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title: Style Guide for Rust in the Polkadot-SDK
Where possible these styles are enforced by settings in rustfmt.toml
so if you run cargo +nightly fmt
then you will adhere to most of these style guidelines automatically.
To see exactly which nightly version is used, check our CI job logs.
- Indent using tabs.
- Lines should be longer than 100 characters long only in exceptional circumstances and certainly no longer than 120. For this purpose, tabs are considered 4 characters wide.
- Indent levels should be greater than 5 only in exceptional circumstances and certainly no
greater than 8. If they are greater than 5, then consider using
or auxiliary functions in order to strip out complex inline expressions. - Never have spaces on a line prior to a non-whitespace character
- Follow-on lines are only ever a single indent from the original line.
fn calculation(some_long_variable_a: i8, some_long_variable_b: i8) -> bool {
let x = some_long_variable_a * some_long_variable_b
- some_long_variable_b / some_long_variable_a
+ sqrt(some_long_variable_a) - sqrt(some_long_variable_b);
x > 10
- Indent level should follow open parens/brackets, but should be collapsed to the smallest number of levels actually used:
fn calculate(
some_long_variable_a: f32,
some_long_variable_b: f32,
some_long_variable_c: f32,
) -> f32 {
(-some_long_variable_b + sqrt(
// two parens open, but since we open & close them both on the
// same line, only one indent level is used
some_long_variable_b * some_long_variable_b
- 4 * some_long_variable_a * some_long_variable_c
// both closed here at beginning of line, so back to the original indent
// level
)) / (2 * some_long_variable_a)
is indented, and its items are indented one further. - Argument lists or function invocations that are too long to fit on one line are indented similarly to code blocks, and once one param is indented in such a way, all others should be, too. Run-on parameter lists are also acceptable for single-line run-ons of basic function calls.
// OK
fn foo(
really_long_parameter_name_1: SomeLongTypeName,
really_long_parameter_name_2: SomeLongTypeName,
shrt_nm_1: u8,
shrt_nm_2: u8,
) {
fn foo(really_long_parameter_name_1: SomeLongTypeName, really_long_parameter_name_2: SomeLongTypeName,
shrt_nm_1: u8, shrt_nm_2: u8) {
// Complex line (not just a function call, also a let statement). Full
// structure.
let (a, b) = bar(
// Long, simple function call.
// Short function call. Inline.
baz(a, b);
- Always end last item of a multi-line comma-delimited set with
when legal:
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T, // <-- Multiline comma-delimited lists end with a trailing ,
// Single line comma-delimited items do not have a trailing `,`
enum Meal { Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner };
- Avoid trailing
s where unneeded.
if condition {
return 1 // <-- no ; here
arms may be either blocks or have a trailing,
but not both. - Blocks should not be used unnecessarily.
match meal {
Meal::Breakfast => "eggs",
Meal::Lunch => { check_diet(); recipe() },
// Meal::Dinner => { return Err("Fasting") } // WRONG
Meal::Dinner => return Err("Fasting"),
- Panickers require explicit proofs they don't trigger. Calling
is discouraged. The exception to this rule is test code. Avoiding panickers by restructuring code is preferred if feasible.
let mut target_path =
"self is instance of DiskDirectory;\
DiskDirectory always returns path;\
- Unsafe code requires explicit proofs just as panickers do. When introducing unsafe code,
consider trade-offs between efficiency on one hand and reliability, maintenance costs, and
security on the other. Here is a list of questions that may help evaluating the trade-off while
preparing or reviewing a PR:
- how much more performant or compact the resulting code will be using unsafe code,
- how likely is it that invariants could be violated,
- are issues stemming from the use of unsafe code caught by existing tests/tooling,
- what are the consequences if the problems slip into production.
Manifest Formatting
We use taplo to enforce consistent TOML formatting.
You can install it with cargo install taplo-cli
and format your code with taplo format --config .config/taplo.toml
See the config file for the exact rules.
You may find useful
- Taplo VSCode extension
- For NeoVim, taplo is available with Mason