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Unverified Commit ca929c30 authored by paritytech-cmd-bot-polkadot-sdk[bot]'s avatar paritytech-cmd-bot-polkadot-sdk[bot] Committed by GitHub
Browse files

[stable2412] Backport #7423 (#7605)

Backport #7423 into `stable2412` from franciscoaguirre.

See the
on how to use this bot.

  # To be used by other automation, do not modify:
  original-pr-number: #${pull_number}


Co-authored-by: default avatarFrancisco Aguirre <>
parent 41b8d543
No related merge requests found
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use crate::{CreateMatcher, MatchXcm};
use core::{cell::Cell, marker::PhantomData, ops::ControlFlow, result::Result};
use frame_support::{
traits::{Contains, Get, ProcessMessageError},
traits::{Contains, ContainsPair, Get, Nothing, ProcessMessageError},
use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives::IsSystem;
use xcm::prelude::*;
......@@ -290,11 +290,25 @@ impl<T: Contains<Location>> ShouldExecute for AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom<T> {
/// Allows execution from any origin that is contained in `T` (i.e. `T::Contains(origin)`) if the
/// message begins with the instruction `UnpaidExecution`.
/// message explicitly includes the `UnpaidExecution` instruction.
/// Use only for executions from trusted origin groups.
pub struct AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Contains<Location>> ShouldExecute for AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T> {
/// Allows for the message to receive teleports or reserve asset transfers and altering
/// the origin before indicating `UnpaidExecution`.
/// Origin altering instructions are executed so the barrier can more accurately reject messages
/// whose effective origin at the time of calling `UnpaidExecution` is not allowed.
/// This means `T` will be checked against the actual origin _after_ being modified by prior
/// instructions.
/// In order to execute the `AliasOrigin` instruction, the `Aliasers` type should be set to the same
/// `Aliasers` item in the XCM configuration. If it isn't, then all messages with an `AliasOrigin`
/// instruction will be rejected.
pub struct AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T, Aliasers = Nothing>(PhantomData<(T, Aliasers)>);
impl<T: Contains<Location>, Aliasers: ContainsPair<Location, Location>> ShouldExecute
for AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T, Aliasers>
fn should_execute<Call>(
origin: &Location,
instructions: &mut [Instruction<Call>],
......@@ -306,12 +320,69 @@ impl<T: Contains<Location>> ShouldExecute for AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T
"AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom origin: {:?}, instructions: {:?}, max_weight: {:?}, properties: {:?}",
origin, instructions, max_weight, _properties,
ensure!(T::contains(origin), ProcessMessageError::Unsupported);
instructions.matcher().match_next_inst(|inst| match inst {
UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Limited(m), .. } if m.all_gte(max_weight) => Ok(()),
UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Unlimited, .. } => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(max_weight)),
// We will read up to 5 instructions before `UnpaidExecution`.
// This allows up to 3 asset transfer instructions, thus covering all possible transfer
// types, followed by a potential origin altering instruction, and a potential `SetHints`.
let mut actual_origin = origin.clone();
let processed = Cell::new(0usize);
let instructions_to_process = 5;
// We skip set hints and all types of asset transfer instructions.
|inst| {
processed.get() < instructions_to_process &&
ReceiveTeleportedAsset(_) |
ReserveAssetDeposited(_) | WithdrawAsset(_) |
SetHints { .. }
|_| {
processed.set(processed.get() + 1);
// Then we go through all origin altering instructions and we
// alter the original origin.
|_| processed.get() < instructions_to_process,
|inst| {
match inst {
ClearOrigin => {
// We don't support the `ClearOrigin` instruction since we always need
// to know the origin to know if it's allowed unpaid execution.
return Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported);
AliasOrigin(target) =>
if Aliasers::contains(&actual_origin, &target) {
actual_origin = target.clone();
} else {
return Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported);
DescendOrigin(child) if child != &Here => {
let Ok(_) = actual_origin.append_with(child.clone()) else {
return Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported);
_ => return Ok(ControlFlow::Break(())),
processed.set(processed.get() + 1);
// We finally match on the required `UnpaidExecution` instruction.
