Francisco Aguirre authored
# Context Estimating fees for XCM execution and sending has been an area with bad UX. The addition of the [XcmPaymentApi](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/pull/3607) exposed the necessary components to be able to estimate XCM fees correctly, however, that was not the full story. The `XcmPaymentApi` works for estimating fees only if you know the specific XCM you want to execute or send. This is necessary but most UIs want to estimate the fees for extrinsics, they don't necessarily know the XCM program that's executed by them. # Main addition A new runtime API is introduced, the `XcmDryRunApi`, that given an extrinsic, or an XCM program, returns its effects: - Execution result - Local XCM (in the case of an extrinsic) - Forwarded XCMs - List of events This API can be used on its own for dry-running purposes, for double-checking or testing, but it mainly shines when used in conjunction with the `XcmPaymentApi`. UIs can use these two APIs to estimate transfers. # How it works New tests are added to exemplify how to incorporate both APIs. There's a mock test just to make sure everything works under `xcm-fee-payment-runtime-api`. There's a real-world test using Westend and AssetHubWestend under `cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/tests/assets/asset-hub-westend/src/tests/xcm_fee_estimation.rs`. Added both a test for a simple teleport between chains and a reserve transfer asset between two parachains going through a reserve. The steps to follow: - Use `XcmDryRunApi::dry_run_extrinsic` to get local XCM program and forwarded messages - For each forwarded message - Use `XcmPaymentApi::query_delivery_fee` LOCALLY to get the delivery fees - Use `XcmPaymentApi::query_xcm_weight` ON THE DESTINATION to get the remote execution weight - (optional) Use `XcmPaymentApi::query_acceptable_payment_assets` ON THE DESTINATION to know on which assets the execution fees can be paid - Use `XcmPaymentApi::query_weight_to_asset_fee` ON THE DESTINATION to convert weight to the actual remote execution fees - Use `XcmDryRunApi::dry_run_xcm` ON THE DESTINATION to know if a new message will be forwarded, if so, continue # Dear reviewer The changes in this PR are grouped as follows, and in order of importance: - Addition of new runtime API - Definition, mock and simple tests: polkadot/xcm/xcm-fee-payment-runtime-api/* - Implemented on Westend, Asset Hub Westend and Penpal, will implement on every runtime in a following PR - Addition of a new config item to the XCM executor for recording xcms about to be executed - Definition: polkadot/xcm/xcm-executor/* - Implementation: polkadot/xcm/pallet-xcm/* - had to update all runtime xcm_config.rs files with `type XcmRecorder = XcmPallet;` - Addition of a new trait for inspecting the messages in queues - Definition: polkadot/xcm/xcm-builder/src/routing.rs - Implemented it on all routers: - ChildParachainRouter: polkadot/runtime/common/src/xcm_sender.rs - ParentAsUmp: cumulus/primitives/utility/src/lib.rs (piggybacked on implementation in cumulus/pallets/parachain-system/src/lib.rs) - XcmpQueue: cumulus/pallets/xcmp-queue/src/lib.rs - Bridge: bridges/modules/xcm-bridge-hub-router/src/lib.rs - More complicated and useful tests: - cumulus/parachains/integration-tests/emulated/tests/assets/asset-hub-westend/src/tests/xcm_fee_estimation.rs ## Next steps With this PR, Westend, AssetHubWestend, Rococo and AssetHubRococo have the new API. UIs can test on these runtimes to create better experiences around cross-chain operations. Next: - Add XcmDryRunApi to all system parachains - Integrate xcm fee estimation in all emulated tests - Get this on the fellowship runtimes --------- Co-authored-by:
Adrian Catangiu <adrian@parity.io>
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// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Pallet to handle XCM messages.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub mod benchmarking;
mod mock;
mod tests;
pub mod migration;
use codec::{Decode, Encode, EncodeLike, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_support::{
dispatch::{DispatchErrorWithPostInfo, GetDispatchInfo, WithPostDispatchInfo},
Contains, ContainsPair, Currency, Defensive, EnsureOrigin, Get, LockableCurrency,
OriginTrait, WithdrawReasons,
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::{BlockNumberFor, *};
pub use pallet::*;
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::{
AccountIdConversion, BadOrigin, BlakeTwo256, BlockNumberProvider, Dispatchable, Hash,
Saturating, Zero,
Either, RuntimeDebug,
use sp_std::{boxed::Box, marker::PhantomData, prelude::*, result::Result, vec};
use xcm::{latest::QueryResponseInfo, prelude::*};
use xcm_builder::{
ExecuteController, ExecuteControllerWeightInfo, QueryController, QueryControllerWeightInfo,
SendController, SendControllerWeightInfo,
use xcm_executor::{
AssetTransferError, CheckSuspension, ClaimAssets, ConvertLocation, ConvertOrigin,
