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Unverified Commit 23f41156 authored by Branislav Kontur's avatar Branislav Kontur
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parent 936ce19e
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......@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ pub mod pallet {
/// Checks the XCM version for the destination.
type DestinationVersion: GetVersion;
//! The bridge hub may be:
//! - A system (sibling) bridge hub parachain (or another chain), in which case we need an implementation for `T::ToBridgeHubSender` that sends `ExportMessage`, e.g., `SovereignPaidRemoteExporter`.
//! - The local chain, in which case we need an implementation for `T::ToBridgeHubSender` that does not use `ExportMessage` but instead directly calls the `ExportXcm` implementation.
/// The bridge hub may be:
/// - A system (sibling) bridge hub parachain (or another chain), in which case we need an implementation for `T::ToBridgeHubSender` that sends `ExportMessage`, e.g., `SovereignPaidRemoteExporter`.
/// - The local chain, in which case we need an implementation for `T::ToBridgeHubSender` that does not use `ExportMessage` but instead directly calls the `ExportXcm` implementation.
type ToBridgeHubSender: SendXcm;
/// Local XCM channel manager.
type LocalXcmChannelManager: XcmChannelStatusProvider;
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