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Gavin Wood authored
* Initial draft * Latest changes * Final bits. * Fixes * Fixes * Test fixes * Fix tests * Fix babe tests * Fix * Fix * Fix * Fix * Fix * fix warnings in assets * Fix UI tests * fix line width * Fix * Update frame/system/src/ Co-authored-by:
Kian Paimani <> * Update frame/system/src/ Co-authored-by:
Kian Paimani <> * Fix * fix unused warnings * Fix * Update frame/system/src/ Co-authored-by:
Guillaume Thiolliere <> * Update frame/system/src/ Co-authored-by:
Guillaume Thiolliere <> * Fix * fix slash and comprehensive slash test * fix reserved slash and comprehensive tests * check slash on non-existent account * Revert "Fix UI tests" This reverts commit e0002c0f13442f7d0c95a054a6c515536328a4a0. * Fix * Fix utility tests * keep dispatch error backwards compatible * Fix * Fix * fix ui test * Companion checker shouldn't be so anal. * Fix * Fix * Fix * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by:
Alexander Popiak <> * Update frame/balances/src/ Co-authored-by:
Alexander Popiak <> * return correct slash info when failing gracefully * fix missing import * Update frame/system/src/ Co-authored-by:
Guillaume Thiolliere <> * Fix * Update frame/balances/src/ Co-authored-by:
Guillaume Thiolliere <> * Fixes Co-authored-by:
Shawn Tabrizi <> Co-authored-by:
Kian Paimani <> Co-authored-by:
Guillaume Thiolliere <> Co-authored-by:
Alexander Popiak <>
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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! # Recovery Pallet
//! - [`recovery::Config`](./trait.Config.html)
//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
//! ## Overview
//! The Recovery pallet is an M-of-N social recovery tool for users to gain
//! access to their accounts if the private key or other authentication mechanism
//! is lost. Through this pallet, a user is able to make calls on-behalf-of another
//! account which they have recovered. The recovery process is protected by trusted
//! "friends" whom the original account owner chooses. A threshold (M) out of N
//! friends are needed to give another account access to the recoverable account.
//! ### Recovery Configuration
//! The recovery process for each recoverable account can be configured by the account owner.
//! They are able to choose:
//! * `friends` - The list of friends that the account owner trusts to protect the
//! recovery process for their account.
//! * `threshold` - The number of friends that need to approve a recovery process for
//! the account to be successfully recovered.
//! * `delay_period` - The minimum number of blocks after the beginning of the recovery
//! process that need to pass before the account can be successfully recovered.
//! There is a configurable deposit that all users need to pay to create a recovery
//! configuration. This deposit is composed of a base deposit plus a multiplier for
//! the number of friends chosen. This deposit is returned in full when the account
//! owner removes their recovery configuration.
//! ### Recovery Life Cycle
//! The intended life cycle of a successful recovery takes the following steps:
//! 1. The account owner calls `create_recovery` to set up a recovery configuration
//! for their account.
//! 2. At some later time, the account owner loses access to their account and wants
//! to recover it. Likely, they will need to create a new account and fund it with
//! enough balance to support the transaction fees and the deposit for the
//! recovery process.
//! 3. Using this new account, they call `initiate_recovery`.
//! 4. Then the account owner would contact their configured friends to vouch for
//! the recovery attempt. The account owner would provide their old account id
//! and the new account id, and friends would call `vouch_recovery` with those
//! parameters.
//! 5. Once a threshold number of friends have vouched for the recovery attempt,
//! the account owner needs to wait until the delay period has passed, starting
//! when they initiated the recovery process.
//! 6. Now the account owner is able to call `claim_recovery`, which subsequently
//! allows them to call `as_recovered` and directly make calls on-behalf-of the lost
//! account.
//! 7. Using the now recovered account, the account owner can call `close_recovery`
//! on the recovery process they opened, reclaiming the recovery deposit they
//! placed.