DropAssets, MatchesFungible, OnResponse, Properties, QueryHandler, QueryResponseStatus,
TransactAsset, TransferType, VersionChangeNotifier, WeightBounds, XcmAssetTransfers,
use xcm_fee_payment_runtime_api::fees::Error as XcmPaymentApiError;
#[cfg(any(feature = "try-runtime", test))]
use sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError;
pub trait WeightInfo {
fn send() -> Weight;
fn teleport_assets() -> Weight;
fn reserve_transfer_assets() -> Weight;
fn transfer_assets() -> Weight;
fn execute() -> Weight;
fn force_xcm_version() -> Weight;
fn force_default_xcm_version() -> Weight;
fn force_subscribe_version_notify() -> Weight;
fn force_unsubscribe_version_notify() -> Weight;
fn force_suspension() -> Weight;
fn migrate_supported_version() -> Weight;
fn migrate_version_notifiers() -> Weight;
fn already_notified_target() -> Weight;
fn notify_current_targets() -> Weight;
fn notify_target_migration_fail() -> Weight;
fn migrate_version_notify_targets() -> Weight;
fn migrate_and_notify_old_targets() -> Weight;
fn new_query() -> Weight;
fn take_response() -> Weight;
fn claim_assets() -> Weight;
/// fallback implementation
pub struct TestWeightInfo;
impl WeightInfo for TestWeightInfo {
fn send() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn teleport_assets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn reserve_transfer_assets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn transfer_assets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn execute() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn force_xcm_version() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn force_default_xcm_version() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn force_subscribe_version_notify() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn force_unsubscribe_version_notify() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn force_suspension() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn migrate_supported_version() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn migrate_version_notifiers() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn already_notified_target() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn notify_current_targets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn notify_target_migration_fail() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn migrate_version_notify_targets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn migrate_and_notify_old_targets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn new_query() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn take_response() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
fn claim_assets() -> Weight {
Weight::from_parts(100_000_000, 0)
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
use frame_support::{
dispatch::{GetDispatchInfo, PostDispatchInfo},
use frame_system::Config as SysConfig;
use sp_core::H256;
use sp_runtime::traits::Dispatchable;
use xcm_executor::traits::{MatchesFungible, WeightBounds};
parameter_types! {
/// An implementation of `Get<u32>` which just returns the latest XCM version which we can
/// support.
pub const CurrentXcmVersion: u32 = XCM_VERSION;
const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(1);
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
pub type BalanceOf<T> =
<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
/// The module configuration trait.
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// The overarching event type.
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// A lockable currency.
// TODO: We should really use a trait which can handle multiple currencies.
type Currency: LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId, Moment = BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
/// The `Asset` matcher for `Currency`.
type CurrencyMatcher: MatchesFungible<BalanceOf<Self>>;
/// Required origin for sending XCM messages. If successful, it resolves to `Location`
/// which exists as an interior location within this chain's XCM context.
type SendXcmOrigin: EnsureOrigin<<Self as SysConfig>::RuntimeOrigin, Success = Location>;
/// The type used to actually dispatch an XCM to its destination.
type XcmRouter: SendXcm;
/// Required origin for executing XCM messages, including the teleport functionality. If
/// successful, then it resolves to `Location` which exists as an interior location
/// within this chain's XCM context.
type ExecuteXcmOrigin: EnsureOrigin<<Self as SysConfig>::RuntimeOrigin, Success = Location>;
/// Our XCM filter which messages to be executed using `XcmExecutor` must pass.
type XcmExecuteFilter: Contains<(Location, Xcm<<Self as Config>::RuntimeCall>)>;
/// Something to execute an XCM message.
type XcmExecutor: ExecuteXcm<<Self as Config>::RuntimeCall> + XcmAssetTransfers;
/// Our XCM filter which messages to be teleported using the dedicated extrinsic must pass.
