• Javyer's avatar
    added script to require a review post push (#3431) · 8b4cfda7
    Javyer authored
    Closes https://github.com/paritytech/opstooling/issues/174
    Added a new step in the action that triggers review bot to stop approval
    from new pushes.
    This step works in the following way:
    - If the **author of the PR**, who **is not** a member of the org,
    pushed a new commit then:
    - Review-Trigger requests new reviews from the reviewers and fails.
    It *does not dismiss reviews*. It simply request them again, but they
    will still be available.
    This way, if the author changed something in the code, they will still
    need to have this latest change approved to stop them from uploading
    malicious code.
    Find the requested issue linked to this PR (it is from a private repo so
    I can't link it here)