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Unverified Commit 0cc3e170 authored by Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar Alexandru Gheorghe Committed by GitHub
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make polkadot-parachain startup errors pretty (#5214)

The errors on polkadot-parachain are not printed with their full display
context(what is marked with `#[error(`) because main returns plain
Result and the error will be shown in its Debug format, that's not
consistent with how the polkadot binary behave and is not user friendly
since it does not tell them why they got the error.

Fix it by using `color_eyre` as polkadot already does it. 


## Output before
Error: NetworkKeyNotFound("/acala/data/Collator2/chains/mandala-tc9/network/secret_ed25519")

## Output after
   0: Starting an authorithy without network key in /home/alexggh/.local/share/polkadot-parachain/chains/asset-hub-kusama/network/secret_ed25519.
       This is not a safe operation because other authorities in the network may depend on your node having a stable identity.
       Otherwise these other authorities may not being able to reach you.
       If it is the first time running your node you could use one of the following methods:
       1. [Preferred] Separately generate the key with: <NODE_BINARY> key generate-node-key --base-path <YOUR_BASE_PATH>
       2. [Preferred] Separately generate the key with: <NODE_BINARY> key generate-node-key --file <YOUR_PATH_TO_NODE_KEY>
       3. [Preferred] Separately generate the key with: <NODE_BINARY> key generate-node-key --default-base-path
       4. [Unsafe] Pass --unsafe-force-node-key-generation and make sure you remove it for subsequent node restarts



Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
parent f170af61
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