type XcmTeleportFilter: Contains<(Location, Vec<Asset>)>;
/// Our XCM filter which messages to be reserve-transferred using the dedicated extrinsic
/// must pass.
type XcmReserveTransferFilter: Contains<(Location, Vec<Asset>)>;
/// Means of measuring the weight consumed by an XCM message locally.
type Weigher: WeightBounds<<Self as Config>::RuntimeCall>;
/// This chain's Universal Location.
type UniversalLocation: Get<InteriorLocation>;
/// The runtime `Origin` type.
type RuntimeOrigin: From<Origin> + From<<Self as SysConfig>::RuntimeOrigin>;
/// The runtime `Call` type.
type RuntimeCall: Parameter
+ GetDispatchInfo
+ Dispatchable<
RuntimeOrigin = <Self as Config>::RuntimeOrigin,
PostInfo = PostDispatchInfo,
/// The latest supported version that we advertise. Generally just set it to
/// `pallet_xcm::CurrentXcmVersion`.
type AdvertisedXcmVersion: Get<XcmVersion>;
/// The origin that is allowed to call privileged operations on the XCM pallet
type AdminOrigin: EnsureOrigin<<Self as SysConfig>::RuntimeOrigin>;
/// The assets which we consider a given origin is trusted if they claim to have placed a
/// lock.
type TrustedLockers: ContainsPair<Location, Asset>;
/// How to get an `AccountId` value from a `Location`, useful for handling asset locks.
type SovereignAccountOf: ConvertLocation<Self::AccountId>;
/// The maximum number of local XCM locks that a single account may have.
type MaxLockers: Get<u32>;
/// The maximum number of consumers a single remote lock may have.
type MaxRemoteLockConsumers: Get<u32>;
/// The ID type for local consumers of remote locks.
type RemoteLockConsumerIdentifier: Parameter + Member + MaxEncodedLen + Ord + Copy;
/// Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
impl<T: Config> ExecuteControllerWeightInfo for Pallet<T> {
fn execute() -> Weight {
impl<T: Config> ExecuteController<OriginFor<T>, <T as Config>::RuntimeCall> for Pallet<T> {
type WeightInfo = Self;
fn execute(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
message: Box<VersionedXcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>>,
max_weight: Weight,
) -> Result<Weight, DispatchErrorWithPostInfo> {
log::trace!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::execute", "message {:?}, max_weight {:?}", message, max_weight);
let outcome = (|| {
let origin_location = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let mut hash = message.using_encoded(sp_io::hashing::blake2_256);
let message = (*message).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let value = (origin_location, message);
ensure!(T::XcmExecuteFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (origin_location, message) = value;
&mut hash,
.map_err(|e: DispatchError| {
e.with_weight(<Self::WeightInfo as ExecuteControllerWeightInfo>::execute())
Self::deposit_event(Event::Attempted { outcome: outcome.clone() });
let weight_used = outcome.weight_used();
outcome.ensure_complete().map_err(|error| {
log::error!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::execute", "XCM execution failed with error {:?}", error);
<Self::WeightInfo as ExecuteControllerWeightInfo>::execute(),
impl<T: Config> SendControllerWeightInfo for Pallet<T> {
fn send() -> Weight {
impl<T: Config> SendController<OriginFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
type WeightInfo = Self;
fn send(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
message: Box<VersionedXcm<()>>,
) -> Result<XcmHash, DispatchError> {
let origin_location = T::SendXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let interior: Junctions =
origin_location.clone().try_into().map_err(|_| Error::<T>::InvalidOrigin)?;
let dest = Location::try_from(*dest).map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let message: Xcm<()> = (*message).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let message_id = Self::send_xcm(interior, dest.clone(), message.clone())
let e = Event::Sent { origin: origin_location, destination: dest, message, message_id };
impl<T: Config> QueryControllerWeightInfo for Pallet<T> {
fn query() -> Weight {
fn take_response() -> Weight {
impl<T: Config> QueryController<OriginFor<T>, BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
type WeightInfo = Self;
fn query(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
timeout: BlockNumberFor<T>,
match_querier: VersionedLocation,
) -> Result<QueryId, DispatchError> {
let responder = <T as Config>::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let query_id = <Self as QueryHandler>::new_query(
.map_err(|_| Into::<DispatchError>::into(Error::<T>::BadVersion))?,
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
/// Execution of an XCM message was attempted.
