We would like to inform you that we have recently made significant changes to our repository structure. In order to streamline our development process and foster better contributions, we have merged three separate repositories Cumulus, Substrate and Polkadot into a single new repository: [the Polkadot SDK](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk). Go ahead and make sure to support us by giving a star ⭐️ to the new repo.
This repository contains both the Cumulus SDK and also specific chains implemented
on top of this SDK.
By consolidating our codebase, we aim to enhance collaboration and provide a more efficient platform for future development.
If you only want to run a **Polkadot Parachain Node**, check out our [container section](./docs/container.md).
If you currently have an open pull request in any of the merged repositories, we kindly request that you resubmit your PR in the new repository. This will ensure that your contributions are considered within the updated context and enable us to review and merge them more effectively.
## Cumulus SDK
We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support throughout this transition. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to [reach out to us](https://forum.polkadot.network/t/psa-parity-is-currently-working-on-merging-the-polkadot-stack-repositories-into-one-single-repository/2883).
A set of tools for writing [Substrate](https://substrate.io/)-based
[parachains](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-parachains). Refer to the included
[overview](docs/overview.md) for architectural details, and the
[Connect to a relay chain how-to guide](https://docs.substrate.io/reference/how-to-guides/parachains/connect-to-a-relay-chain/) for a
guided walk-through of using these tools.
Best Regards,
It's easy to write blockchains using Substrate, and the overhead of writing parachains'
distribution, p2p, database, and synchronization layers should be just as low. This project aims to
make it easy to write parachains for Polkadot by leveraging the power of Substrate.
Cumulus clouds are shaped sort of like dots; together they form a system that is intricate,
beautiful and functional.
### Consensus
[`parachain-consensus`](https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/blob/master/client/consensus/common/src/parachain_consensus.rs) is a
[consensus engine](https://docs.substrate.io/v3/advanced/consensus) for Substrate
that follows a Polkadot
[relay chain](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-architecture#relay-chain). This will run
a Polkadot node internally, and dictate to the client and synchronization algorithms which chain