Michal Kucharczyk
[`RococoGenesisExt`](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/blob/a414ea75/polkadot/node/service/src/chain_spec.rs#L152-L171) is removed. It was the hack to allow overwriting `EpochDurationInBlocks`. Removal of `RococGenesisExt` prevents from manipulating the state to change the runtime constants. Changes: - Environment variable which controls the `time::EpochDurationInBlocks` value was added: `ROCOCO_EPOCH_DURATION` (epoch duration will be set to the value of env), - `10,100,600` versions of rococo-runtime are built in CI and put into `polkadot-debug` docker image. `rococo-runtime` building examples: - to build runtime for `versi_staging_testnet` which had EpochDurationInBlocks set to 100: ``` ROCOCO_EPOCH_DURATION=100 cargo build --features=fast-runtime -p rococo-runtime ``` - to build runtime for `wococo_development` ``` ROCOCO_EPOCH_DURATION=10 cargo build --features=fast-runtime -p rococ...