//! 8. Then the account owner should then call `remove_recovery` to remove the recovery
//! configuration on the recovered account and reclaim the recovery configuration
//! deposit they placed.
//! 9. Using `as_recovered`, the account owner is able to call any other pallets
//! to clean up their state and reclaim any reserved or locked funds. They
//! can then transfer all funds from the recovered account to the new account.
//! 10. When the recovered account becomes reaped (i.e. its free and reserved
//! balance drops to zero), the final recovery link is removed.
//! ### Malicious Recovery Attempts
//! Initializing a the recovery process for a recoverable account is open and
//! permissionless. However, the recovery deposit is an economic deterrent that
//! should disincentivize would-be attackers from trying to maliciously recover
//! accounts.
//! The recovery deposit can always be claimed by the account which is trying to
//! to be recovered. In the case of a malicious recovery attempt, the account
//! owner who still has access to their account can claim the deposit and
//! essentially punish the malicious user.
//! Furthermore, the malicious recovery attempt can only be successful if the
//! attacker is also able to get enough friends to vouch for the recovery attempt.
//! In the case where the account owner prevents a malicious recovery process,
//! this pallet makes it near-zero cost to re-configure the recovery settings and
//! remove/replace friends who are acting inappropriately.
//! ### Safety Considerations
//! It is important to note that this is a powerful pallet that can compromise the
//! security of an account if used incorrectly. Some recommended practices for users
//! of this pallet are:
//! * Configure a significant `delay_period` for your recovery process: As long as you
//! have access to your recoverable account, you need only check the blockchain once
//! every `delay_period` blocks to ensure that no recovery attempt is successful
//! against your account. Using off-chain notification systems can help with this,
//! but ultimately, setting a large `delay_period` means that even the most skilled
//! attacker will need to wait this long before they can access your account.
//! * Use a high threshold of approvals: Setting a value of 1 for the threshold means
//! that any of your friends would be able to recover your account. They would
//! simply need to start a recovery process and approve their own process. Similarly,
//! a threshold of 2 would mean that any 2 friends could work together to gain
//! access to your account. The only way to prevent against these kinds of attacks
//! is to choose a high threshold of approvals and select from a diverse friend
//! group that would not be able to reasonably coordinate with one another.
//! * Reset your configuration over time: Since the entire deposit of creating a
//! recovery configuration is returned to the user, the only cost of updating
//! your recovery configuration is the transaction fees for the calls. Thus,
//! it is strongly encouraged to regularly update your recovery configuration
//! as your life changes and your relationship with new and existing friends
//! change as well.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! #### For General Users
//! * `create_recovery` - Create a recovery configuration for your account and make it recoverable.
//! * `initiate_recovery` - Start the recovery process for a recoverable account.
//! #### For Friends of a Recoverable Account
//! * `vouch_recovery` - As a `friend` of a recoverable account, vouch for a recovery attempt on the account.
//! #### For a User Who Successfully Recovered an Account
//! * `claim_recovery` - Claim access to the account that you have successfully completed the recovery process for.
//! * `as_recovered` - Send a transaction as an account that you have recovered. See other functions below.
//! #### For the Recoverable Account
//! * `close_recovery` - Close an active recovery process for your account and reclaim the recovery deposit.
//! * `remove_recovery` - Remove the recovery configuration from the account, making it un-recoverable.
//! #### For Super Users
//! * `set_recovered` - The ROOT origin is able to skip the recovery process and directly allow
//! one account to access another.
// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use sp_std::prelude::*;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{Dispatchable, SaturatedConversion, CheckedAdd, CheckedMul},
use codec::{Encode, Decode};
use frame_support::{
decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage, decl_error, ensure,
Parameter, RuntimeDebug, weights::GetDispatchInfo,
traits::{Currency, ReservableCurrency, Get, BalanceStatus},
use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed, ensure_root};
mod mock;
mod tests;
type BalanceOf<T> =
<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
/// Configuration trait.
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// The overarching event type.