.match_next_inst(|inst| match inst {
UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Limited(m), .. } if m.all_gte(max_weight) => Ok(()),
UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Unlimited, .. } => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(max_weight)),
// After processing all the instructions, `actual_origin` was modified and we
// check if it's allowed to have unpaid execution.
ensure!(T::contains(&actual_origin), ProcessMessageError::Unsupported);
......@@ -179,6 +179,20 @@ mod tests {
use std::{vec, vec::Vec};
use xcm::latest::prelude::*;
fn match_next_inst_works() {
let test_cases: Vec<(Vec<Instruction<()>>, bool)> =
vec![(vec![ClearOrigin], true), (vec![Trap(0)], false)];
for (mut xcm, expected) in test_cases.into_iter() {
let result = xcm.matcher().match_next_inst(|inst| match inst {
ClearOrigin => Ok(()),
_ => Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported),
assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), expected);
fn match_next_inst_while_works() {
let mut xcm: Vec<Instruction<()>> = vec![ClearOrigin];
......@@ -147,9 +147,10 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
TransferAsset { assets: (Parent, 100).into(), beneficiary: Here.into() },
AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom::set(vec![Parent.into(), (Parent, Parachain(1000)).into()]);
type ExplicitUnpaidBarrier<T> = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T, mock::Aliasers>;
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(20, 20),
......@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
assert_eq!(r, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(20, 20),
......@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
assert_eq!(r, Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(Weight::from_parts(20, 20))));
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(20, 20),
......@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
assert_eq!(r, Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(Weight::from_parts(20, 20))));
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(20, 20),
......@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
TransferAsset { assets: (Parent, 100).into(), beneficiary: Here.into() },
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(20, 20),
......@@ -197,13 +198,372 @@ fn allow_explicit_unpaid_should_work() {
assert_eq!(r, Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(Weight::from_parts(20, 20))));
let r = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
let r = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(10, 10),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(r, Ok(()));
// Invalid since location to alias is not allowed.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
// Valid because all parachains are children of the relay chain.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Valid.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Invalid because `ClearOrigin` clears origin and `UnpaidExecution`
// can't know if there are enough permissions.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
// Valid.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.reserve_asset_deposited((Parent, 100u128))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(40, 40),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Invalid because of `ClearOrigin`.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
// Invalid because there is no `UnpaidExecution`.
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(30, 30),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::BadFormat));
// Invalid because even though alias is valid, it can't use `UnpaidExecution`.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, AccountId32 { id: [128u8; 32], network: None }))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(60, 60),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
// Invalid because `UnpaidExecution` specifies less weight than needed.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Limited(Weight::from_parts(50, 50)), None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(60, 60),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(Weight::from_parts(60, 60))));
// Invalid because of too many instructions before `UnpaidExecution`.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, AccountId32 { id: [128u8; 32], network: None }))
.unpaid_execution(Limited(Weight::from_parts(50, 50)), None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(70, 70),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Overweight(Weight::from_parts(70, 70))));
// Valid.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(60, 60),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Valid.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = ExplicitUnpaidBarrier::<IsInVec<AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom>>::should_execute(
Weight::from_parts(60, 60),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
fn allow_explicit_unpaid_fails_with_alias_origin_if_no_aliasers() {
AllowExplicitUnpaidFrom::set(vec![(Parent, Parachain(1000)).into()]);
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut good_message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result =
Weight::from_parts(100, 100),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut bad_message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
// Barrier has `Aliasers` set as `Nothing` by default, rejecting message if it
// has an `AliasOrigin` instruction.
let result =
Weight::from_parts(100, 100),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
fn allow_explicit_unpaid_with_computed_origin() {
(Parent, Parachain(1000)).into(),
(Parent, Parent, GlobalConsensus(Polkadot), Parachain(1000)).into(),
type ExplicitUnpaidBarrier<T> = AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom<T, mock::Aliasers>;
// Message that passes without `WithComputedOrigin` should also pass with it.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = WithComputedOrigin::<
Weight::from_parts(100, 100),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Can manipulate origin before the inner barrier.
// For example, to act as another network.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parent, GlobalConsensus(Polkadot), Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = WithComputedOrigin::<
Weight::from_parts(100, 100),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Ok(()));
// Any invalid conversions from the new origin fail.
let assets: Vec<Asset> = vec![
(Parent, 100u128).into(),
((Parent, PalletInstance(10), GeneralIndex(1000)), 100u128).into(),
let mut message = Xcm::<()>::builder_unsafe()
.set_hints(vec![AssetClaimer {
location: AccountId32 { id: [100u8; 32], network: None }.into(),
.receive_teleported_asset((Here, 100u128))
.withdraw_asset((GeneralIndex(1), 100u128))
.alias_origin((Parent, Parachain(1000)))
.unpaid_execution(Unlimited, None)
let result = WithComputedOrigin::<
Weight::from_parts(100, 100),
&mut props(Weight::zero()),
assert_eq!(result, Err(ProcessMessageError::Unsupported));
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ use crate::{
pub use crate::{
AliasForeignAccountId32, AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom, AllowKnownQueryResponses,
AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom, FixedRateOfFungible,
FixedWeightBounds, TakeWeightCredit,
AliasChildLocation, AliasForeignAccountId32, AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom,
AllowKnownQueryResponses, AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom,
FixedRateOfFungible, FixedWeightBounds, TakeWeightCredit,
pub use alloc::collections::{btree_map::BTreeMap, btree_set::BTreeSet};
pub use codec::{Decode, Encode};
......@@ -732,6 +732,9 @@ impl Contains<Location> for ParentPrefix {
/// Pairs (location1, location2) where location1 can alias as location2.
