1. Apr 24, 2024
  2. Mar 27, 2024
  3. Mar 13, 2024
  4. Mar 04, 2024
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      FRAME: Create `TransactionExtension` as a replacement for `SignedExtension` (#2280) · fd5f9292
      Gavin Wood authored
      Closes #2160
      First part of [Extrinsic
      Introduces a new trait `TransactionExtension` to replace
      `SignedExtension`. Introduce the idea of transactions which obey the
      runtime's extensions and have according Extension data (né Extra data)
      yet do not have hard-coded signatures.
      Deprecate the terminology of "Unsigned" when used for
      transactions/extrinsics owing to there now being "proper" unsigned
      transactions which obey the extension framework and "old-style" unsigned
      which do not. Instead we have __*General*__ for the former and
      __*Bare*__ for the latter. (Ultimately, the latter will be phased out as
      a type of transaction, and Bare will only be used for Inherents.)
      Types of extrinsic are now therefore:
      - Bare (no hardcoded signature, no Extra data; used to be known as
      - Bare transactions (deprecated): Gossiped, validated with
      `ValidateUnsigned` (deprecated) and the `_bare_compat` bits of
      `TransactionExtension` (deprecated).
        - Inherents: Not gossiped, validated with `ProvideInherent`.
      - Extended (Extra data): Gossiped, validated via `TransactionExtension`.
        - Signed transactions (with a hardcoded signature).
        - General transactions (without a hardcoded signature).
      `TransactionExtension` differs from `SignedExtension` because:
      - A signature on the underlying transaction may validly not be present.
      - It may alter the origin during validation.
      - `pre_dispatch` is renamed to `prepare` and need not contain the checks
      present in `validate`.
      - `validate` and `prepare` is passed an `Origin` rather than a
      - `validate` may pass arbitrary information into `prepare` via a new
      user-specifiable type `Val`.
      - `AdditionalSigned`/`additional_signed` is renamed to
      `Implicit`/`implicit`. It is encoded *for the entire transaction* and
      passed in to each extension as a new argument to `validate`. This
      facilitates the ability of extensions to acts as underlying crypto.
      There is a new `DispatchTransaction` trait which contains only default
      function impls and is impl'ed for any `TransactionExtension` impler. It
      provides several utility functions which reduce some of the tedium from
      using `TransactionExtension` (indeed, none of its regular functions
      should now need to be called directly).
      Three transaction version discriminator ("versions") are now
      - 0b000000100: Bare (used to be called "Unsigned"): contains Signature
      or Extra (extension data). After bare transactions are no longer
      supported, this will strictly identify an Inherents only.
      - 0b100000100: Old-school "Signed" Transaction: contains Signature and
      Extra (extension data).
      - 0b010000100: New-school "General" Transaction: contains Extra
      (extension data), but no Signature.
      For the New-school General Transaction, it becomes trivial for authors
      to publish extensions to the mechanism for authorizing an Origin, e.g.
      through new kinds of key-signing schemes, ZK proofs, pallet state,
      mutations over pre-authenticated origins or any combination of the
      ## Code Migration
      ### NOW: Getting it to build
      Wrap your `SignedExtension`s in `AsTransactionExtension`. This should be
      accompanied by renaming your aggregate type in line with the new
      terminology. E.g. Before:
      /// The SignedExtension to the basic transaction logic.
      pub type SignedExtra = (
      	/* snip */
      /// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
      pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
      	generic::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, RuntimeCall, Signature, SignedExtra>;
      /// The extension to the basic transaction logic.
