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Commit bf1786b6 authored by Xiliang Chen's avatar Xiliang Chen Committed by thiolliere
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parent 53e8200f
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// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.
//! Council system: Handles the voting in and maintenance of council members.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub mod motions;
pub mod seats;
pub use crate::seats::{Trait, Module, RawEvent, Event, VoteIndex};
/// Trait for type that can handle incremental changes to a set of account IDs.
pub trait OnMembersChanged<AccountId> {
/// A number of members `new` just joined the set and replaced some `old` ones.
fn on_members_changed(new: &[AccountId], old: &[AccountId]);
impl<T> OnMembersChanged<T> for () {
fn on_members_changed(_new: &[T], _old: &[T]) {}
mod tests {
// These re-exports are here for a reason, edit with care
pub use super::*;
use support::{impl_outer_origin, impl_outer_event, impl_outer_dispatch, parameter_types};
use support::traits::Get;
pub use primitives::{H256, Blake2Hasher, u32_trait::{_1, _2, _3, _4}};
pub use sr_primitives::traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup};
pub use sr_primitives::testing::{Digest, DigestItem, Header};
pub use sr_primitives::Perbill;
pub use {seats, motions};
use std::cell::RefCell;
impl_outer_origin! {
pub enum Origin for Test {
impl_outer_event! {
pub enum Event for Test {
balances<T>, democracy<T>, seats<T>, motions<T>,
impl_outer_dispatch! {
pub enum Call for Test where origin: Origin {
type Error = Error;
thread_local! {
static VOTER_BOND: RefCell<u64> = RefCell::new(0);
static VOTING_FEE: RefCell<u64> = RefCell::new(0);
static PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER: RefCell<u64> = RefCell::new(0);
static DECAY_RATIO: RefCell<u32> = RefCell::new(0);
pub struct VotingBond;
impl Get<u64> for VotingBond {
fn get() -> u64 { VOTER_BOND.with(|v| *v.borrow()) }
pub struct VotingFee;
impl Get<u64> for VotingFee {
fn get() -> u64 { VOTING_FEE.with(|v| *v.borrow()) }
pub struct PresentSlashPerVoter;
impl Get<u64> for PresentSlashPerVoter {
fn get() -> u64 { PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER.with(|v| *v.borrow()) }
pub struct DecayRatio;
impl Get<u32> for DecayRatio {
fn get() -> u32 { DECAY_RATIO.with(|v| *v.borrow()) }
// Workaround for . Remove when sorted.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Test;
parameter_types! {
pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
pub const MaximumBlockWeight: u32 = 1024;
pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 2 * 1024;
pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::one();
impl system::Trait for Test {
type Origin = Origin;
type Index = u64;
type BlockNumber = u64;
type Call = ();
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type AccountId = u64;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Header = Header;
type Event = Event;
type Error = Error;
type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight;
type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength;
type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio;
type Version = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const ExistentialDeposit: u64 = 0;
pub const TransferFee: u64 = 0;
pub const CreationFee: u64 = 0;
impl balances::Trait for Test {
type Balance = u64;
type OnNewAccount = ();
type OnFreeBalanceZero = ();
type Event = Event;
type TransferPayment = ();
type DustRemoval = ();
type Error = Error;
type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
type TransferFee = TransferFee;
type CreationFee = CreationFee;
parameter_types! {
pub const LaunchPeriod: u64 = 1;
pub const VotingPeriod: u64 = 3;
pub const MinimumDeposit: u64 = 1;
pub const EnactmentPeriod: u64 = 0;
pub const CooloffPeriod: u64 = 2;
impl democracy::Trait for Test {
type Proposal = Call;
type Event = Event;
type Currency = balances::Module<Self>;
type EnactmentPeriod = EnactmentPeriod;
type LaunchPeriod = LaunchPeriod;
type EmergencyVotingPeriod = VotingPeriod;
type VotingPeriod = VotingPeriod;
type MinimumDeposit = MinimumDeposit;
type ExternalOrigin = motions::EnsureProportionAtLeast<_1, _2, u64>;
type ExternalMajorityOrigin = motions::EnsureProportionAtLeast<_2, _3, u64>;
type EmergencyOrigin = motions::EnsureProportionAtLeast<_1, _1, u64>;
type CancellationOrigin = motions::EnsureProportionAtLeast<_2, _3, u64>;
type VetoOrigin = motions::EnsureMember<u64>;
type CooloffPeriod = CooloffPeriod;
parameter_types! {
pub const CandidacyBond: u64 = 3;
pub const CarryCount: u32 = 2;
pub const InactiveGracePeriod: u32 = 1;
pub const CouncilVotingPeriod: u64 = 4;
impl seats::Trait for Test {
type Event = Event;
type BadPresentation = ();
type BadReaper = ();
type BadVoterIndex = ();
type LoserCandidate = ();
type OnMembersChanged = CouncilMotions;
type CandidacyBond = CandidacyBond;
type VotingBond = VotingBond;
type VotingFee = VotingFee;
type PresentSlashPerVoter = PresentSlashPerVoter;
type CarryCount = CarryCount;
type InactiveGracePeriod = InactiveGracePeriod;
type CouncilVotingPeriod = CouncilVotingPeriod;
type DecayRatio = DecayRatio;
impl motions::Trait for Test {
type Origin = Origin;
type Proposal = Call;
type Event = Event;
pub struct ExtBuilder {
balance_factor: u64,
decay_ratio: u32,
voting_fee: u64,
voter_bond: u64,
bad_presentation_punishment: u64,
with_council: bool,
impl Default for ExtBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
balance_factor: 1,
decay_ratio: 24,
voting_fee: 0,
voter_bond: 0,
bad_presentation_punishment: 1,
with_council: false,
impl ExtBuilder {
pub fn with_council(mut self, council: bool) -> Self {
self.with_council = council;
pub fn balance_factor(mut self, factor: u64) -> Self {
self.balance_factor = factor;
pub fn decay_ratio(mut self, ratio: u32) -> Self {
self.decay_ratio = ratio;
pub fn voting_fee(mut self, fee: u64) -> Self {
self.voting_fee = fee;
pub fn bad_presentation_punishment(mut self, fee: u64) -> Self {
self.bad_presentation_punishment = fee;
pub fn voter_bond(mut self, fee: u64) -> Self {
self.voter_bond = fee;
pub fn set_associated_consts(&self) {
VOTER_BOND.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.voter_bond);
VOTING_FEE.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.voting_fee);
PRESENT_SLASH_PER_VOTER.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.bad_presentation_punishment);
DECAY_RATIO.with(|v| *v.borrow_mut() = self.decay_ratio);
pub fn build(self) -> runtime_io::TestExternalities<Blake2Hasher> {
let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default().build_storage::<Test>().unwrap();
balances: vec![
(1, 10 * self.balance_factor),
(2, 20 * self.balance_factor),
(3, 30 * self.balance_factor),
(4, 40 * self.balance_factor),
(5, 50 * self.balance_factor),
(6, 60 * self.balance_factor)
vesting: vec![],
}.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap();
seats::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
active_council: if self.with_council { vec![
(1, 10),
(2, 10),
(3, 10)
] } else { vec![] },
desired_seats: 2,
presentation_duration: 2,
term_duration: 5,
}.assimilate_storage(&mut t).unwrap();
pub type System = system::Module<Test>;
pub type Balances = balances::Module<Test>;
pub type Democracy = democracy::Module<Test>;
pub type Council = seats::Module<Test>;
pub type CouncilMotions = motions::Module<Test>;
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