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Commit 37029eb4 authored by Sergey Pepyakin's avatar Sergey Pepyakin Committed by Gav Wood
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Sandbox: run start function. (#153)

* sandbox: run start function.

* Add docs.

* Add a missing_docs to sandbox module.

* Fix typo in the naming.
parent 2c997769
No related merge requests found
......@@ -14,12 +14,16 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.
//! This module implements sandboxing support in the runtime.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use codec::Slicable;
use primitives::sandbox as sandbox_primitives;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use wasm_utils::DummyUserError;
use wasmi;
use wasmi::memory_units::Pages;
use wasmi::{Externals, FuncRef, ImportResolver, MemoryInstance, MemoryRef, Module, ModuleInstance,
ModuleRef, RuntimeArgs, RuntimeValue, Trap, TrapKind};
......@@ -38,13 +42,13 @@ struct SupervisorFuncIndex(usize);
struct GuestFuncIndex(usize);
/// This struct holds a mapping from guest index space to supervisor.
struct GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping {
struct GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping {
funcs: Vec<SupervisorFuncIndex>,
impl GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping {
fn new() -> GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping {
GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping { funcs: Vec::new() }
impl GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping {
fn new() -> GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping {
GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping { funcs: Vec::new() }
fn define(&mut self, supervisor_func: SupervisorFuncIndex) -> GuestFuncIndex {
......@@ -130,9 +134,12 @@ impl ImportResolver for Imports {
/// Note that this functions are only called in the `supervisor` context.
pub trait SandboxCapabilities {
/// Returns associated sandbox `Store`.
/// Returns a reference to an associated sandbox `Store`.
fn store(&self) -> &Store;
/// Returns a mutable reference to an associated sandbox `Store`.
fn store_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Store;
/// Allocate space of the specified length in the supervisor memory.
/// Returns pointer to the allocated block.
......@@ -164,28 +171,10 @@ pub trait SandboxCapabilities {
/// [`Externals`]: ../../wasmi/trait.Externals.html
pub struct GuestExternals<'a, FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals + 'a> {
supervisor_externals: &'a mut FE,
instance_idx: u32,
sandbox_instance: &'a SandboxInstance,
state: u32,
impl<'a, FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals + 'a> GuestExternals<'a, FE> {
/// Create a new instance of `GuestExternals`.
/// It will use `supervisor_externals` to execute calls from guest to supervisor.
/// `instance_idx` required to fetch settings for this particular instance, e.g
/// associated dispatch thunk funtion and mapping between externals function ids to
/// functions in supervisor module.
/// `state` is just an integer that allows supervisor to have arbitrary state associated with the call,
/// typically used for implementing runtime functions.
pub fn new(supervisor_externals: &mut FE, instance_idx: u32, state: u32) -> GuestExternals<FE> {
GuestExternals {
fn trap() -> Trap {
......@@ -210,22 +199,19 @@ impl<'a, FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals + 'a> Externals for GuestExternals<
index: usize,
args: RuntimeArgs,
) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Trap> {
let (func_idx, dispatch_thunk) = {
let instance = &[self.instance_idx as usize];
let dispatch_thunk = instance.dispatch_thunk.clone();
let func_idx = instance
"`invoke_index` is called with indexes registered via `FuncInstance::alloc_host`;
`FuncInstance::alloc_host` is called with indexes that was obtained from `guest_to_supervisor_mapping`;
`func_by_guest_index` called with `index` can't return `None`;
(func_idx, dispatch_thunk)
// Make `index` typesafe again.
let index = GuestFuncIndex(index);
let dispatch_thunk = self.sandbox_instance.dispatch_thunk.clone();
let func_idx = self.sandbox_instance
"`invoke_index` is called with indexes registered via `FuncInstance::alloc_host`;
`FuncInstance::alloc_host` is called with indexes that was obtained from `guest_to_supervisor_mapping`;
`func_by_guest_index` called with `index` can't return `None`;
// Serialize arguments into a byte vector.
let invoke_args_data: Vec<u8> = args.as_ref()
......@@ -279,21 +265,78 @@ impl<'a, FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals + 'a> Externals for GuestExternals<
struct SandboxInstance {
fn with_guest_externals<FE, R, F>(
supervisor_externals: &mut FE,
sandbox_instance: &SandboxInstance,
state: u32,
f: F,
) -> R
FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals,
F: FnOnce(&mut GuestExternals<FE>) -> R,
let mut guest_externals = GuestExternals {
f(&mut guest_externals)
/// Sandboxed instance of a wasm module.