Attempted { outcome: xcm::latest::Outcome },
/// A XCM message was sent.
Sent { origin: Location, destination: Location, message: Xcm<()>, message_id: XcmHash },
/// Query response received which does not match a registered query. This may be because a
/// matching query was never registered, it may be because it is a duplicate response, or
/// because the query timed out.
UnexpectedResponse { origin: Location, query_id: QueryId },
/// Query response has been received and is ready for taking with `take_response`. There is
/// no registered notification call.
ResponseReady { query_id: QueryId, response: Response },
/// Query response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification has
/// been dispatched and executed successfully.
Notified { query_id: QueryId, pallet_index: u8, call_index: u8 },
/// Query response has been received and query is removed. The registered notification
/// could not be dispatched because the dispatch weight is greater than the maximum weight
/// originally budgeted by this runtime for the query result.
NotifyOverweight {
query_id: QueryId,
pallet_index: u8,
call_index: u8,
actual_weight: Weight,
max_budgeted_weight: Weight,
/// Query response has been received and query is removed. There was a general error with
/// dispatching the notification call.
NotifyDispatchError { query_id: QueryId, pallet_index: u8, call_index: u8 },
/// Query response has been received and query is removed. The dispatch was unable to be
/// decoded into a `Call`; this might be due to dispatch function having a signature which
/// is not `(origin, QueryId, Response)`.
NotifyDecodeFailed { query_id: QueryId, pallet_index: u8, call_index: u8 },
/// Expected query response has been received but the origin location of the response does
/// not match that expected. The query remains registered for a later, valid, response to
/// be received and acted upon.
InvalidResponder {
origin: Location,
query_id: QueryId,
expected_location: Option<Location>,
/// Expected query response has been received but the expected origin location placed in
/// storage by this runtime previously cannot be decoded. The query remains registered.
/// This is unexpected (since a location placed in storage in a previously executing
/// runtime should be readable prior to query timeout) and dangerous since the possibly
/// valid response will be dropped. Manual governance intervention is probably going to be
/// needed.
InvalidResponderVersion { origin: Location, query_id: QueryId },
/// Received query response has been read and removed.
ResponseTaken { query_id: QueryId },
/// Some assets have been placed in an asset trap.
AssetsTrapped { hash: H256, origin: Location, assets: VersionedAssets },
/// An XCM version change notification message has been attempted to be sent.
/// The cost of sending it (borne by the chain) is included.
VersionChangeNotified {
destination: Location,
result: XcmVersion,
cost: Assets,
message_id: XcmHash,
/// The supported version of a location has been changed. This might be through an
/// automatic notification or a manual intervention.
SupportedVersionChanged { location: Location, version: XcmVersion },
/// A given location which had a version change subscription was dropped owing to an error
/// sending the notification to it.
NotifyTargetSendFail { location: Location, query_id: QueryId, error: XcmError },
/// A given location which had a version change subscription was dropped owing to an error
/// migrating the location to our new XCM format.
NotifyTargetMigrationFail { location: VersionedLocation, query_id: QueryId },
/// Expected query response has been received but the expected querier location placed in
/// storage by this runtime previously cannot be decoded. The query remains registered.
/// This is unexpected (since a location placed in storage in a previously executing
/// runtime should be readable prior to query timeout) and dangerous since the possibly
/// valid response will be dropped. Manual governance intervention is probably going to be
/// needed.
InvalidQuerierVersion { origin: Location, query_id: QueryId },
/// Expected query response has been received but the querier location of the response does
/// not match the expected. The query remains registered for a later, valid, response to
/// be received and acted upon.
InvalidQuerier {
origin: Location,
query_id: QueryId,
expected_querier: Location,
maybe_actual_querier: Option<Location>,
/// A remote has requested XCM version change notification from us and we have honored it.
/// A version information message is sent to them and its cost is included.
VersionNotifyStarted { destination: Location, cost: Assets, message_id: XcmHash },
/// We have requested that a remote chain send us XCM version change notifications.
VersionNotifyRequested { destination: Location, cost: Assets, message_id: XcmHash },
/// We have requested that a remote chain stops sending us XCM version change
/// notifications.
