Unverified Commit 10a91f82 authored by Francisco Aguirre's avatar Francisco Aguirre Committed by GitHub
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Add FungibleAdapter (#2684)

In the move from the old `Currency` traits to the new `fungible/s`
family of traits, we already had the `FungiblesAdapter` and
`NonFungiblesAdapter` for multiple fungible and non fungible assets
respectively. However, for handling only one fungible asset, we were
missing a `FungibleAdapter`, and so used the old `CurrencyAdapter`
instead. This PR aims to fill in that gap, and provide the new adapter
for more updated examples.

I marked the old `CurrencyAdapter` as deprecated as part of this PR, and
I'll change it to the new `FungibleAdapter` in a following PR.
The two stages are separated so as to not bloat this PR with some name
fixes in tests.


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parent 3e4e8c0b
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