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Unverified Commit eaf380aa authored by Chevdor's avatar Chevdor Committed by GitHub
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Add PRdoc check (#1408)

* Add test prdoc
* Prepare for the check
* Escape PR number
* Fix conditional step
* Add checkout and actual check
* Cleanup
* Minor fixes
* Add doumentation
* Add more doc
parent 7986b126
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #387449 failed with stages
in 1 hour, 15 minutes, and 54 seconds
name: Check PRdoc
types: [labeled, opened, synchronize, unlabeled]
# todo: switch to paritytech/prdoc once the container is built & published
# see
IMAGE: chevdor/prdoc:v0.0.4
REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
GITHUB_PR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
MOUNT: /prdoc
ENGINE: docker
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Pull image
run: |
echo "Pulling $IMAGE"
docker pull $IMAGE
docker run --rm $IMAGE --version
- name: Check if PRdoc is required
id: get-labels
run: |
# Fetch the labels for the PR under test
echo "Fetch the labels for $API_BASE/${REPO}/pulls/${GITHUB_PR}"
labels=$( curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -s "$API_BASE/${REPO}/pulls/${GITHUB_PR}" | jq '.labels | .[] | .name' | tr "\n" ",")
echo "Labels: ${labels}"
echo "labels=${labels}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: No PRdoc required
if: ${{ contains(steps.get-labels.outputs.labels, 'R0') }}
run: |
echo "PR detected as silent, no PRdoc is required, exiting..."
exit 0
- name: Checkout repo
if: ${{ !contains(steps.get-labels.outputs.labels, 'R0') }}
uses: actions/checkout@3df4ab11eba7bda6032a0b82a6bb43b11571feac #v4.0.0
- name: PRdoc check for PR#${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
if: ${{ !contains(steps.get-labels.outputs.labels, 'R0') }}
run: |
echo "Checking for PR#$GITHUB_PR in $MOUNT"
$ENGINE run --rm -v $PWD/prdoc:/doc $IMAGE check -n 1408
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ all the labels that are used, search for `meta` in the templates. Currently, the
Note that labels with the same letter are mutually exclusive. A PR should not have both `B0` and `B5`, or both `C1` and
`C9`. In case of conflicts, the template will decide which label will be considered.
## Dev and debuggin
## Dev and debugging
### Hot Reload
......@@ -80,18 +80,36 @@ Reviews should finish with approval unless there are issues that would result in
The reviewers are also responsible to check:
a) if a changelog is necessary and attached
b) the quality of information in the changelog file
c) the PR has an impact on docs
d) that the docs team was included in the review process of a docs update
1. if a changelog is necessary and attached
1. the quality of information in the changelog file
1. the PR has an impact on docs
1. that the docs team was included in the review process of a docs update
**Reviews may not be used as an effective veto for a PR because**:
1. There exists a somewhat cleaner/better/faster way of accomplishing the same feature/fix.
2. It does not fit well with some other contributors' longer-term vision for the project.
## Documentation
All Pull Requests must contain proper title & description.
Some Pull Requests can be exempt of `prdoc` documentation, those
must be labelled with
Non "silent" PRs must come with documentation in the form of a `.prdoc` file.
A `.prdoc` documentation is made of a text file (YAML) named `/prdoc/pr_NNNN.prdoc` where `NNNN` is the PR number.
For convenience, those file can also contain a short description/title: `/prdoc/pr_NNNN_pr-foobar.prdoc`.
The CI automation checks for the presence and validity of a `prdoc` in the `/prdoc` folder.
Those files need to comply with a specific [schema]( It
is highly recommended to [make your editor aware]( of the schema as it is
self-described and will assist you in writing correct content.
This schema is also embedded in the
[prdoc]( utility that can also be used to generate and check the validity of a
`prdoc` locally.
## Helping out
We use [labels]( to manage PRs and issues and communicate
# This PR does not need a prdoc but it is provided in order to test
title: PRdoc check
- audience: Core Dev
description: |
This PRdoc is an **example**.
This PR brings support and automated checks for documentation in the form of a
[`prdoc`]( file.
db: []
runtime: []
crates: []
host_functions: []
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