VersionNotifyUnrequested { destination: Location, cost: Assets, message_id: XcmHash },
/// Fees were paid from a location for an operation (often for using `SendXcm`).
FeesPaid { paying: Location, fees: Assets },
/// Some assets have been claimed from an asset trap
AssetsClaimed { hash: H256, origin: Location, assets: VersionedAssets },
/// A XCM version migration finished.
VersionMigrationFinished { version: XcmVersion },
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub enum Origin {
/// It comes from somewhere in the XCM space wanting to transact.
/// It comes as an expected response from an XCM location.
impl From<Location> for Origin {
fn from(location: Location) -> Origin {
pub enum Error<T> {
/// The desired destination was unreachable, generally because there is a no way of routing
/// to it.
/// There was some other issue (i.e. not to do with routing) in sending the message.
/// Perhaps a lack of space for buffering the message.
/// The message execution fails the filter.
/// The message's weight could not be determined.
/// The destination `Location` provided cannot be inverted.
/// The assets to be sent are empty.
/// Could not re-anchor the assets to declare the fees for the destination chain.
/// Too many assets have been attempted for transfer.
/// Origin is invalid for sending.
/// The version of the `Versioned` value used is not able to be interpreted.
/// The given location could not be used (e.g. because it cannot be expressed in the
/// desired version of XCM).
/// The referenced subscription could not be found.
/// The location is invalid since it already has a subscription from us.
/// Could not check-out the assets for teleportation to the destination chain.
/// The owner does not own (all) of the asset that they wish to do the operation on.
/// The asset owner has too many locks on the asset.
/// The given account is not an identifiable sovereign account for any location.
/// The operation required fees to be paid which the initiator could not meet.
/// A remote lock with the corresponding data could not be found.
/// The unlock operation cannot succeed because there are still consumers of the lock.
/// Invalid asset, reserve chain could not be determined for it.
#[codec(index = 21)]
/// Invalid asset, do not support remote asset reserves with different fees reserves.
#[codec(index = 22)]
/// Too many assets with different reserve locations have been attempted for transfer.
#[codec(index = 23)]
/// Local XCM execution incomplete.
#[codec(index = 24)]
impl<T: Config> From<SendError> for Error<T> {
fn from(e: SendError) -> Self {
match e {
SendError::Fees => Error::<T>::FeesNotMet,
SendError::NotApplicable => Error::<T>::Unreachable,
_ => Error::<T>::SendFailure,
impl<T: Config> From<AssetTransferError> for Error<T> {
fn from(e: AssetTransferError) -> Self {
match e {
AssetTransferError::UnknownReserve => Error::<T>::InvalidAssetUnknownReserve,
/// The status of a query.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum QueryStatus<BlockNumber> {
/// The query was sent but no response has yet been received.
Pending {
/// The `QueryResponse` XCM must have this origin to be considered a reply for this
/// query.
responder: VersionedLocation,
/// The `QueryResponse` XCM must have this value as the `querier` field to be
/// considered a reply for this query. If `None` then the querier is ignored.
maybe_match_querier: Option<VersionedLocation>,
maybe_notify: Option<(u8, u8)>,
timeout: BlockNumber,
/// The query is for an ongoing version notification subscription.
VersionNotifier { origin: VersionedLocation, is_active: bool },
/// A response has been received.
Ready { response: VersionedResponse, at: BlockNumber },
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct LatestVersionedLocation<'a>(pub(crate) &'a Location);
impl<'a> EncodeLike<VersionedLocation> for LatestVersionedLocation<'a> {}
impl<'a> Encode for LatestVersionedLocation<'a> {
fn encode(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut r = VersionedLocation::from(Location::default()).encode();
self.0.using_encoded(|d| r.extend_from_slice(d));
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, TypeInfo)]
pub enum VersionMigrationStage {
impl Default for VersionMigrationStage {
fn default() -> Self {
/// The latest available query index.
pub(super) type QueryCounter<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, QueryId, ValueQuery>;
/// The ongoing queries.
#[pallet::getter(fn query)]
pub(super) type Queries<T: Config> =
StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, QueryId, QueryStatus<BlockNumberFor<T>>, OptionQuery>;
/// The existing asset traps.
/// Key is the blake2 256 hash of (origin, versioned `Assets`) pair. Value is the number of
/// times this pair has been trapped (usually just 1 if it exists at all).