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>;
/// The overarching call type.
type Call: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin=Self::Origin, PostInfo=PostDispatchInfo> + GetDispatchInfo;
/// The currency mechanism.
type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>;
/// The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a recovery configuration.
/// This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is
/// `2 + sizeof(BlockNumber, Balance)` bytes.
type ConfigDepositBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
/// The amount of currency needed per additional user when creating a recovery configuration.
/// This is held for adding `sizeof(AccountId)` bytes more into a pre-existing storage value.
type FriendDepositFactor: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
/// The maximum amount of friends allowed in a recovery configuration.
type MaxFriends: Get<u16>;
/// The base amount of currency needed to reserve for starting a recovery.
/// This is primarily held for deterring malicious recovery attempts, and should
/// have a value large enough that a bad actor would choose not to place this
/// deposit. It also acts to fund additional storage item whose value size is
/// `sizeof(BlockNumber, Balance + T * AccountId)` bytes. Where T is a configurable
/// threshold.
type RecoveryDeposit: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
/// An active recovery process.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, Default, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct ActiveRecovery<BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId> {
/// The block number when the recovery process started.
created: BlockNumber,
/// The amount held in reserve of the `depositor`,
/// To be returned once this recovery process is closed.
deposit: Balance,
/// The friends which have vouched so far. Always sorted.
friends: Vec<AccountId>,
/// Configuration for recovering an account.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, Default, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct RecoveryConfig<BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId> {
/// The minimum number of blocks since the start of the recovery process before the account
/// can be recovered.
delay_period: BlockNumber,
/// The amount held in reserve of the `depositor`,
/// to be returned once this configuration is removed.
deposit: Balance,
/// The list of friends which can help recover an account. Always sorted.
friends: Vec<AccountId>,
/// The number of approving friends needed to recover an account.
threshold: u16,
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Config> as Recovery {
/// The set of recoverable accounts and their recovery configuration.
pub Recoverable get(fn recovery_config):
map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId
=> Option<RecoveryConfig<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>>;
/// Active recovery attempts.
/// First account is the account to be recovered, and the second account
/// is the user trying to recover the account.
pub ActiveRecoveries get(fn active_recovery):
double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId =>
Option<ActiveRecovery<T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, T::AccountId>>;
/// The list of allowed proxy accounts.
/// Map from the user who can access it to the recovered account.
pub Proxy get(fn proxy):
map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => Option<T::AccountId>;
decl_event! {
/// Events type.
pub enum Event<T> where
AccountId = <T as system::Config>::AccountId,
/// A recovery process has been set up for an \[account\].
/// A recovery process has been initiated for lost account by rescuer account.
/// \[lost, rescuer\]
RecoveryInitiated(AccountId, AccountId),
/// A recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been vouched for by sender.
/// \[lost, rescuer, sender\]
RecoveryVouched(AccountId, AccountId, AccountId),
/// A recovery process for lost account by rescuer account has been closed.
/// \[lost, rescuer\]
RecoveryClosed(AccountId, AccountId),
/// Lost account has been successfully recovered by rescuer account.
/// \[lost, rescuer\]
AccountRecovered(AccountId, AccountId),
/// A recovery process has been removed for an \[account\].
decl_error! {
pub enum Error for Module<T: Config> {
/// User is not allowed to make a call on behalf of this account
/// Threshold must be greater than zero
/// Friends list must be greater than zero and threshold
/// Friends list must be less than max friends
/// Friends list must be sorted and free of duplicates
/// This account is not set up for recovery
/// This account is already set up for recovery
/// A recovery process has already started for this account
/// A recovery process has not started for this rescuer
/// This account is not a friend who can vouch
/// The friend must wait until the delay period to vouch for this recovery
/// This user has already vouched for this recovery
/// The threshold for recovering this account has not been met
/// There are still active recovery attempts that need to be closed
/// There was an overflow in a calculation
/// This account is already set up for recovery
/// Some internal state is broken.
