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Unverified Commit fc486e55 authored by Kian Paimani's avatar Kian Paimani Committed by GitHub
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Polkadot OmniNode Docs (#6094)

provides low-level documentation on how the omni-node is meant to work.
This is meant to act as reusable material for other teams (e.g.
Papermoon and W3F) to use and integrate into the high level Polkadot

Broadly speaking, for omni-node to have great rust-docs, we need to
focus on the following crates, all of which got a bit of love in this

1. `sp-genesis-builder`
2. `polkadot-omni-node`
3. `polkadot-omni-node-lib`
4. `frame-omni-bencher`

On top of this, we have now: 

* `polkadot_sdk_docs::guides` contains two new steps demonstrating the
most basic version of composing your pallet, putting it into a runtime,
and putting that runtime into omni-node
* `polkadot_sdk_docs::reference_docs::omni_node` to explain in more
detail how omni-node differs from the old-school node.
* `polkadot_sdk_docs::reference_docs::frame_weight_benchmarking` to
finally have a minimal reference about weights and benchmarking.
* It provides tests for some of the steps in


Next steps

- [x] Ensure the README of the parachain template is up-to-date.

- [ ] Readme for `polkadot-omni-node` and similar is updated. For now,
use `cargo-readme` and copy over the rust-docs.

To build the branch locally and run this:


Co-authored-by: default avatarIulian Barbu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarSebastian Kunert <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarMichal Kucharczyk <[email protected]>
parent ed231828
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