#[pallet::getter(fn asset_trap)]
pub(super) type AssetTraps<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Identity, H256, u32, ValueQuery>;
/// Default version to encode XCM when latest version of destination is unknown. If `None`,
/// then the destinations whose XCM version is unknown are considered unreachable.
pub(super) type SafeXcmVersion<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, XcmVersion, OptionQuery>;
/// The Latest versions that we know various locations support.
pub(super) type SupportedVersion<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
/// All locations that we have requested version notifications from.
pub(super) type VersionNotifiers<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
/// The target locations that are subscribed to our version changes, as well as the most recent
/// of our versions we informed them of.
pub(super) type VersionNotifyTargets<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
(QueryId, Weight, XcmVersion),
pub struct VersionDiscoveryQueueSize<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Config> Get<u32> for VersionDiscoveryQueueSize<T> {
fn get() -> u32 {
/// Destinations whose latest XCM version we would like to know. Duplicates not allowed, and
/// the `u32` counter is the number of times that a send to the destination has been attempted,
/// which is used as a prioritization.
pub(super) type VersionDiscoveryQueue<T: Config> = StorageValue<
BoundedVec<(VersionedLocation, u32), VersionDiscoveryQueueSize<T>>,
/// The current migration's stage, if any.
pub(super) type CurrentMigration<T: Config> =
StorageValue<_, VersionMigrationStage, OptionQuery>;
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct RemoteLockedFungibleRecord<ConsumerIdentifier, MaxConsumers: Get<u32>> {
/// Total amount of the asset held by the remote lock.
pub amount: u128,
/// The owner of the locked asset.
pub owner: VersionedLocation,
/// The location which holds the original lock.
pub locker: VersionedLocation,
/// Local consumers of the remote lock with a consumer identifier and the amount
/// of fungible asset every consumer holds.
/// Every consumer can hold up to total amount of the remote lock.
pub consumers: BoundedVec<(ConsumerIdentifier, u128), MaxConsumers>,
impl<LockId, MaxConsumers: Get<u32>> RemoteLockedFungibleRecord<LockId, MaxConsumers> {
/// Amount of the remote lock in use by consumers.
/// Returns `None` if the remote lock has no consumers.
pub fn amount_held(&self) -> Option<u128> {
self.consumers.iter().max_by(|x, y| x.1.cmp(&y.1)).map(|max| max.1)
/// Fungible assets which we know are locked on a remote chain.
pub(super) type RemoteLockedFungibles<T: Config> = StorageNMap<
NMapKey<Twox64Concat, XcmVersion>,
NMapKey<Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId>,
NMapKey<Blake2_128Concat, VersionedAssetId>,
RemoteLockedFungibleRecord<T::RemoteLockConsumerIdentifier, T::MaxRemoteLockConsumers>,
/// Fungible assets which we know are locked on this chain.
pub(super) type LockedFungibles<T: Config> = StorageMap<
BoundedVec<(BalanceOf<T>, VersionedLocation), T::MaxLockers>,
/// Global suspension state of the XCM executor.
pub(super) type XcmExecutionSuspended<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, bool, ValueQuery>;
/// Whether or not incoming XCMs (both executed locally and received) should be recorded.
/// Only one XCM program will be recorded at a time.
/// This is meant to be used in runtime APIs, and it's advised it stays false
/// for all other use cases, so as to not degrade regular performance.
/// Only relevant if this pallet is being used as the [`xcm_executor::traits::RecordXcm`]
/// implementation in the XCM executor configuration.
pub(crate) type ShouldRecordXcm<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, bool, ValueQuery>;
/// If [`ShouldRecordXcm`] is set to true, then the last XCM program executed locally
/// will be stored here.
/// Runtime APIs can fetch the XCM that was executed by accessing this value.
