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Commit 4a1a990f authored by Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar Svyatoslav Nikolsky Committed by Bastian Köcher
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Message lane integration documentation (#736)

* how-to-integrate-message-lane-module

* added README stub for bridge-runtime-common

* added README stub for pallet-bridge-call-dispatch

* bridge-runtime-common documentation

* call dispatch module documentation

* some fixes

* more fixes

* more fixes

* more fixes

* more fixes for runtime-common/

* more fixes in call-dispatch/

* more fixes in call-dispatch/

* more fixes in call-dispatch/

* more fixes in message-lane/

* more fixes in message-lane/

* Wrap most text at 100 characters

* Clean up some of the formatting

* Fix broken link

* Stop running CI for README changes

* Don't run any CI steps on documentation changes

Co-authored-by: default avatarHernando Castano <>
parent 89b0f7be
No related merge requests found
# Helpers for Message Lane Module Integration
The [`messages`](./src/ module of this crate contains a bunch of helpers for integrating
message lane module into your runtime. Basic prerequisites of these helpers are:
- we're going to bridge Substrate-based chain with another Substrate-based chain;
- both chains have [message lane module](../../modules/message-lane/, Substrate bridge
module and the [call dispatch module](../../modules/call-dispatch/;
- all message lanes are identical and may be used to transfer the same messages;
- the messages sent over the bridge are dispatched using
[call dispatch module](../../modules/call-dispatch/;
- the messages are `pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::MessagePayload` structures, where `call` field is
encoded `Call` of the target chain. This means that the `Call` is opaque to the
[message lane module](../../modules/message-lane/ instance at the source chain.
It is pre-encoded by the message submitter;
- all proofs in the [message lane module](../../modules/message-lane/ transactions are
based on the storage proofs from the bridged chain: storage proof of the outbound message (value
from the `pallet_message_lane::Store::MessagePayload` map), storage proof of the outbound lane
state (value from the `pallet_message_lane::Store::OutboundLanes` map) and storage proof of the
inbound lane state (value from the `pallet_message_lane::Store::InboundLanes` map);
- storage proofs are built at the finalized headers of the corresponding chain. So all message lane
transactions with proofs are verifying storage proofs against finalized chain headers from
Substrate bridge module.
**IMPORTANT NOTE**: after reading this document, you may refer to our test runtimes
([](../millau/runtime/src/ and/or
[](../rialto/runtime/src/ to see how to use these helpers.
## Contents
- [`MessageBridge` Trait](#messagebridge-trait)
- [`ChainWithMessageLanes` Trait ](#chainwithmessagelanes-trait)
- [Helpers for the Source Chain](#helpers-for-the-source-chain)
- [Helpers for the Target Chain](#helpers-for-the-target-chain)
## `MessageBridge` Trait
The essence of your integration will be a struct that implements a `MessageBridge` trait. Let's
review every method and give some implementation hints here:
- `MessageBridge::maximal_extrinsic_size_on_target_chain`: you will need to return the maximal
extrinsic size of the target chain from this function. This may be the constant that is updated
when your runtime is upgraded, or you may use the
[message lane parameters functionality](../../modules/message-lane/
to allow the pallet owner to update this value more frequently (you may also want to use this
functionality for all constants that are used in other methods described below).
- `MessageBridge::weight_limits_of_message_on_bridged_chain`: you'll need to return a range of
dispatch weights that the outbound message may take at the target chain. Please keep in mind that
our helpers assume that the message is an encoded call of the target chain. But we never decode
this call at the source chain. So you can't simply get dispatch weight from pre-dispatch
information. Instead there are two options to prepare this range: if you know which calls are to
be sent over your bridge, then you may just return weight ranges for these particular calls.
Otherwise, if you're going to accept all kinds of calls, you may just return range `[0; maximal
incoming message dispatch weight]`. If you choose the latter, then you shall remember that the
delivery transaction itself has some weight, so you can't accept messages with weight equal to
maximal weight of extrinsic at the target chain. In our test chains, we reject all messages that
have declared dispatch weight larger than 50% of the maximal bridged extrinsic weight.
- `MessageBridge::weight_of_delivery_transaction`: you will need to return the maximal weight of the
delivery transaction that delivers a given message to the target chain. There are three main
things to notice:
1. weight, returned from this function is then used to compute the fee that the
message sender needs to pay for the delivery transaction. So it shall not be a simple dispatch
weight of delivery call - it should be the "weight" of the transaction itself, including per-byte
"weight", "weight" of signed extras and etc.
1. the delivery transaction brings storage proof of
the message, not the message itself. So your transaction will include extra bytes. We suggest
computing the size of single empty value storage proof at the source chain, increase this value a
bit and hardcode it in the source chain runtime code. This size then must be added to the size of
payload and included in the weight computation;
1. before implementing this function, please take
a look at the
[weight formula of delivery transaction](../../modules/message-lane/
