Francisco Aguirre
When running XCM emulated tests and seeing the logs with `RUST_LOG=xcm` or `RUST_LOG=xcm=trace`, it's sometimes a bit hard to figure out the chain where the logs are coming from. I added a log whenever `execute_with` is called, to know the chain which makes the following logs. Looks like so: <img width="1499" alt="Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 20 14 13" src=""> There are already log targets for when UMP, DMP and HRMP messages are being processed. To see them, you have to use the log targets `ump`, `dmp`, and `hrmp` respectively. So `RUST_LOG=xcm,ump,dmp,hrmp` would let you see every log. I prefixed the targets with `xcm::` so you can get all the relevant logs just by filtering by `xcm`. You can always use the whole target to see just the messages being processed. These logs showed the message as an array of bytes, I made them show a hexadecimal string instead since that's easier to copy in case you want to decode it or use it in another tool. They look like this now: <img width="1499" alt="Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 20 17 15" src=""> The HRMP and UMP ones are very similar.