      pub type TxExtension = (
      	/* snip */
      /// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
      pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
      	generic::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, RuntimeCall, Signature, TxExtension>;
      You'll also need to alter any transaction building logic to add a
      `.into()` to make the conversion happen. E.g. Before:
      fn construct_extrinsic(
      		/* snip */
      ) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
      	let extra: SignedExtra = (
      		/* snip */
      		MySpecialSignedExtension::new(/* snip */),
      	let payload = SignedPayload::new(call.clone(), extra.clone()).unwrap();
      	let signature = payload.using_encoded(|e| sender.sign(e));
      		/* snip */
      fn construct_extrinsic(
      		/* snip */
      ) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
      	let tx_ext: TxExtension = (
      		/* snip */
      		MySpecialSignedExtension::new(/* snip */).into(),
      	let payload = SignedPayload::new(call.clone(), tx_ext.clone()).unwrap();
      	let signature = payload.using_encoded(|e| sender.sign(e));
      		/* snip */
      ### SOON: Migrating to `TransactionExtension`
      Most `SignedExtension`s can be trivially converted to become a
      `TransactionExtension`. There are a few things to know.
      - Instead of a single trait like `SignedExtension`, you should now
      implement two traits individually: `TransactionExtensionBase` and
      - Weights are now a thing and must be provided via the new function `fn
      #### `TransactionExtensionBase`
      This trait takes care of anything which is not dependent on types
      specific to your runtime, most notably `Call`.
      - `AdditionalSigned`/`additional_signed` is renamed to
      - Weight must be returned by implementing the `weight` function. If your
      extension is associated with a pallet, you'll probably want to do this
      via the pallet's existing benchmarking infrastructure.
      #### `TransactionExtension`
      - `pre_dispatch` is now `prepare` and you *should not reexecute the
      `validate` functionality in there*!
      - You don't get an account ID any more; you get an origin instead. If
      you need to presume an account ID, then you can use the trait function
      - You get an additional ticket, similar to `Pre`, called `Val`. This
      defines data which is passed from `validate` into `prepare`. This is
      important since you should not be duplicating logic from `validate` to
      `prepare`, you need a way of passing your working from the former into
      the latter. This is it.
      - This trait takes two type parameters: `Call` and `Context`. `Call` is
      the runtime call type which used to be an associated type; you can just
      move it to become a type parameter for your trait impl. `Context` is not
      currently used and you can safely implement over it as an unbounded
      - There's no `AccountId` associated type any more. Just remove it.
      Regarding `validate`:
      - You get three new parameters in `validate`; all can be ignored when
      migrating from `SignedExtension`.
      - `validate` returns a tuple on success; the second item in the tuple is
      the new ticket type `Self::Val` which gets passed in to `prepare`. If
      you use any information extracted during `validate` (off-chain and
      on-chain, non-mutating) in `prepare` (on-chain, mutating) then you can
      pass it through with this. For the tuple's last item, just return the
      `origin` argument.
      Regarding `prepare`:
      - This is renamed from `pre_dispatch`, but there is one change:
      - (This is different to `SignedExtension` which was required to run the
      same checks in `pre_dispatch` as in `validate`.)
      Regarding `post_dispatch`:
      - Since there are no unsigned transactions handled by
      `TransactionExtension`, `Pre` is always defined, so the first parameter
      is `Self::Pre` rather than `Option<Self::Pre>`.
      If you make use of `SignedExtension::validate_unsigned` or
      `SignedExtension::pre_dispatch_unsigned`, then:
      - Just use the regular versions of these functions instead.
      - Have your logic execute in the case that the `origin` is `None`.
      - Ensure your transaction creation logic creates a General Transaction
      rather than a Bare Transaction; this means having to include all
      `TransactionExtension`s' data.
      - `ValidateUnsigned` can still be used (for now) if you need to be able
      to construct transactions which contain none of the extension data,
      however these will be phased out in stage 2 of the Transactions Horizon,
      so you should consider moving to an extension-centric design.