It adds some extra weight for every additional byte of the proof (everything above
`pallet_message_lane::EXPECTED_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LENGTH`), so it's not trivial. Even better, please
refer to [our implementation](../millau/runtime/src/ for test chains for
- `MessageBridge::weight_of_delivery_confirmation_transaction_on_this_chain`: you'll need to return
the maximal weight of a single message delivery confirmation transaction on this chain. All points
from the previous paragraph are also relevant here.
- `MessageBridge::this_weight_to_this_balance`: this function needs to convert weight units into fee
units on this chain. Most probably this can be done by calling
`pallet_transaction_payment::Config::WeightToFee::calc()` for passed weight.
- `MessageBridge::bridged_weight_to_bridged_balance`: this function needs to convert weight units
into fee units on the target chain. The best case is when you have the same conversion formula on
both chains - then you may just call the same formula from the previous paragraph. Otherwise,
you'll need to hardcode this formula into your runtime.
- `MessageBridge::bridged_balance_to_this_balance`: this may be the easiest method to implement and
the hardest to maintain at the same time. If you don't have any automatic methods to determine
conversion rate, then you'll probably need to maintain it by yourself (by updating conversion
rate, stored in runtime storage). This means that if you're too late with an update, then you risk
to accept messages with lower-than-expected fee. So it may be wise to have some reserve in this
conversion rate, even if that means larger delivery and dispatch fees.
## `ChainWithMessageLanes` Trait
Apart from its methods, `MessageBridge` also has two associated types that are implementing the
`ChainWithMessageLanes` trait. One is for this chain and the other is for the bridged chain. The
trait is quite simple and can easily be implemented - you just need to specify types used at the
corresponding chain. There are two exceptions, though. Both may be changed in the future. Here they
- `ChainWithMessageLanes::Call`: it isn't a good idea to reference bridged chain runtime from your
runtime (cyclic references + maintaining on upgrades). So you can't know the type of bridged chain
call in your runtime. This type isn't actually used at this chain, so you may use `()` instead.
- `ChainWithMessageLanes::MessageLaneInstance`: this is used to compute runtime storage keys. There
may be several instances of message lane pallet, included in the Runtime. Every instance stores
messages and these messages stored under different keys. When we are verifying storage proofs from
the bridged chain, we should know which instance we're talking to. This is fine, but there's
significant inconvenience with that - this chain runtime must have the same message lane pallet
instance. This does not necessarily mean that we should use the same instance on both chains -
this instance may be used to bridge with another chain/instance, or may not be used at all.
## Helpers for the Source Chain
The helpers for the Source Chain reside in the `source` submodule of the
[`messages`](./src/ module. The structs are: `FromThisChainMessagePayload`,
`FromBridgedChainMessagesDeliveryProof`, `FromThisChainMessageVerifier`. And the helper functions
are: `maximal_message_size`, `verify_chain_message`, `verify_messages_delivery_proof` and
`FromThisChainMessagePayload` is a message that the sender sends through our bridge. It is the
`pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::MessagePayload`, where `call` field is encoded target chain call. So
at this chain we don't see internals of this call - we just know its size.
`FromThisChainMessageVerifier` is an implementation of `bp_message_lane::LaneMessageVerifier`. It
has following checks in its `verify_message` method:
1. it'll verify that the used outbound lane is enabled in our runtime;
1. it'll reject messages if there are too many undelivered outbound messages at this lane. The
sender need to wait while relayers will do their work before sending the message again;
1. it'll reject a message if it has the wrong dispatch origin declared. Like if the submitter is not
the root of this chain, but it tries to dispatch the message at the target chain using
`pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::CallOrigin::SourceRoot` origin. Or he has provided wrong signature
in the `pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::CallOrigin::TargetAccount` origin;
1. it'll reject a message if the delivery and dispatch fee that the submitter wants to pay is lesser
than the fee that is computed using the `estimate_message_dispatch_and_delivery_fee` function.
`estimate_message_dispatch_and_delivery_fee` returns a minimal fee that the submitter needs to pay
for sending a given message. The fee includes: payment for the delivery transaction at the target
chain, payment for delivery confirmation transaction on this chain, payment for `Call` dispatch at
the target chain and relayer interest.
`FromBridgedChainMessagesDeliveryProof` holds the lane identifier and the storage proof of this
inbound lane state at the bridged chain. This also holds the hash of the target chain header, that
was used to generate this storage proof. The proof is verified by the
`verify_messages_delivery_proof`, which simply checks that the target chain header is finalized
(using Substrate bridge module) and then reads the inbound lane state from the proof.
`verify_chain_message` function checks that the message may be delivered to the bridged chain. There
are two main checks:
1. that the message size is less than or equal to the `2/3` of maximal extrinsic size at the target
chain. We leave `1/3` for signed extras and for the storage proof overhead;
