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Unverified Commit 44d7ed96 authored by Petr Mensik's avatar Petr Mensik Committed by GitHub
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Add Polkadotters bootnoders per IBP application (#3423)

Hey everyone,

this PR will replace existing Polkadotters bootnodes for Polkadot,
Kusama and Westend and add Paseo bootnode to the relay chain suite. At
the same time, it will add new bootnodes for all the system parachains,
including People on Westend. This PR is a part of our membership in the
IBP, meaning that all the bootnodes are hosted on our hardware housed in
the data center in Christchurch, New Zealand.
All the bootnodes were tested with an empty chain spec file with the
following command yielding 1 peer.

The test commands used are as follows:
./polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain paseo --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain westend --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain kusama --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --no-hardware-benchmarks --reserved-only --chain polkadot --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain asset-hub-kusama --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain asset-hub-polkadot --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain asset-hub-westend --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain bridge-hub-kusama --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain bridge-hub-kusama --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain bridge-hub-westend --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain collectives-polkadot --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain collectives-westend --reserved-nodes "/dns/"
./polkadot-parachain --base-path /tmp/node --reserved-only --chain people-westend --reserved-nodes "/dns/"

Best regards,

Petr, Polkadotters
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