      ## TODO
      - [x] Introduce `CheckSignature` impl of `TransactionExtension` to
      ensure it's possible to have crypto be done wholly in a
      - [x] Deprecate `SignedExtension` and move all uses in codebase to
        - [x] `ChargeTransactionPayment`
        - [x] `DummyExtension`
        - [x] `ChargeAssetTxPayment` (asset-tx-payment)
        - [x] `ChargeAssetTxPayment` (asset-conversion-tx-payment)
        - [x] `CheckWeight`
        - [x] `CheckTxVersion`
        - [x] `CheckSpecVersion`
        - [x] `CheckNonce`
        - [x] `CheckNonZeroSender`
        - [x] `CheckMortality`
        - [x] `CheckGenesis`
        - [x] `CheckOnlySudoAccount`
        - [x] `WatchDummy`
        - [x] `PrevalidateAttests`
        - [x] `GenericSignedExtension`
        - [x] `SignedExtension` (chain-polkadot-bulletin)
        - [x] `RefundSignedExtensionAdapter`
      - [x] Implement `fn weight` across the board.
      - [ ] Go through all pre-existing extensions which assume an account
      signer and explicitly handle the possibility of another kind of origin.
      - [x] `CheckNonce` should probably succeed in the case of a non-account
      - [x] `CheckNonZeroSender` should succeed in the case of a non-account
      - [x] `ChargeTransactionPayment` and family should fail in the case of a
      non-account origin.
        - [ ] 
      - [x] Fix any broken tests.
      Signed-off-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNikhil Gupta <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarChevdor <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaciej <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMarcin S. <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTsvetomir Dimitrov <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Bullrich <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKoute <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: Vladimir Istyufeev's avatarVladimir Istyufeev <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGonçalo Pestana <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLiam Aharon <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSvyatoslav Nikolsky <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndré Silva <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatars0me0ne-unkn0wn <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarordian <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSebastian Kunert <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAaro Altonen <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDmitry Markin <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Vasile <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Samusev <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJulian Eager <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMichal Kucharczyk <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDavide Galassi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDónal Murray <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avataryjh <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTom Mi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarWill | Paradox | ParaNodes.io <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJoshy Orndorff <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJoshy Orndorff <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarPG Herveou <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJuan Girini <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarbader y <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJames Wilson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParth <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrew Jones <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJonathan Udd <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSerban Iorga <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarEgor_P <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarEvgeny Snitko <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJust van Stam <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargupnik <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatardzmitry-lahoda <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarzhiqiangxu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNazar Mokrynskyi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAnwesh <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarcheme <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSam Johnson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarkianenigma <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJegor Sidorenko <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMuharem <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoepetrowski <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Facco de Arruda <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSquirrel <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatargeorgepisaltu <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  5. Mar 01, 2024
  6. Dec 06, 2023
    • Adrian Catangiu's avatar
      pallet-xcm: add new flexible `transfer_assets()` call/extrinsic (#2388) · e7651cf4
      Adrian Catangiu authored
      # Motivation (+testing)
      ### Enable easy `ForeignAssets` transfers using `pallet-xcm` 
      We had just previously added capabilities to teleport fees during
      reserve-based transfers, but what about reserve-transferring fees when
      needing to teleport some non-fee asset?
      This PR aligns everything under either explicit reserve-transfer,
      explicit teleport, or this new flexible `transfer_assets()` which can
      mix and match as needed with fewer artificial constraints imposed to the
      This will enable, for example, a (non-system) parachain to teleport
      their `ForeignAssets` assets to AssetHub while using DOT to pay fees.
      (the assets are teleported - as foreign assets should from their owner
      chain - while DOT used for fees can only be reserve-based transferred
      between said parachain and AssetHub).
      Added `xcm-emulator` tests for this scenario ^.
      # Description
      Reverts `(limited_)reserve_transfer_assets` to only allow reserve-based
      transfers for all `assets` including fees.
      Similarly `(limited_)teleport_assets` only allows teleports for all
      `assets` including fees.
      For complex combinations of asset transfers where assets and fees may
      have different reserves or different reserve/teleport trust
      configurations, users can use the newly added `transfer_assets()`
      extrinsic which is more flexible in allowing more complex scenarios.
      `assets` (excluding `fees`) must have same reserve location or otherwise
      be teleportable to `dest`.
      No limitations imposed on `fees`.