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Config> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
type Error = Error<T>;
/// The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a recovery configuration.
const ConfigDepositBase: BalanceOf<T> = T::ConfigDepositBase::get();
/// The amount of currency needed per additional user when creating a recovery configuration.
const FriendDepositFactor: BalanceOf<T> = T::FriendDepositFactor::get();
/// The maximum amount of friends allowed in a recovery configuration.
const MaxFriends: u16 = T::MaxFriends::get();
/// The base amount of currency needed to reserve for starting a recovery.
const RecoveryDeposit: BalanceOf<T> = T::RecoveryDeposit::get();
/// Deposit one of this module's events by using the default implementation.
fn deposit_event() = default;
/// Send a call through a recovered account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered to
/// be able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.
/// Parameters:
/// - `account`: The recovered account you want to make a call on-behalf-of.
/// - `call`: The call you want to make with the recovered account.
/// # <weight>
/// - The weight of the `call` + 10,000.
/// - One storage lookup to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = {
let dispatch_info = call.get_dispatch_info();
// AccountData for inner call origin accountdata.
.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1)),
fn as_recovered(origin,
account: T::AccountId,
call: Box<<T as Config>::Call>
) -> DispatchResult {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Check `who` is allowed to make a call on behalf of `account`
let target = Self::proxy(&who).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotAllowed)?;
ensure!(&target == &account, Error::<T>::NotAllowed);
.map(|_| ()).map_err(|e| e.error)
/// Allow ROOT to bypass the recovery process and set an a rescuer account
/// for a lost account directly.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _ROOT_.
/// Parameters:
/// - `lost`: The "lost account" to be recovered.
/// - `rescuer`: The "rescuer account" which can call as the lost account.
/// # <weight>
/// - One storage write O(1)
/// - One event
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 0]
fn set_recovered(origin, lost: T::AccountId, rescuer: T::AccountId) {
// Create the recovery storage item.
<Proxy<T>>::insert(&rescuer, &lost);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AccountRecovered(lost, rescuer));
/// Create a recovery configuration for your account. This makes your account recoverable.
/// Payment: `ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends balance
/// will be reserved for storing the recovery configuration. This deposit is returned
/// in full when the user calls `remove_recovery`.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
/// Parameters:
/// - `friends`: A list of friends you trust to vouch for recovery attempts.
/// Should be ordered and contain no duplicate values.
/// - `threshold`: The number of friends that must vouch for a recovery attempt
/// before the account can be recovered. Should be less than or equal to
/// the length of the list of friends.
/// - `delay_period`: The number of blocks after a recovery attempt is initialized
/// that needs to pass before the account can be recovered.
/// # <weight>
/// - Key: F (len of friends)
/// - One storage read to check that account is not already recoverable. O(1).
/// - A check that the friends list is sorted and unique. O(F)
/// - One currency reserve operation. O(X)
/// - One storage write. O(1). Codec O(F).
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(F + X)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 100_000_000]
fn create_recovery(origin,
friends: Vec<T::AccountId>,
threshold: u16,
delay_period: T::BlockNumber
) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Check account is not already set up for recovery
ensure!(!<Recoverable<T>>::contains_key(&who), Error::<T>::AlreadyRecoverable);
// Check user input is valid
ensure!(threshold >= 1, Error::<T>::ZeroThreshold);
ensure!(!friends.is_empty(), Error::<T>::NotEnoughFriends);
ensure!(threshold as usize <= friends.len(), Error::<T>::NotEnoughFriends);
let max_friends = T::MaxFriends::get() as usize;
ensure!(friends.len() <= max_friends, Error::<T>::MaxFriends);
ensure!(Self::is_sorted_and_unique(&friends), Error::<T>::NotSorted);
// Total deposit is base fee + number of friends * factor fee
let friend_deposit = T::FriendDepositFactor::get()
let total_deposit = T::ConfigDepositBase::get()
// Reserve the deposit
T::Currency::reserve(&who, total_deposit)?;
// Create the recovery configuration
let recovery_config = RecoveryConfig {
deposit: total_deposit,
// Create the recovery configuration storage item
<Recoverable<T>>::insert(&who, recovery_config);
/// Initiate the process for recovering a recoverable account.