1. that the message dispatch weight is less than or equal to the `1/2` of maximal normal extrinsic
weight at the target chain. We leave `1/2` for the delivery transaction overhead.
## Helpers for the Target Chain
The helpers for the target chain reside in the `target` submodule of the
[`messages`](./src/ module. The structs are: `FromBridgedChainMessagePayload`,
`FromBridgedChainMessagesProof`, `FromBridgedChainMessagesProof`. And the helper functions are:
`maximal_incoming_message_dispatch_weight`, `maximal_incoming_message_size` and
`FromBridgedChainMessagePayload` corresponds to the `FromThisChainMessagePayload` at the bridged
chain. We expect that messages with this payload are stored in the `OutboundMessages` storage map of
the [message lane module](../../modules/message-lane/ This map is used to build
`FromBridgedChainMessagesProof`. The proof holds the lane id, range of message nonces included in
the proof, storage proof of `OutboundMessages` entries and the hash of bridged chain header that has
been used to build the proof. Additionally, there's storage proof may contain the proof of outbound
lane state. It may be required to prune `relayers` entries at this chain (see
[message lane module documentation](../../modules/message-lane/
for details). This proof is verified by the `verify_messages_proof` function.
# Call Dispatch Module
The call dispatch module has a single internal (only callable by other runtime modules) entry point
for dispatching encoded calls (`pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::Module::dispatch`). Every dispatch
(successful or not) emits a corresponding module event. The module doesn't have any call-related
requirements - they may come from the bridged chain over some message lane, or they may be crafted
locally. But in this document we'll mostly talk about this module in the context of bridges.
Every message that is being dispatched has three main characteristics:
- `bridge` is the 4-bytes identifier of the bridge where this message comes from. This may be the
identifier of the bridged chain (like `b"rlto"` for messages coming from `Rialto`), or the
identifier of the bridge itself (`b"rimi"` for `Rialto` <-> `Millau` bridge);
- `id` is the unique id of the message within the given bridge. For messages coming from the
[message lane module](../message-lane/, it may worth to use a tuple
`(LaneId, MessageNonce)` to identify a message;
- `message` is the `pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::MessagePayload` structure. The `call` field is set
to the (potentially) encoded `Call` of this chain.
The easiest way to understand what is happening when a `Call` is being dispatched, is to look at the
module events set:
- `MessageRejected` event is emitted if a message has been rejected even before it has reached the
module. Dispatch then is called just to reflect the fact that message has been received, but we
have failed to pre-process it (e.g. because we have failed to decode `MessagePayload` structure
from the proof);
- `MessageVersionSpecMismatch` event is emitted if current runtime specification version differs
from the version that has been used to encode the `Call`. The message payload has the
`spec_version`, that is filled by the message submitter. If this value differs from the current
runtime version, dispatch mechanism rejects to dispatch the message. Without this check, we may
decode the wrong `Call` for example if method arguments were changed;
- `MessageCallDecodeFailed` event is emitted if we have failed to decode `Call` from the payload.
This may happen if the submitter has provided incorrect value in the `call` field, or if source
chain storage has been corrupted. The `Call` is decoded after `spec_version` check, so we'll never
try to decode `Call` from other runtime version;
- `MessageSignatureMismatch` event is emitted if submitter has chose to dispatch message using
specified this chain account (`pallet_bridge_call_dispatch::CallOrigin::TargetAccount` origin),
but he has failed to prove that he owns the private key for this account;
- `MessageCallRejected` event is emitted if the module has been deployed with some call filter and
this filter has rejected the `Call`. In your bridge you may choose to reject all messages except
e.g. balance transfer calls;
- `MessageWeightMismatch` event is emitted if the message submitter has specified invalid `Call`
dispatch weight in the `weight` field of the message payload. The value of this field is compared
to the pre-dispatch weight of the decoded `Call`. If it is less than the actual pre-dispatch
weight, the dispatch is rejected. Keep in mind, that even if post-dispatch weight will be less
than specified, the submitter still have to declare (and pay for) the maximal possible weight
(that is the pre-dispatch weight);
- `MessageDispatched` event is emitted if the message has passed all checks and we have actually
dispatched it. The dispatch may still fail, though - that's why we are including the dispatch
result in the event payload.
When we talk about module in context of bridges, these events are helping in following cases:
1. when the message submitter has access to the state of both chains and wants to monitor what has
happened with his message. Then he could use the message id (that he gets from the
[message lane module events](../message-lane/ to filter events of
call dispatch module at the target chain and actually see what has happened with his message;
1. when the message submitter only has access to the source chain state (for example, when sender is
the runtime module at the source chain). In this case, your bridge may have additional mechanism
to deliver dispatch proofs (which are storage proof of module events) back to the source chain,
thus allowing the submitter to see what has happened with his messages.
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