      - for local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination
      chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit
      reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`.
      - for destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification
      to `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's
      sovereign account and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
      - for remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to
      move reserves from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward
      another XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to
      - for teleports: burn local assets and forward XCM to `dest` chain to
      mint/teleport assets and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
      ## Review notes
      Only around 500 lines are prod code (see `pallet_xcm/src/lib.rs`), the
      rest of the PR is new tests and improving existing tests.
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  7. Nov 10, 2023
    • PG Herveou's avatar
      Contracts: Add XCM traits to interface with contracts (#2086) · 6b7be115
      PG Herveou authored
      We are introducing a new set of `XcmController` traits (final name yet
      to be determined).
      These traits are implemented by `pallet-xcm` and allows other pallets,
      such as `pallet_contracts`, to rely on these traits instead of tight
      coupling them to `pallet-xcm`.
      Using only the existing Xcm traits would mean duplicating the logic from
      `pallet-xcm` in these other pallets, which we aim to avoid. Our
      objective is to ensure that when these APIs are called from
      `pallet-contracts`, they produce the exact same outcomes as if called
      directly from `pallet-xcm`.
      The other benefits is that we can also expose return values to
      `pallet-contracts` instead of just calling `pallet-xcm` dispatchable and
      getting a `DispatchResult` back.
      See traits integration in this PR
      , where the traits
      are used as follow to define and implement `pallet-contracts` Config.
      // Contracts config:
      pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
        // ...
        /// A type that exposes XCM APIs, allowing contracts to interact with other parachains, and
        /// execute XCM programs.
        type Xcm: xcm_executor::traits::Controller<
      	  <Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall,
      // implementation
      impl pallet_contracts::Config for Runtime {
              // ...
      	type Xcm = pallet_xcm::Pallet<Self>;
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Theißen <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  8. Jul 19, 2023
    • Francisco Aguirre's avatar
      Change Fixed to WeightInfoBounds for Polkadot (#7077) · cc9f8129
      Francisco Aguirre authored
      * Add polkadot XCM benchmarks
      * Add temp
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm polkadot pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm polkadot pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      * Add weights to XCM on Polkadot
      * Make CI fail on old files
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Update template
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Add reserve_asset_deposited benchmark
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm kusama pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      * Update weights
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Change initiate_reserve_deposit in runtime weights
      * Update weights
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Remove trusted reserves from runtimes
      * Fix pallet-xcm-benchmarks mock
      * Fix test
      * Change pallet xcm weigher in kusama
      * Fix
      * Remove merge conflict artifact
      * Remove initiate_reserve_withdraw from generic benchmarks
      * Add missing implementation to XCM benchmark
      * Fix failing karura test
      * Remove dbg!
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Fix fmt
      * Revert "Fix fmt"
      This reverts commit 676f2d8db07d7427750c79f95494d4988d06fda5.
