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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [14.5.2]( (2023-04-04)

### Bug Fixes

- fix: invalid validator active set ([#1256]( ([a13269b](
    - NOTE: This ensure that `/pallets/staking/validators` returns the correct amount of active validators in the set.  

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9400
- Kusama v9400
- Westend v9400

## [14.5.1]( (2023-03-23)

### Chores

- chore(deps): update polkadot-js ([#1252]( ([c53d6c4](

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9390
- Kusama v9390
- Westend v9390

## [14.5.0]( (2023-03-15)

### Features

- feat: add pallets/consts endpoint ([#1210]( ([97c1ca6](
- feat: add SAS_EXPRESS_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT ([#1233]( ([e83dac6](
- feat: add pallets/dispatchables endpoint ([#1209]( ([b685ac2](

### CI

- ci: refactor benchmark ([#1235]( ([fe67380](

### Test

- test: fix benchmark url calls for pallets keys ([#1240]( ([e4e4cac](

### Chores

- chore: bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 ([#1241]( ([190c713](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1247]( ([5c4449c](
- chore: add inspect mode script ([#1248]( ([4f40666](
- chore: bump webpack from 5.68.0 to 5.76.0 in /docs ([#1249]( ([783ef9b](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9390
- Kusama v9390
- Westend v9390

## [14.4.1]( (2023-02-27)

### CI

- ci: add e2e tests to ci ([#1222]( ([14b05f8](
- ci: add docker image description publishing ([#1234]( ([c97972a](

### Chores

- chore(deps): update polkadot-js ([#1237]( ([7366aa3](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9380
- Kusama v9380
- Westend v9380

## [14.4.0]( (2023-02-14)

### Features

- feat: add pallets/events endpoint ([#1204]( ([289d804](

### Perf

- perf: rework benchmarks ([#1044]( ([3189864](

### Tests

- tests: fix e2e tests, add kusama westend, and remove ws check ([#1223]( ([fb35b6b](

### Chores

- chore: add e2e-tests to single lint configuration ([#1226]( ([f546abc](
- chore(deps): update pjs, add small e2e-config ([#1225]( ([80f4e2c](
- chore(deps): update pjs deps ([#1221]( ([10930b2](
- chore(tech-debt): cleanup type assignment for consoleOverride ([#1215]( ([520631c](
- chore:(deps): bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 ([#1217]( ([fe6ee23](
- chore: bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /docs ([#1216]( ([2f2b513](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9370
- Kusama v9370
- Westend v9370

## [14.3.1]( (2023-02-01)

### Bug Fixes

- fix: update errors endpoint to use latest error metadata for fetchErrorItem ([#1205]( ([a13e8ca](
- fix: rename nomination-pools to be to standard ([#1203]( ([7d8ac10](
    NOTE: This renames `/pallets/nominationPools/*` to `/pallets/nomination-pools/*`.

### Chores

- chore(deps): updated to new version of confmgr ([#1207]( ([a0f7d78](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1206]( ([1cb3d22](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js api to most recent patch ([#1211]( ([cffc235](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9370
- Kusama v9370
- Westend v9370

## [14.3.0]( (2023-01-25)

### Features

- feat: add /paras/head/included-candidates and /paras/head/backed-candidates ([#1166]( ([eb4add7](
- feat: add nomination pools support ([#1095]( ([7534b1e](
- feat: add /pallets/errors ([#1176]( ([65a0881](
- feat: add /pallets/staking/validators endpoint ([#1045]( ([70e0a36](
- feat: add fileTransport ([#1189]( ([9c2effb](

### Chores

- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1183]( ([e2d64ed](
- chore(yarn-dev): update yarn to 3.3.1, and substrate/dev to 0.6.6 ([#1185]( ([c7461c6](
- chore(lint): adjust lint script ([#1184]( ([325e80a](
- chore: bump bumpalo from 3.6.0 to 3.12.0 in /calc ([#1192]( ([93e7d36](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js deps ([#1193]( ([ee64335](
- chore(scripts): cleanup package.json scripts ([#1200]( ([1585605](

### Docs

- docs: remove try it out option in docs ([#1191]( ([22f8fd4](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9370
- Kusama v9370
- Westend v9370

## [14.2.3]( (2023-01-10)

### Bug Fixes

- fix: replace rpc calls for fees and give support for weight v1 and v2 ([1177]( ([9bdaf45](
    Note: This fixes a current bug where the `includeFee` queryParam was no longer working, and compatible with WeightsV2.

### Chores

- chore: bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /docs ([1178]( ([94a2ed9](
- chore: bump fast-json-patch from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 in /docs ([1175]( ([76629d3](
- chore:(deps): bump json5 from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3 ([1179]( ([d05f716](
- chore(deps): update polkadot-js api, and util-crypto ([1181]( ([7ccec7a](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9360
- Kusama v9360
- Westend v9360

## [14.2.2]( (2022-12-27)

### Bug Fixes

- fix: use local version of wasm-pack ([#1168]( ([f922247]( Contributed by: [xlc](
- fix: avoid use queryInfo rpc call ([#1169]( ([907ba92]( Contributed by: [xlc](
- fix: set rpc to call for queryInfo in transaction/fee-estimate ([#1170]( ([7334599](
- fix: revert polkadot-js deps to 9.10.3 ([#1173]( ([df6bc32](

### Chores

- chore(deps): update polkadot-js api, and api-contracts ([#1171]( ([97b427c](

### Test

- test(e2e-tests): add e2e-tests for latest runtimes, and blocks ([#1155]( ([095f57f](

## Compatibility

Tested against:
- Polkadot v9360
- Kusama v9360
- Westend v9360
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