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# Ruled Labels
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## Intro

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`ruled-labels` is compatible with the `glabel` yaml format and allow specifying additionnal rules regarding the labels. Those rules are described in a yaml file.
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`ruled-labels` can handle:
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-   the list of labels and their properties
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-   the label rules

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-   a description of test cases

## Install

There is currenly no binary package so you need to use `cargo` to build and install `ruled-labels` on your system.

    cargo install --locked --git

## Features

-   rule based engine

-   rules defined as yaml

-   `lint`: the lint command helps you validate your yaml files

-   `list`: show a summary of your rules

-   `test`: You can define a set of tests scenarii to check against your specs to ensure you did not leave anything behind

-   `check`: CI can call this command to check a set of labels against your specs & rules

# Usage

## Help

    ruled-labels 0.1.0

    This utility allows checking labels based on rules

        ruled-labels [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

        -h, --help        Print help information
            --no-color    Output without any coloring, this is useful for documentation and CI system
                          where the color code pollute the output
        -V, --version     Print version information

        check    Check label set against the rules
        help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
        lint     Lint the rules
        list     List all the rules
        test     Run tests using rules and a test set

## Lint
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    PASSED  The file specs.yaml looks OK
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## List
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    name: chevdor/glabel
    desc: Import from chevdor/glabel
    labels: 14
     - Some topics (X labels)
     - Exactly one visibility label (b_rules)
     - Note Worthy need one Prio label (b_need_p)
     - Note Worthy implies no J label (b_excludes_j)
     - Exclude all Ds
     - Require all of J
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## Test
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    Tests specs: tests.yaml
    Specs file : specs.yaml
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        ▶️ Running test  1: Pass
          Expected to PASS
          Running checks on 4 labels: X1, B0, X2, X3
            PASSED  Some topics (X labels)
            PASSED  Exactly one visibility label
            PASSED  Note Worthy need one Prio label
            PASSED  Note Worthy implies no J label
            PASSED  Exclude all Ds
            FAILED  Require all of J
        FAILED  Pass
    FAILED  Some expectations were not OK
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## Check

          Running checks on 2 labels: B0, A1
            FAILED  Some topics (X labels)
            PASSED  Exactly one visibility label
            PASSED  Note Worthy need one Prio label
            PASSED  Note Worthy implies no J label
            PASSED  Exclude all Ds
            FAILED  Require all of J
    FAILED  chevdor/glabel v0.1.0 for labels B0, A1
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## Vscode yaml

Add to the yaml pluggin config:

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    "yaml.customTags": [
        "!none_of sequence",
        "!one_of sequence",
        "!some_of sequence",
        "!all_of sequence",
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## Yaml specs

## Rules

    # tag::header[]
    name: chevdor/glabel
    version: 0.1.0
    description: Import from chevdor/glabel
    # end::header[]

    # tag::labels[]
      - name: A1-foo
        description: Foo
        color: d73a4a
      - name: A2-bar
        description: Bar
        color: d73a4a
    # end::labels[]
      - name: X1-frontend
        description: Frontend
        color: d73a4a
      - name: X2-backend
        description: Frontend
        color: d73a4a
      - name: X3-documentation
        description: Improvements or additions to documentation
        color: 0075ca
      - name: P1-low_prio
        description: Low prio
        color: ffffff
      - name: P2-low_prio
        description: Low prio
        color: ffffff
      - name: P3-low_prio
        description: Low prio
        color: ffffff
      - name: B0-silent
        description: silent
        color: ffffff
      - name: B1-note_worthy
        description: note worthy
        color: ffffff
      - name: B2-important
        description: important
        color: ffffff
      - name: J1-junk1
        description: junk1
        color: ffffff
      - name: J2-junk2
        description: junk2
        color: ffffff
      - name: D1-disable1
        description: diable1
        color: ffffff

    # tag::rules[]
      - name: Some topics (X labels)
          require: !some_of
            - X1
            - X2
            - J2
    # end::rules[]

      - name: Exactly one visibility label
        id: b_rules
        description: |
          This rule ensures we have a single visibility label.
          It is important to void conflicts such as having a PR
          labels as both important and unsubstantial.
          require: !one_of
            - B*
          exclude: ~

      - name: Note Worthy need one Prio label
        id: b_need_p
          # when we have one of the B labels
          when: !one_of
            - B*
          # we need exactly one of the P labels
          require: !one_of
            - P*
          # but we don't want the P1 labels
          exclude: !all_of
            - P1

      - name: Note Worthy implies no J label
        id: b_excludes_j
          # when:
          #   - B*
          exclude: !all_of
            - T*

      - name: Exclude all Ds
        disabled: false   # default
        priority: 100         # default
          exclude: !all_of
            - D*

      - name: Require all of J
          require: !all_of
            - J*

## Test

    name: Name of the test
    spec_file: specs.yaml

      - name: Fail
        skip: true
          - B1-note_worthy
          - B0-silent
          - X1-foo
        expected: false

      - name: Pass
        only: true
        labels: [ B0-silent, X1-bar, X2-bar, X3-foobar ]
        expected: true

      - name: Missing topics
        skip: true
          - B0-silent
        expected: false

## Glossary

In order to understand the terminology and what are `LabelMatch`, `LabelMatchSet`, `Labels`, `LabelId`, etc…​ please refer to the Rust documenation. You can generate and open it using:

    cargo doc --no-deps --open