pub type Aliasers = (AliasForeignAccountId32<SiblingPrefix>, AliasChildLocation);
pub struct TestConfig;
impl Config for TestConfig {
type RuntimeCall = TestCall;
......@@ -757,7 +760,7 @@ impl Config for TestConfig {
type MessageExporter = TestMessageExporter;
type CallDispatcher = TestCall;
type SafeCallFilter = Everything;
type Aliasers = AliasForeignAccountId32<SiblingPrefix>;
type Aliasers = Aliasers;
type TransactionalProcessor = ();
type HrmpNewChannelOpenRequestHandler = ();
type HrmpChannelAcceptedHandler = ();
......@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ impl<Config: config::Config> XcmExecutor<Config> {
// transferring the other assets. This is required to satisfy the
// `MAX_ASSETS_FOR_BUY_EXECUTION` limit in the `AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom`
// barrier.
if let Some(remote_fees) = remote_fees {
let remote_fees_paid = if let Some(remote_fees) = remote_fees {
let reanchored_fees = match remote_fees {
AssetTransferFilter::Teleport(fees_filter) => {
let teleport_fees = self
......@@ -1239,11 +1239,10 @@ impl<Config: config::Config> XcmExecutor<Config> {
// move these assets to the fees register for covering execution and paying
// any subsequent fees
message.push(PayFees { asset: fees });
} else {
// unpaid execution
.push(UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Unlimited, check_origin: None });
// add any extra asset transfers
for asset_filter in assets {
......@@ -1270,23 +1269,36 @@ impl<Config: config::Config> XcmExecutor<Config> {
if preserve_origin {
// preserve current origin for subsequent user-controlled instructions on
// remote chain
let original_origin = self
// We alias the origin if it's not a noop (origin != `Here`).
if let Some(original_origin) = self
.filter(|origin| *origin != &Location::here())
.and_then(|origin| {
Self::try_reanchor(origin, &destination)
.map(|(reanchored, _)| reanchored)
// preserve current origin for subsequent user-controlled instructions on
// remote chain
let reanchored_origin = Self::try_reanchor(original_origin, &destination)?.0;
} else {
// clear origin for subsequent user-controlled instructions on remote chain
// If not intending to pay for fees then we append the `UnpaidExecution`
// _AFTER_ origin altering instructions.
// When origin is not preserved, it's probably going to fail on the receiver.
if !remote_fees_paid {
// We push the UnpaidExecution instruction to notify we do not intend to pay
// for fees.
// The receiving chain must decide based on the origin of the message if they
// accept this.
.push(UnpaidExecution { weight_limit: Unlimited, check_origin: None });
// append custom instructions
// send the onward XCM
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
//! [Fellowship RFC 122](, and the
//! [specification]( for more information.
use codec::Encode;
use xcm::{latest::AssetTransferFilter, prelude::*};
use super::mock::*;
......@@ -104,3 +105,115 @@ fn preserves_origin() {
assert!(matches!(, RefundSurplus));
assert!(matches!(, DepositAsset { .. }));
fn unpaid_execution_goes_after_origin_alteration() {
// Make sure the sender has enough funds to withdraw.
add_asset(SENDER, (Here, 100u128));
let xcm_on_destination =
Xcm::builder_unsafe().refund_surplus().deposit_asset(All, RECIPIENT).build();
let asset: Asset = (Here, 90u128).into();
let xcm = Xcm::builder()
.withdraw_asset((Here, 100u128))
.pay_fees((Here, 10u128))
None, // We specify no remote fees.
true, // Preserve origin, necessary for `UnpaidExecution`.
// We initialize the executor with the SENDER origin, which is not waived.
let (mut vm, _) = instantiate_executor(SENDER, xcm.clone());
// Program fails with `BadOrigin`.
let result = vm.bench_process(xcm);
assert!(result.is_ok(), "execution error {:?}", result);
let (destination, sent_message) = sent_xcm().pop().unwrap();
assert_eq!(destination, Parent.into());
assert_eq!(sent_message.len(), 5);
let mut instructions = sent_message.inner().iter();
assert!(matches!(, ReserveAssetDeposited(..)));
AliasOrigin(origin) if matches!(origin.unpack(), (0, [Parachain(1000), AccountId32 { id: SENDER, network: None }]))
assert!(matches!(, UnpaidExecution { .. }));
assert!(matches!(, RefundSurplus));
assert!(matches!(, DepositAsset { .. }));
fn no_alias_origin_if_root() {
// Make sure the sender has enough funds to withdraw.
add_asset(Here, (Here, 100u128));
let xcm_on_destination =
Xcm::builder_unsafe().refund_surplus().deposit_asset(All, RECIPIENT).build();
let asset: Asset = (Here, 90u128).into();
let xcm = Xcm::builder()
.withdraw_asset((Here, 100u128))
.pay_fees((Here, 10u128))
None, // We specify no remote fees.
true, // Preserve origin, necessary for `UnpaidExecution`.