      * Fix fmt
      * Remove duplicated template code
      * Add back part of the template
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench-vm/bench-vm.sh" xcm polkadot pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * Don't skip reserve asset deposited benchmark
      * Remove call to non-generated benchmark yet
      * Underscore unused parameter
      * Skip not supported benchmarks and hardcode value
      * Remove ReserveAssetDeposited benchmark
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench-vm/bench-vm.sh" xcm polkadot pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * Add back ReserveAssetDeposited
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench-vm/bench-vm.sh" xcm polkadot pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * Use default benchmark for ReserveAssetDeposited
      * Add missing parameter
      * Revert reserve asset deposited benchmark
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench-vm/bench-vm.sh" xcm kusama pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench-vm/bench-vm.sh" xcm westend pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm rococo pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * Add 'real' benchmarks
      * Add TrustedReserve to actual XcmConfig
      * Add TrustedReserve to actual XcmConfig (fix)
      * Whitelist from benchmarking XCM storage keys read each block (#6871)
      * Whitelist from benchmarking XCM storage keys read each block
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime polkadot pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime polkadot pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime westend pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime rococo pallet_xcm
      * Remove XcmPallet SupportedVersion from the benchmark whitelist
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime polkadot pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime kusama pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime westend pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime rococo pallet_xcm
      * WIP
      * Add necessary traits, remove unnecessary whitelisted keys
      * Fix tests
      * Remove unused file
      * Remove unused import
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm kusama pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm kusama pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm kusama pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm rococo pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" xcm westend pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible
      * Fix spellchecker issues
      * Remove unused migration code
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
  9. Jun 13, 2023
    • Mara Broda's avatar
      update weights (#7298) · 958cf435
      Mara Broda authored
      * polkadot: update weights
      * westend: update weights
      * kusama: update weights
      * rococo: update weights
  10. May 02, 2023
  11. Apr 27, 2023
    • Keith Yeung's avatar
      XCM: Implement a blocking barrier (#7098) · d20e3c11
      Keith Yeung authored
      * Move XCM matcher to xcm-builder
      * Use ProcessMessageError as the error type in MatchXcm and ShouldExecute
      * Implement a blocking barrier
      * Fixes
      * Add benchmarking for force_suspension
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime westend pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime rococo pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime kusama pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime polkadot pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime westend pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime rococo pallet_xcm
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
  12. Apr 08, 2023
  13. Mar 17, 2023
    • Mara Broda's avatar
      update weights (#6897) · 4d904951
      Mara Broda authored
      * polkadot: update weights
      * westend: update weights
      * kusama: update weights
      * rococo: update weights
  14. Mar 02, 2023
  15. Feb 28, 2023
    • Mara Broda's avatar
      update weights (#6798) · 63d1641b
      Mara Broda authored
      * polkadot: update weights
      * westend: update weights
      * kusama: update weights
      * rococo: update weights
  16. Feb 23, 2023
  17. Jan 24, 2023
  18. Jan 17, 2023
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      XCM v3 (#4097) · 1a1bfd2a
      Gavin Wood authored
      * cargo fmt
      * Create benchmarks for XCM instructions introduced in v3 (#4564)
      * Create benchmarks for BurnAsset and ExpectAsset
      * Add benchmarks for ExpectOrigin and ExpectError
      * Add benchmarks for QueryPallet and ExpectPallet
      * Add benchmarks for ReportTransactStatus and ClearTransactStatus
      * cargo fmt
      * Use AllPalletsWithSystem in mocks
      * Update XCM generic benchmarks for westend
      * Remove default impls for some XCM weight functions
      * Fix compilation error
      * Add weight_args helper attribute
      * Remove manually written XcmWeightInfo
      * Parse trailing comma
      * Revert "Add weight_args helper attribute"
      This reverts commit 3b7c47a6182e1b9227036c38b406d494c3fcf6fd.
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * XCM v3: Introduce querier field into `QueryReponse` (#4732)
      * Introduce querier field into QueryReponse
      * Convert &Option<MultiLocation> to Option<&MultiLocation>
      &Option<T> is almost always never quite useful, most of the time it
      still gets converted to an Option<&T> via `as_ref`, so we should simply
      make functions that accept Option<&T> instead.
      * Fix tests
      * cargo fmt
      * Fix benchmarks
      * Appease spellchecker
      * Fix test
      * Fix tests
      * Fix test
      * Fix mock
      * Fixes
      * Fix tests
      * Add test for response queriers
      * Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/lib.rs
      * Test for non-existence of querier
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Add `starts_with` function to `MultiLocation` and `Junctions` (#4835)
      * add matches_prefix function to MultiLocation and Junctions
      * rename matches_prefix to starts_with
      * remove unnecessary main in doc comment
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Make use of starts_with in match_and_split
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * XCM v3: Bridge infrastructure (#4681)
      * XCM bridge infrastructure
      * Missing bit of cherry-pick
      * Revamped XCM proc macros; new NetworkIds
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * ExportMessage instruction and config type
      * Add MessageExporter definitions
      * Formatting
      * Missing files
      * Fixes
      * Initial bridging config API
      * Allow for two-stage XCM execution
      * Update xcm/src/v3/mod.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * XCM crate building again
      * Initial bridging primitive
      * Docs
      * Docs
      * More work
      * More work
      * Merge branch 'gav-xcm-v3' into gav-xcm-v3-bridging
      * Make build
      * WithComputedOrigin and SovereignPaidRemoteExporter
      * Remove TODOs
      * Slim bridge API and tests.