/// Payment: `RecoveryDeposit` balance will be reserved for initiating the
/// recovery process. This deposit will always be repatriated to the account
/// trying to be recovered. See `close_recovery`.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
/// Parameters:
/// - `account`: The lost account that you want to recover. This account
/// needs to be recoverable (i.e. have a recovery configuration).
/// # <weight>
/// - One storage read to check that account is recoverable. O(F)
/// - One storage read to check that this recovery process hasn't already started. O(1)
/// - One currency reserve operation. O(X)
/// - One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)
/// - One storage write. O(1).
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(F + X)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 100_000_000]
fn initiate_recovery(origin, account: T::AccountId) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Check that the account is recoverable
ensure!(<Recoverable<T>>::contains_key(&account), Error::<T>::NotRecoverable);
// Check that the recovery process has not already been started
ensure!(!<ActiveRecoveries<T>>::contains_key(&account, &who), Error::<T>::AlreadyStarted);
// Take recovery deposit
let recovery_deposit = T::RecoveryDeposit::get();
T::Currency::reserve(&who, recovery_deposit)?;
// Create an active recovery status
let recovery_status = ActiveRecovery {
created: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
deposit: recovery_deposit,
friends: vec![],
// Create the active recovery storage item
<ActiveRecoveries<T>>::insert(&account, &who, recovery_status);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RecoveryInitiated(account, who));
/// Allow a "friend" of a recoverable account to vouch for an active recovery
/// process for that account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "friend"
/// for the recoverable account.
/// Parameters:
/// - `lost`: The lost account that you want to recover.
/// - `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue the lost account that you
/// want to vouch for.
/// The combination of these two parameters must point to an active recovery
/// process.
/// # <weight>
/// Key: F (len of friends in config), V (len of vouching friends)
/// - One storage read to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)
/// - One storage read to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)
/// - One binary search to confirm caller is a friend. O(logF)
/// - One binary search to confirm caller has not already vouched. O(logV)
/// - One storage write. O(1), Codec O(V).
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(F + logF + V + logV)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 100_000_000]
fn vouch_recovery(origin, lost: T::AccountId, rescuer: T::AccountId) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Get the recovery configuration for the lost account.
let recovery_config = Self::recovery_config(&lost).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRecoverable)?;
// Get the active recovery process for the rescuer.
let mut active_recovery = Self::active_recovery(&lost, &rescuer).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStarted)?;
// Make sure the voter is a friend
ensure!(Self::is_friend(&recovery_config.friends, &who), Error::<T>::NotFriend);
// Either insert the vouch, or return an error that the user already vouched.
match active_recovery.friends.binary_search(&who) {
Ok(_pos) => Err(Error::<T>::AlreadyVouched)?,
Err(pos) => active_recovery.friends.insert(pos, who.clone()),
// Update storage with the latest details
<ActiveRecoveries<T>>::insert(&lost, &rescuer, active_recovery);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RecoveryVouched(lost, rescuer, who));
/// Allow a successful rescuer to claim their recovered account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a "rescuer"
/// who has successfully completed the account recovery process: collected
/// `threshold` or more vouches, waited `delay_period` blocks since initiation.
/// Parameters:
/// - `account`: The lost account that you want to claim has been successfully
/// recovered by you.
/// # <weight>
/// Key: F (len of friends in config), V (len of vouching friends)
/// - One storage read to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)
/// - One storage read to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)
/// - One storage read to get the current block number. O(1)
/// - One storage write. O(1), Codec O(V).