/// It's primary purpose is to [`invoke`] exported functions on it.
/// All imports of this instance are specified at the creation time and
/// imports are implemented by the supervisor.
/// Hence, in order to invoke an exported function on a sandboxed module instance,
/// it's required to provide supervisor externals: it will be used to execute
/// code in the supervisor context.
/// [`invoke`]: #method.invoke
pub struct SandboxInstance {
instance: ModuleRef,
dispatch_thunk: FuncRef,
guest_to_supervisor_mapping: GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping,
guest_to_supervisor_mapping: GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping,
impl SandboxInstance {
/// Invoke an exported function by a name.
/// `supervisor_externals` is required to execute the implementations
/// of the syscalls that published to a sandboxed module instance.
/// The `state` parameter can be used to provide custom data for
/// these syscall implementations.
pub fn invoke<FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals>(
export_name: &str,
args: &[RuntimeValue],
supervisor_externals: &mut FE,
state: u32,
) -> Result<Option<wasmi::RuntimeValue>, wasmi::Error> {
|guest_externals| {
.invoke_export(export_name, args, guest_externals)
fn decode_environment_definition(
raw_env_def: &[u8],
memories: &[MemoryRef],
) -> Result<(Imports, GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping), DummyUserError> {
) -> Result<(Imports, GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping), DummyUserError> {
let env_def = sandbox_primitives::EnvironmentDefinition::decode(&mut &raw_env_def[..]).ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)?;
let mut func_map = HashMap::new();
let mut memories_map = HashMap::new();
let mut guest_to_supervisor_mapping = GuestToSuperviserFunctionMapping::new();
let mut guest_to_supervisor_mapping = GuestToSupervisorFunctionMapping::new();
for entry in &env_def.entries {
let module = entry.module_name.clone();
......@@ -323,14 +366,68 @@ fn decode_environment_definition(
/// Instantiate a guest module and return it's index in the store.
/// The guest module's code is specified in `wasm`. Environment that will be available to
/// guest module is specified in `raw_env_def` (serialized version of [`EnvironmentDefinition`]).
/// `dispatch_thunk` is used as function that handle calls from guests.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `Err` if any of the following conditions happens:
/// - `raw_env_def` can't be deserialized as a [`EnvironmentDefinition`].
/// - Module in `wasm` is invalid or couldn't be instantiated.
/// [`EnvironmentDefinition`]: ../../sandbox/struct.EnvironmentDefinition.html
pub fn instantiate<FE: SandboxCapabilities + Externals>(
supervisor_externals: &mut FE,
dispatch_thunk: FuncRef,
wasm: &[u8],
raw_env_def: &[u8],
state: u32,
) -> Result<u32, DummyUserError> {
let (imports, guest_to_supervisor_mapping) =
decode_environment_definition(raw_env_def, &;
let module = Module::from_buffer(wasm).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, &imports).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let sandbox_instance = Rc::new(SandboxInstance {
// In general, it's not a very good idea to use `.not_started_instance()` for anything
// but for extracting memory and tables. But in this particular case, we are extracting
// for the purpose of running `start` function which should be ok.
instance: instance.not_started_instance().clone(),
|guest_externals| {
.map_err(|_| DummyUserError)
let instance_idx = supervisor_externals
/// This struct keeps track of all sandboxed components.
pub struct Store {
instances: Vec<SandboxInstance>,
instances: Vec<Rc<SandboxInstance>>,
memories: Vec<MemoryRef>,
impl Store {
/// Create new empty sandbox store.
/// Create a new empty sandbox store.
pub fn new() -> Store {
Store {
instances: Vec::new(),
......@@ -338,47 +435,6 @@ impl Store {
/// Instantiate a guest module and return it's index in the store.
/// The guest module's code is specified in `wasm`. Environment that will be available to
/// guest module is specified in `raw_env_def` (serialized version of [`EnvironmentDefinition`]).
/// `dispatch_thunk` is used as function that handle calls from guests.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `Err` if any of the following conditions happens:
/// - `raw_env_def` can't be deserialized as a [`EnvironmentDefinition`].
/// - Module in `wasm` is invalid or couldn't be instantiated.