      * Fixes
      * More work
      * First bridge test passing
      * Formatting
      * Another test
      * Next round of bridging tests
      * Repot tests
      * Cleanups
      * Paid bridging
      * Formatting
      * Tests
      * Spelling
      * Formatting
      * Fees and refactoring
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Refactor SendXcm to become two-phase
      * Fix tests
      * Refactoring of SendXcm and ExportXcm complete
      * Formatting
      * Rename CannotReachDestination -> NotApplicable
      * Remove XCM v0
      * Minor grumbles
      * Formatting
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Cleanup XCM config
      * Fee handling
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Bump
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Bump Substrate
      * XCM v3: `ExchangeAsset` and Remote-locking (#4945)
      * Asset Exchange and Locks
      * Make sure XCM typers impl MaxEncodedLen
      * Basic implementation for locks
      * Bump Substrate
      * Missing files
      * Use new API
      * Introduce  instruction
      * Big refactor
      * Docs
      * Remove deprecated struct
      * Remove deprecated struct
      * Repot XCM builder tests
      * ExchangeAsset test
      * Exchange tests
      * Locking tests
      * Locking tests
      * Fixes and tests
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Spelling
      * Add simulator test for remote locking
      * Fix tests
      * Bump
      * XCM v3: Support for non-fungibles (#4950)
      * NFT support and a test
      * New files.
      * Integration tests for sending NFTs
      * Formatting
      * Broken Cargo features
      * Use 2021 edition
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Formatting
      * Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/asset_conversion.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/nonfungibles_adapter.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Update xcm/xcm-executor/src/lib.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * XCM v3: Context & ID hash (#4756)
      * send_xcm returns message hash
      * cargo fmt
      * Create topic register and instructions
      * Fix weights
      * Use tabs
      * Sketch out XcmContext
      * Fix doc test
      * Add the XCM context as a parameter to executor trait fns
      * Fixes
      * Add XcmContext parameter
      * Revert adding context as an arg to SendXcm trait methods
      * Revert adding context argument to ConvertOrigin trait methods
      * cargo fmt
      * Do not change the API of XcmExecutor::execute
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Remove convenience method
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Add benchmarks for XCM topic instructions
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=westend-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/westend/src/weights/xcm/pallet_xcm_benchmarks_generic.rs
      * Remove context argument on FilterAssetLocation
      * Fixes
      * Remove unused import
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Accept XCM hash parameter in ExecuteXcm trait methods
      * cargo fmt
      * Properly enable sp-io/std
      * Fixes
      * default-features = false
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Make XcmContext optional in withdraw_asset
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Modify tests to check for the correct XCM hash
      * Small refactor
      * cargo fmt
      * Check for expected hash in xcm-builder unit tests
      * Add doc comment for the optionality of the XCM context in withdraw_asset
      * Update xcm/src/v3/traits.rs
      * Update xcm/src/v3/traits.rs
      * Store XcmContext and avoid rebuilding
      * Use ref for XcmContext
      * Formatting
      * Fix incorrect hash CC @KiChjang
      * Refactor and make clear fake hashes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fix broken hashing
      * Docs
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Remove unknowable hash
      * Formatting
      * Use message hash for greater identifiability
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParity Bot <[email protected]>
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * Formatting
      * Remove horrible names
      * Bump
      * Remove InvertLocation trait (#5092)
      * Remove InvertLocation trait
      * Remove unneeded functions
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Remove XCMv1 (#5094)
      * Remove XCMv1
      * Remove XCMv1
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Formatting
      * derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives (#5036)
      * derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives
      * derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives
      * update v3
      * update v2
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGav Wood <[email protected]>
      * Update lock
      * Fixes
      * Add benchmarks for the ExchangeAsset instruction
      * `AliasOrigin` instruction stub (#5122)
      * AliasOrigin instruction stub
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Update substrate