/// Only relevant if this pallet is being used as the [`xcm_executor::traits::RecordXcm`]
/// implementation in the XCM executor configuration.
pub(crate) type RecordedXcm<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, Xcm<()>>;
pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
pub _config: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
/// The default version to encode outgoing XCM messages with.
pub safe_xcm_version: Option<XcmVersion>,
impl<T: Config> Default for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { safe_xcm_version: Some(XCM_VERSION), _config: Default::default() }
impl<T: Config> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn build(&self) {
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
let mut weight_used = Weight::zero();
if let Some(migration) = CurrentMigration::<T>::get() {
// Consume 10% of block at most
let max_weight = T::BlockWeights::get().max_block / 10;
let (w, maybe_migration) = Self::check_xcm_version_change(migration, max_weight);
if maybe_migration.is_none() {
Self::deposit_event(Event::VersionMigrationFinished { version: XCM_VERSION });
// Here we aim to get one successful version negotiation request sent per block, ordered
// by the destinations being most sent to.
let mut q = VersionDiscoveryQueue::<T>::take().into_inner();
// TODO: correct weights.
weight_used.saturating_accrue(T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1));
q.sort_by_key(|i| i.1);
while let Some((versioned_dest, _)) = q.pop() {
if let Ok(dest) = Location::try_from(versioned_dest) {
if Self::request_version_notify(dest).is_ok() {
// TODO: correct weights.
weight_used.saturating_accrue(T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(1, 1));
// Should never fail since we only removed items. But better safe than panicking as it's
// way better to drop the queue than panic on initialize.
if let Ok(q) = BoundedVec::try_from(q) {
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn try_state(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Result<(), TryRuntimeError> {
pub mod migrations {
use super::*;
use frame_support::traits::{PalletInfoAccess, StorageVersion};
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
enum QueryStatusV0<BlockNumber> {
Pending {
responder: VersionedLocation,
maybe_notify: Option<(u8, u8)>,
timeout: BlockNumber,
VersionNotifier {
origin: VersionedLocation,
is_active: bool,
Ready {
response: VersionedResponse,
at: BlockNumber,
impl<B> From<QueryStatusV0<B>> for QueryStatus<B> {
fn from(old: QueryStatusV0<B>) -> Self {
use QueryStatusV0::*;
match old {
Pending { responder, maybe_notify, timeout } => QueryStatus::Pending {
maybe_match_querier: Some(Location::here().into()),
VersionNotifier { origin, is_active } =>
QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin, is_active },
Ready { response, at } => QueryStatus::Ready { response, at },
pub fn migrate_to_v1<T: Config, P: GetStorageVersion + PalletInfoAccess>(
) -> frame_support::weights::Weight {
let on_chain_storage_version = <P as GetStorageVersion>::on_chain_storage_version();
target: "runtime::xcm",
"Running migration storage v1 for xcm with storage version {:?}",
if on_chain_storage_version < 1 {
let mut count = 0;
Queries::<T>::translate::<QueryStatusV0<BlockNumberFor<T>>, _>(|_key, value| {
count += 1;
target: "runtime::xcm",
"Running migration storage v1 for xcm with storage version {:?} was complete",
// calculate and return migration weights
T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(count as u64 + 1, count as u64 + 1)
} else {
target: "runtime::xcm",
"Attempted to apply migration to v1 but failed because storage version is {:?}",
#[pallet::call(weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo))]
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
pub fn send(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
message: Box<VersionedXcm<()>>,
) -> DispatchResult {
<Self as SendController<_>>::send(origin, dest, message)?;
/// Teleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.
/// **This function is deprecated: Use `limited_teleport_assets` instead.**
/// Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector of
/// index `fee_asset_item`. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited,
/// with all fees taken as needed from the asset.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `[Parent,
/// Parachain(..)]` to send from parachain to parachain, or `[Parachain(..)]` to send from
/// relay to parachain.
/// - `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will
/// generally be an `AccountId32` value.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` chain.
/// - `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay
/// fees.
note = "This extrinsic uses `WeightLimit::Unlimited`, please migrate to `limited_teleport_assets` or `transfer_assets`"
pub fn teleport_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
) -> DispatchResult {
Self::do_teleport_assets(origin, dest, beneficiary, assets, fee_asset_item, Unlimited)
/// Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local,
/// destination or remote reserve.
/// `assets` must have same reserve location and may not be teleportable to `dest`.
/// - `assets` have local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination
/// chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based
/// assets to `beneficiary`.
/// - `assets` have destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to
/// `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and
/// deposit them to `beneficiary`.
/// - `assets` have remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move
/// reserves from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward another XCM to `dest`
/// to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`.
/// **This function is deprecated: Use `limited_reserve_transfer_assets` instead.**
/// Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector of
/// index `fee_asset_item`. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited,
/// with all fees taken as needed from the asset.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `[Parent,
/// Parachain(..)]` to send from parachain to parachain, or `[Parachain(..)]` to send from
/// relay to parachain.
