• Alessandro Siniscalchi's avatar
    [parachain-template] pallet configurations into `mod configs` (#3809) · 8d305343
    Alessandro Siniscalchi authored
    This PR introduces a refactor of the parachain runtime configuration by
    consolidating all pallet configurations into a new module named
    `configs`. This change aims to improve the readability and
    maintainability of the runtime configuration by centralizing all
    configuration parameters.
    ## Changes
    - **Creation of `configs.rs`**: A new file `configs.rs` has been added
    under `templates/parachain/runtime/src/`, containing all the runtime
    configurations previously scattered across `lib.rs`.
    - **Refactoring of `lib.rs`**: The `lib.rs` file has been significantly
    slimmed down by removing the inline pallet configurations and importing
    them from `configs.rs` instead.
    - **Optimization of Import Statements**: Reorganized import statements
    to clarify the runtime's dependency structure.
    ### Benefits
    - **Improved Readability**: With configurations being centralized,
    developers can now easily locate and review runtime parameters without
    navigating through the `lib.rs` file.
    This refactor does not introduce any changes to the runtime logic but
    improves the project structure for better development experience.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>