      * Fixes
      * Ensure same array length before using copy_from_slice
      * Fixes
      * Add benchmarks for the UniversalOrigin instruction
      * Remove unused import
      * Remove unused import
      * Add benchmarks for SetFeesMode instruction
      * Add benchmarks for asset (un)locking instructions
      * Leave AliasOrigin unbenchmarked
      * Fixes after merge
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Set TrustedReserves to None on both Kusama and Westend
      * Remove extraneous reserve_asset_deposited benchmark
      * Fix universal_origin benchmark
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark pallet --chain=westend-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/westend/src/weights/xcm/pallet_xcm_benchmarks_generic.rs
      * Don't rely on skipped benchmark functions
      * Fixes
      * cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark pallet --chain=kusama-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/kusama/src/weights/xcm/pallet_xcm_benchmarks_generic.rs
      * Fix unused variables
      * Fixes
      * Spelling
      * Fixes
      * Fix codec index of VersionedXcm
      * Allows to customize how calls are dispatched from XCM (#5657)
      * CallDispatcher trait
      * fmt
      * unused import
      * fix test-runtime
      * remove JustDispatch type
      * fix typo in test-runtime
      * missing CallDispatcher
      * more missing CallDispatcher
      * Update comment `NoteAssetLocked` -> `NoteUnlockable`
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Adjust MultiAssets weights based on new wild card variants
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Some late fixes for XCMv3 (#5237)
      * Maximise chances that trapped assets can be reclaimed
      * Do origin check as part of ExportMessage for security
      * Formatting
      * Fixes
      * Cleanup export XCM APIs
      * Formatting
      * Update xcm/src/v3/junctions.rs
      * UnpaidExecution instruction and associated barrier.
      * Tighten barriers (ClearOrigin/QueryResponse)
      * Allow only 1 ClearOrigin instruction in AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom
      * Bi-directional teleport accounting
      * Revert other fix
      * Build fixes]
      * Tests build
      * Benchmark fixes
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      * Update Substrate
      * Re-export `pub` stuff from universal_exports.rs + removed unecessary clone (#6145)
      * Re-export `pub` stuff from universal_exports.rs
      * Removed unnecessary clone
      * Use 2D weights in XCM v3 (#6134)
      * Depend upon sp-core instead of sp-runtime
      * Make sp-io a dev-dependency
      * Use 2D weights in XCM v3
      * cargo fmt
      * Add XCM pallet migration to runtimes
      * Use from_parts
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * cargo fmt
      * Remove XCMWeight import
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Use translate in migration
      * Increase max upward message size in tests
      * Fix doc test
      * Remove most uses of from_ref_time
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Add extrinsic benchmarking to XCM pallet
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Use old syntax
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Remove hardcoded weights
      * Add XCM pallet to benchmarks
      * Use successful origin
      * Fix weird type parameter compilation issue
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      * Use benchmarked XCM pallet weights
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Use override instead of skip
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * Replace Weight::MAX with 100b weight units
      * Add test to ensure all_gte in barriers is correct
      * Update xcm/src/v3/junction.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      * Add more weight tests
      * cargo fmt
      * Create thread_local in XCM executor to limit recursion depth (#6304)
      * Create thread_local in XCM executor to limit recursion depth
      * Add unit test for recursion limit
      * Fix statefulness in tests
      * Remove panic
      * Use defer and environmental macro
      * Fix the implementation
      * Use nicer interface
      * Change ThisNetwork to AnyNetwork
      * Move recursion check up to top level
      * cargo fmt
      * Update comment
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      * Add upper limit on the number of overweight messages in the queue (#6298)
      * Add upper limit on the number of ovwerweight messages in the queue
      * Add newline
      * Introduce whitelist for Transact and limit UMP processing to 10 messages per block (#6280)
      * Add SafeCallFilter to XcmConfig
      * Limit UMP to receive 10 messages every block
      * Place 10 message limit on processing instead of receiving
      * Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed
      * Add as_derivative to the Transact whitelist
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/universal_exports.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Remove topic register and instead use the topic field in XcmContext