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(F + V)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 100_000_000]
fn claim_recovery(origin, account: T::AccountId) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Get the recovery configuration for the lost account
let recovery_config = Self::recovery_config(&account).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRecoverable)?;
// Get the active recovery process for the rescuer
let active_recovery = Self::active_recovery(&account, &who).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStarted)?;
ensure!(!Proxy::<T>::contains_key(&who), Error::<T>::AlreadyProxy);
// Make sure the delay period has passed
let current_block_number = <system::Module<T>>::block_number();
let recoverable_block_number = active_recovery.created
ensure!(recoverable_block_number <= current_block_number, Error::<T>::DelayPeriod);
// Make sure the threshold is met
recovery_config.threshold as usize <= active_recovery.friends.len(),
system::Module::<T>::inc_consumers(&who).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::BadState)?;
// Create the recovery storage item
Proxy::<T>::insert(&who, &account);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AccountRecovered(account, who));
/// As the controller of a recoverable account, close an active recovery
/// process for your account.
/// Payment: By calling this function, the recoverable account will receive
/// the recovery deposit `RecoveryDeposit` placed by the rescuer.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a
/// recoverable account with an active recovery process for it.
/// Parameters:
/// - `rescuer`: The account trying to rescue this recoverable account.
/// # <weight>
/// Key: V (len of vouching friends)
/// - One storage read/remove to get the active recovery process. O(1), Codec O(V)
/// - One balance call to repatriate reserved. O(X)
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(V + X)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 30_000_000]
fn close_recovery(origin, rescuer: T::AccountId) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Take the active recovery process started by the rescuer for this account.
let active_recovery = <ActiveRecoveries<T>>::take(&who, &rescuer).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStarted)?;
// Move the reserved funds from the rescuer to the rescued account.
// Acts like a slashing mechanism for those who try to maliciously recover accounts.
let _ = T::Currency::repatriate_reserved(&rescuer, &who, active_recovery.deposit, BalanceStatus::Free);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::RecoveryClosed(who, rescuer));
/// Remove the recovery process for your account. Recovered accounts are still accessible.
/// NOTE: The user must make sure to call `close_recovery` on all active
/// recovery attempts before calling this function else it will fail.
/// Payment: By calling this function the recoverable account will unreserve
/// their recovery configuration deposit.
/// (`ConfigDepositBase` + `FriendDepositFactor` * #_of_friends)
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and must be a
/// recoverable account (i.e. has a recovery configuration).
/// # <weight>
/// Key: F (len of friends)
/// - One storage read to get the prefix iterator for active recoveries. O(1)
/// - One storage read/remove to get the recovery configuration. O(1), Codec O(F)
/// - One balance call to unreserved. O(X)
/// - One event.
/// Total Complexity: O(F + X)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 30_000_000]
fn remove_recovery(origin) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Check there are no active recoveries
let mut active_recoveries = <ActiveRecoveries<T>>::iter_prefix_values(&who);
ensure!(, Error::<T>::StillActive);
// Take the recovery configuration for this account.
let recovery_config = <Recoverable<T>>::take(&who).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotRecoverable)?;
// Unreserve the initial deposit for the recovery configuration.
T::Currency::unreserve(&who, recovery_config.deposit);
/// Cancel the ability to use `as_recovered` for `account`.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and registered to
/// be able to make calls on behalf of the recovered account.
/// Parameters:
/// - `account`: The recovered account you are able to call on-behalf-of.
/// # <weight>
/// - One storage mutation to check account is recovered by `who`. O(1)
/// # </weight>
#[weight = 0]
fn cancel_recovered(origin, account: T::AccountId) {
let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Check `who` is allowed to make a call on behalf of `account`
ensure!(Self::proxy(&who) == Some(account), Error::<T>::NotAllowed);
impl<T: Config> Module<T> {
/// Check that friends list is sorted and has no duplicates.
fn is_sorted_and_unique(friends: &Vec<T::AccountId>) -> bool {|w| w[0] < w[1])
/// Check that a user is a friend in the friends list.
fn is_friend(friends: &Vec<T::AccountId>, friend: &T::AccountId) -> bool {