/// [`EnvironmentDefinition`]: ../../sandbox/struct.EnvironmentDefinition.html
pub fn instantiate(
&mut self,
dispatch_thunk: FuncRef,
wasm: &[u8],
raw_env_def: &[u8],
_state: u32,
) -> Result<u32, DummyUserError> {
let (imports, guest_to_supervisor_mapping) =
decode_environment_definition(raw_env_def, &self.memories)?;
// TODO: Run `start`.
let module = Module::from_buffer(wasm).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, &imports)
.map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?
let instance_idx = self.instances.len();
self.instances.push(SandboxInstance {
Ok(instance_idx as u32)
/// Create a new memory instance and return it's index.
/// # Errors
......@@ -391,21 +447,22 @@ impl Store {
specified_limit => Some(Pages(specified_limit as usize)),
let mem = MemoryInstance::alloc(Pages(initial as usize), maximum).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let mem =
MemoryInstance::alloc(Pages(initial as usize), maximum).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let mem_idx = self.memories.len();
let mem_idx = self.memories.len() - 1;
Ok(mem_idx as u32)
/// Returns `ModuleRef` by `instance_idx`.
/// Returns `SandboxInstance` by `instance_idx`.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `Err` If `instance_idx` isn't a valid index of an instance.
pub fn instance(&self, instance_idx: u32) -> Result<ModuleRef, DummyUserError> {
pub fn instance(&self, instance_idx: u32) -> Result<Rc<SandboxInstance>, DummyUserError> {
.get(instance_idx as usize)
.map(|i| i.instance.clone())
.ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)
......@@ -420,6 +477,12 @@ impl Store {
.ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)
fn register_sandbox_instance(&mut self, sandbox_instance: Rc<SandboxInstance>) -> u32 {
let instance_idx = self.instances.len();
instance_idx as u32
......@@ -480,4 +543,42 @@ mod tests {
fn start_called() {
let mut ext = TestExternalities::default();
let test_code = include_bytes!("../wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/runtime_test.compact.wasm");
let code = wabt::wat2wasm(r#"
(import "env" "assert" (func $assert (param i32)))
(import "env" "inc_counter" (func $inc_counter (param i32) (result i32)))
;; Start function
(start $start)
(func $start
;; Increment counter by 1
(call $inc_counter (i32.const 1))
(func (export "call")
;; Increment counter by 1. The current value is placed on the stack.
(call $inc_counter (i32.const 1))
;; Counter is incremented twice by 1, once there and once in `start` func.
;; So check the returned value is equal to 2.
i32.const 2
call $assert
assert_eq!( ext, &test_code[..], "test_sandbox", &code).unwrap(),
......@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ impl<'e, E: Externalities> sandbox::SandboxCapabilities for FunctionExecutor<'e,
fn store(&self) -> &sandbox::Store {
fn store_mut(&mut self) -> &mut sandbox::Store {
&mut self.sandbox_store
fn allocate(&mut self, len: u32) -> u32 {
......@@ -340,13 +343,16 @@ impl_function_executor!(this: FunctionExecutor<'e, E>,
let wasm = this.memory.get(wasm_ptr, wasm_len as usize).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let raw_env_def = this.memory.get(imports_ptr, imports_len as usize).map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?;
let table = this.table.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)?;
let dispatch_thunk = table.get(dispatch_thunk_idx)
.map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?
.ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)?
// Extract a dispatch thunk from instance's table by the specified index.
let dispatch_thunk = {
let table = this.table.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)?;
.map_err(|_| DummyUserError)?
.ok_or_else(|| DummyUserError)?
let instance_idx = this.sandbox_store.instantiate(dispatch_thunk, &wasm, &raw_env_def, state)?;
let instance_idx = sandbox::instantiate(this, dispatch_thunk, &wasm, &raw_env_def, state)?;
Ok(instance_idx as u32)
......@@ -360,10 +366,7 @@ impl_function_executor!(this: FunctionExecutor<'e, E>,
let instance = this.sandbox_store.instance(instance_idx)?;
let mut guest_externals = sandbox::GuestExternals::new(this, instance_idx, state);
let result = instance.invoke_export(&export, &[], &mut guest_externals);
let result = instance.invoke(&export, &[], this, state);
match result {
Ok(None) => Ok(sandbox_primitives::ERR_OK),
// TODO: Return value
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