      * Derive some common traits for DispatchBlobError
      * Fixes
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fix comments
      * Fixes
      * Introduce WithOriginFilter and apply it as the CallDispatcher for runtimes
      * Fixes
      * Appease clippy and fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fix more clippy issues
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      * Add benchmark function for ExportMessage
      * Fix comment
      * Add upper limit to DownwardMessageQueues size
      * Add max size check for queue in can_queue_downward_message
      * Fixes
      * Make Transact runtime call configurable
      * Return Weight::MAX when there is no successful send XCM origin
      * Update substrate
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Remove ExportMessage benchmark
      * Remove assertion on Transact instruction benchmark
      * Make reachable destination configurable in XCM pallet benchmarks
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Remove cfg attribute in fuzzer
      * Fixes
      * Remove cfg attribute for XCM pallet in test runtime
      * Fixes
      * Use ReachableDest where possible
      * Fixes
      * Add benchmark for UnpaidExecution
      * Update substrate
      * Ensure benchmark functions pass filters
      * Add runtime-benchmarks feature to fuzzer
      * Ensure FixedRateOfFungible accounts for proof size weights
      * cargo fmt
      * Whitelist remark_with_event when runtime-benchmarks feature is enabled
      * Use remark_with_event for Transact benchmarks
      * Fix Cargo.lock
      * Allow up to 3 DescendOrigin instructions before UnpaidExecution
      * cargo fmt
      * Edit code comment
      * Check check_origin for unpaid execution privilege
      * Fixes
      * Small nits for xcm-v3 (#6408)
      * Add possibility to skip benchmark for export_message
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      * Revert
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      * Add HaulBlobError to `fn haul_blob`
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * Revert changes to UnpaidExecution
      * Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit
      * Fix log text
      * cargo fmt
      * Add benchmarks for XCM pallet version migration (#6448)
      * Add benchmarks for XCM pallet version migration
      * cargo fmt
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * Fixes
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      * Fix benchmarks
      * Fix benchmarks
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm
      * ".git/.scripts/bench-bot.sh" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gav-xcm-v3
      * Fixes
      * Fix comments (#6470)
      * Specify Ethereum networks by their chain id (#6286)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSquirrel <[email protected]>
      * Use  for Kusama
      * Use WithComputedOrigin for Polkadot, Rococo and Westend
      * Update lock
      * Fix warning
      * Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/tests.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSquirrel <[email protected]>
      * Update runtime/parachains/src/ump/migration.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/migration.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Fixes
      * cargo fmt
      * Typo
      * Update xcm/src/v3/mod.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Docs
      * Docs
      * Docs
      * Docs
      * Docs
      * Update xcm/src/v3/multiasset.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      * Add tests for MultiAssets::from_sorted_and_deduplicated
      * Fail gracefully when same instance NFTs are detected during push
      * Update Substrate to fix benchmarks
      * Apply suggestions from code review
      * Update runtime/kusama/src/xcm_config.rs
      * Rename arguments
      * Attempt to fix benchmark
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime polkadot-dev runtime_parachains::ump
      * Use actual weights for UMP pallet in Polkadot
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime kusama-dev runtime_parachains::ump
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime westend-dev runtime_parachains::ump
      * ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/bench.sh" runtime rococo-dev runtime_parachains::ump
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKeith Yeung <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexander Popiak <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBastian Köcher <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarParity Bot <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarstanly-johnson <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarnanocryk <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarasynchronous rob <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarVincent Geddes <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarSquirrel <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarOliver Tale-Yazdi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>