// We initialize the executor with the SENDER origin, which is not waived.
let (mut vm, _) = instantiate_executor(Here, xcm.clone());
// Program fails with `BadOrigin`.
let result = vm.bench_process(xcm);
assert!(result.is_ok(), "execution error {:?}", result);
let (destination, sent_message) = sent_xcm().pop().unwrap();
assert_eq!(destination, Parent.into());
assert_eq!(sent_message.len(), 4);
let mut instructions = sent_message.inner().iter();
assert!(matches!(, ReserveAssetDeposited(..)));
assert!(matches!(, UnpaidExecution { .. }));
assert!(matches!(, RefundSurplus));
assert!(matches!(, DepositAsset { .. }));
// We simulate going from one system parachain to another without
// having to pay remote fees.
fn unpaid_transact() {
let to_another_system_para: Location = (Parent, Parachain(1001)).into();
// We want to execute some call in the receiving chain.
let xcm_on_destination = Xcm::builder_unsafe()
.transact(OriginKind::Superuser, None, b"".encode())
let xcm = Xcm::builder_unsafe()
None, // We specify no remote fees.
true, // Preserve necessary for `UnpaidExecution`.
vec![], // No need for assets.
// We initialize the executor with the root origin, which is waived.
let (mut vm, _) = instantiate_executor(Here, xcm.clone());
// Program executes successfully.
let result = vm.bench_process(xcm.clone());
assert!(result.is_ok(), "execution error: {:?}", result);
let (destination, sent_message) = sent_xcm().pop().unwrap();
assert_eq!(destination, to_another_system_para);
assert_eq!(sent_message.len(), 2);
let mut instructions = sent_message.inner().iter();
assert!(matches!(, UnpaidExecution { .. }));
assert!(matches!(, Transact { .. }));
......@@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ use sp_runtime::traits::Dispatchable;
use xcm::prelude::*;
use crate::{
traits::{DropAssets, Properties, ShouldExecute, TransactAsset, WeightBounds, WeightTrader},
AssetsInHolding, Config, XcmExecutor,
DropAssets, FeeManager, Properties, ShouldExecute, TransactAsset, WeightBounds,
AssetsInHolding, Config, FeeReason, XcmExecutor,
/// We create an XCVM instance instead of calling `XcmExecutor::<_>::prepare_and_execute` so we
......@@ -244,6 +247,26 @@ pub fn sent_xcm() -> Vec<(Location, Xcm<()>)> {
SENT_XCM.with(|q| (*q.borrow()).clone())
/// A mock contract address that doesn't need to pay for fees.
pub const WAIVED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: [u8; 20] = [128; 20];
/// Test fee manager that will waive the fee for some origins.
/// Doesn't do anything with the fee, which effectively burns it.
pub struct TestFeeManager;
impl FeeManager for TestFeeManager {
fn is_waived(origin: Option<&Location>, _: FeeReason) -> bool {
let Some(origin) = origin else { return false };
// Match the root origin and a particular smart contract account.
(0, []) | (0, [AccountKey20 { network: None, key: WAIVED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS }])
fn handle_fee(_: Assets, _: Option<&XcmContext>, _: FeeReason) {}
/// Test XcmConfig that uses all the test implementations in this file.
pub struct XcmConfig;
impl Config for XcmConfig {
......@@ -265,7 +288,7 @@ impl Config for XcmConfig {
type SubscriptionService = ();
type PalletInstancesInfo = ();
type MaxAssetsIntoHolding = MaxAssetsIntoHolding;
type FeeManager = ();
type FeeManager = TestFeeManager;
type MessageExporter = ();
type UniversalAliases = Nothing;
type CallDispatcher = Self::RuntimeCall;
title: Fix issue with InitiateTransfer and UnpaidExecution
- audience: Runtime Dev
Fix issue where setting the `remote_fees` field of `InitiateTransfer` to `None` could lead to unintended bypassing of fees in certain conditions.
`UnpaidExecution` is now appended **after** origin alteration.
If planning to use `UnpaidExecution`, you need to set `preserve_origin = true`.
The `AllowExplicitUnpaidExecutionFrom` barrier now allows instructions for receiving funds before origin altering instructions before
the actual `UnpaidExecution`.
It takes a new generic, `Aliasers`, needed for executing `AliasOrigin` to see if the effective origin is allowed to use `UnpaidExecution`.
This should be set to the same value as `Aliasers` in the XCM configuration.
- name: staging-xcm-builder
bump: patch
- name: staging-xcm-executor
bump: patch
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