The easiest/faster option is to use the latest image.
.First run
Let´s first check the version we have. The first time you run this command, the polkadot docker image will be downloaded. This takes a bit of time and bandwidth, be patient:
[source, shell]
docker run --rm -it chevdor/polkadot:0.2.0 ./version
docker run --rm -it chevdor/polkadot:latest ./version
.Polkadot arguments
You can also pass any argument/flag that polkadot supports:
[source, shell]
docker run --rm -it chevdor/polkadot:0.2.0 polkadot --name "PolkaDocker"
docker run --rm -it chevdor/polkadot:latest polkadot --name "PolkaDocker"
.Run as deamon
Once you are done experimenting and picking the best node name :) you can start polkadot as daemon, exposes the polkadot ports and mount a volume that will keep your blockchain data locally: