• Alexandru Gheorghe's avatar
    Introduce approval-voting/distribution benchmark (#2621) · f9f88688
    Alexandru Gheorghe authored
    ## Summary
    Built on top of the tooling and ideas introduced in
    https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/2528, this PR introduces
    a synthetic benchmark for measuring and assessing the performance
    characteristics of the approval-voting and approval-distribution
    Currently this allows, us to simulate the behaviours of these systems
    based on the following dimensions:
    # Test 1
    - objective: !ApprovalsTest
        last_considered_tranche: 89
        min_coalesce: 1
        max_coalesce: 6
        enable_assignments_v2: true
        send_till_tranche: 60
        stop_when_approved: false
        coalesce_tranche_diff: 12
        workdir_prefix: "/tmp"
        num_no_shows_per_candidate: 0
        approval_distribution_expected_tof: 6.0
        approval_distribution_cpu_ms: 3.0
        approval_voting_cpu_ms: 4.30
      n_validators: 500
      n_cores: 100
      n_included_candidates: 100
      min_pov_size: 1120
      max_pov_size: 5120
      peer_bandwidth: 524288000000
      bandwidth: 524288000000
          secs: 0
          nanos: 1000000
          secs: 0
          nanos: 100000000
      error: 0
      num_blocks: 10
    ## The approach
    1. We build a real overseer with the real implementations for
    approval-voting and approval-distribution subsystems.
    2. For a given network size, for each validator we pre-computed all
    potential assignments and approvals it would send, because this a
    computation heavy operation this will be cached on a file on disk and be
    re-used if the generation parameters don't change.
    3. The messages will be sent accordingly to the configured parameters
    and those are split into 3 main benchmarking scenarios.
    ## Benchmarking scenarios
    ### Best case scenario *approvals_throughput_best_case.yaml*
    It send to the approval-distribution only the minimum required tranche
    to gathered the needed_approvals, so that a candidate is approved.
    ### Behaviour in the presence of no-shows *approvals_no_shows.yaml*
    It sends the tranche needed to approve a candidate when we have a
    maximum of *num_no_shows_per_candidate* tranches with no-shows for each
    ### Maximum throughput *approvals_throughput.yaml*
    It sends all the tranches for each block and measures the used CPU and
    necessary network bandwidth. by the approval-voting and
    approval-distribution subsystem.
    ## How to run it
    cargo run -p polkadot-subsystem-bench --release -- test-sequence --path polkadot/node/subsystem-bench/examples/approvals_throughput.yaml
    ## Evaluating performance
    ### Use the real subsystems metrics
    If you follow the steps in
    for installing locally prometheus and grafana, all real metrics for the
    `approval-distribution`, `approval-voting` and overseer are available.
    <img width="2149" alt="Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11 07 46"
    <img width="2551" alt="Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11 09 42"
    <img width="2154" alt="Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11 10 15"
    <img width="2535" alt="Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11 10 52"
    ### Profile with pyroscope
    1. Setup pyroscope following the steps in
    then run any of the benchmark scenario with `--profile` as the
    2. Open the pyroscope dashboard in grafana, e.g:
    <img width="2544" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 17 09 58"
    ### Useful  logs
    1. Network bandwidth requirements:
    Payload bytes received from peers: 503993 KiB total, 50399 KiB/block
    Payload bytes sent to peers: 629971 KiB total, 62997 KiB/block
    2. Cpu usage by the approval-distribution/approval-voting subsystems.
    approval-distribution CPU usage 84.061s
    approval-distribution CPU usage per block 8.406s
    approval-voting CPU usage 96.532s
    approval-voting CPU usage per block 9.653s
    3. Time passed until a given block is approved
     Chain selection approved  after 3500 ms hash=0x0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
    Chain selection approved  after 4500 ms hash=0x0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202
    ### Using benchmark to quantify improvements from
    https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/1178 +
    Using a versi-node we compare the scenarios where all new optimisations
    are disabled with a scenarios where tranche0 assignments are sent in a
    single message and a conservative simulation where the coalescing of
    approvals gives us just 50% reduction in the number of messages we send.
    Overall, what we see is a speedup of around 30-40% in the time it takes
    to process the necessary messages and a 30-40% reduction in the
    necessary bandwidth.
    #### Best case scenario comparison(minimum required tranches sent).
        Number of blocks: 10
        Payload bytes received from peers: 53289 KiB total, 5328 KiB/block
        Payload bytes sent to peers: 52489 KiB total, 5248 KiB/block
        approval-distribution CPU usage 6.732s
        approval-distribution CPU usage per block 0.673s
        approval-voting CPU usage 9.523s
        approval-voting CPU usage per block 0.952s
    vs Optimisation enabled
       Number of blocks: 10
       Payload bytes received from peers: 32141 KiB total, 3214 KiB/block
       Payload bytes sent to peers: 37314 KiB total, 3731 KiB/block
       approval-distribution CPU usage 4.658s
       approval-distribution CPU usage per block 0.466s
       approval-voting CPU usage 6.236s
       approval-voting CPU usage per block 0.624s
    #### Worst case all tranches sent, very unlikely happens when sharding
       Number of blocks: 10
       Payload bytes received from peers: 746393 KiB total, 74639 KiB/block
       Payload bytes sent to peers: 729151 KiB total, 72915 KiB/block
       approval-distribution CPU usage 118.681s
       approval-distribution CPU usage per block 11.868s
       approval-voting CPU usage 124.118s
       approval-voting CPU usage per block 12.412s
    vs optimised
        Number of blocks: 10
        Payload bytes received from peers: 503993 KiB total, 50399 KiB/block
        Payload bytes sent to peers: 629971 KiB total, 62997 KiB/block
        approval-distribution CPU usage 84.061s
        approval-distribution CPU usage per block 8.406s
        approval-voting CPU usage 96.532s
        approval-voting CPU usage per block 9.653s
    ## TODOs
    [x] Polish implementation.
    [x] Use what we have so far to evaluate
     before merging.
    [x] List of features and additional dimensions we want to use for
    [x] Run benchmark on hardware similar with versi and kusama nodes.
    [ ] Add benchmark to be run in CI for catching regression in
    [ ] Rebase on latest changes for network emulation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAndrei Sandu <[email protected]>