9180
- Kusama v9180
- Westend v9180

## [11.3.15]( (2022-03-30)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix: update polkadot-js deps and rxjs ([#882]( ([9455397](
- fix: update polkadot deps, util-crypto, api, wasm-crypto ([#878]( ([db74ab4](
- fix: add 9180 for metadata-consts ([#879]( ([a2daf75](

### Tests

- fix: update e2e-tests ([#877]( ([7382dca](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9180
- Kusama v9180
- Westend v9180

## [11.3.14]( (2022-03-16)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix: enable experimental trace endpoints for polkadot ([868]( ([37c35ae](
- fix: bump yarn ([#869]( ([a904962](
- fix: update polkadot api, apps-config, and util-crypto ([#871]( ([ff0cef5](
- fix: add runtime 9170, and 700 to metadata consts ([#873]( ([dcce39e](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9170
- Kusama v9170
- Westend v9170

## [11.3.13]( (2022-03-08)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix: update api to 7.11.1, and apps config 0.108.1 ([#862]( ([222a258](
- fix: update substrate/calc to 0.2.8 ([#861]( ([3ade139](
- fix: update api to 7.10.1, and apps config to 0.107.1 ([#859]( ([7f29c46](

### Calc

- chore(release-calc): 0.2.8 ([#860]( ([cf8297d](
- fix: support fee calculation for Bifrost ([#853]( ([cd33db7]( Contributed by ([ark930](

## Compatibility 

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9170
- Kusama v9170
- Westend v9170

## [11.3.12]( (2022-02-28)

**Upgrade Priority** Low (Fixes Docker release, and CI Build. This is a mirror release of 11.3.11)

### CI

- fix(bug): fix build ([#855]( ([daa35bf](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9160
- Kusama v9160
- Westend v9160

## [11.3.11]( (2022-02-24)

**Upgrade Priority** Low

### Bug Fixes

- fix: update polkadot-js deps ([#850]( ([db9eb36](
- fix(devDep): update @substrate/dev ([#838]( ([b710b23](
- fix: Abstract error handling for addresses into AbstractService ([#842]( ([88e176b](

### Docs

- docs: fix methodName -> method ([#848]( ([10008c1](
- docs: seperate the release process from updating polkadot-js deps ([#837]( ([268de8d](
- docs: transition to webpack 5, and bump deps ([#839]( ([248642d](

### CI
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