/// - `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will
/// generally be an `AccountId32` value.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` (and possibly reserve) chains.
/// - `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay
/// fees.
note = "This extrinsic uses `WeightLimit::Unlimited`, please migrate to `limited_reserve_transfer_assets` or `transfer_assets`"
pub fn reserve_transfer_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
) -> DispatchResult {
/// Execute an XCM message from a local, signed, origin.
/// An event is deposited indicating whether `msg` could be executed completely or only
/// partially.
/// No more than `max_weight` will be used in its attempted execution. If this is less than
/// the maximum amount of weight that the message could take to be executed, then no
/// execution attempt will be made.
pub fn execute(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
message: Box<VersionedXcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>>,
max_weight: Weight,
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
let weight_used =
<Self as ExecuteController<_, _>>::execute(origin, message, max_weight)?;
/// Extoll that a particular destination can be communicated with through a particular
/// version of XCM.
/// - `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.
/// - `location`: The destination that is being described.
/// - `xcm_version`: The latest version of XCM that `location` supports.
pub fn force_xcm_version(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
location: Box<Location>,
version: XcmVersion,
) -> DispatchResult {
let location = *location;
SupportedVersion::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedLocation(&location), version);
Self::deposit_event(Event::SupportedVersionChanged { location, version });
/// Set a safe XCM version (the version that XCM should be encoded with if the most recent
/// version a destination can accept is unknown).
/// - `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.
/// - `maybe_xcm_version`: The default XCM encoding version, or `None` to disable.
pub fn force_default_xcm_version(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
maybe_xcm_version: Option<XcmVersion>,
) -> DispatchResult {
/// Ask a location to notify us regarding their XCM version and any changes to it.
/// - `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.
/// - `location`: The location to which we should subscribe for XCM version notifications.
pub fn force_subscribe_version_notify(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
location: Box<VersionedLocation>,
) -> DispatchResult {
let location: Location =
(*location).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadLocation)?;
Self::request_version_notify(location).map_err(|e| {
match e {
XcmError::InvalidLocation => Error::<T>::AlreadySubscribed,
_ => Error::<T>::InvalidOrigin,
/// Require that a particular destination should no longer notify us regarding any XCM
/// version changes.
/// - `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.
/// - `location`: The location to which we are currently subscribed for XCM version
/// notifications which we no longer desire.
pub fn force_unsubscribe_version_notify(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
location: Box<VersionedLocation>,
) -> DispatchResult {
let location: Location =
(*location).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadLocation)?;
Self::unrequest_version_notify(location).map_err(|e| {
match e {
XcmError::InvalidLocation => Error::<T>::NoSubscription,
_ => Error::<T>::InvalidOrigin,
/// Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local,
/// destination or remote reserve.
/// `assets` must have same reserve location and may not be teleportable to `dest`.
/// - `assets` have local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination
/// chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based
/// assets to `beneficiary`.
/// - `assets` have destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to
/// `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and
/// deposit them to `beneficiary`.
/// - `assets` have remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move
/// reserves from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward another XCM to `dest`
/// to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`.
/// Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector of
/// index `fee_asset_item`, up to enough to pay for `weight_limit` of weight. If more weight
/// is needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be
/// at risk.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `[Parent,
/// Parachain(..)]` to send from parachain to parachain, or `[Parachain(..)]` to send from
/// relay to parachain.
/// - `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will
/// generally be an `AccountId32` value.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` (and possibly reserve) chains.
/// - `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay
/// fees.
/// - `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.
pub fn limited_reserve_transfer_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
/// Teleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.
/// Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector of
/// index `fee_asset_item`, up to enough to pay for `weight_limit` of weight. If more weight
/// is needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be
/// at risk.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `[Parent,
/// Parachain(..)]` to send from parachain to parachain, or `[Parachain(..)]` to send from
/// relay to parachain.
/// - `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will
/// generally be an `AccountId32` value.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` chain.
/// - `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay
/// fees.
/// - `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.
pub fn limited_teleport_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
/// Set or unset the global suspension state of the XCM executor.
/// - `origin`: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.
/// - `suspended`: `true` to suspend, `false` to resume.
pub fn force_suspension(origin: OriginFor<T>, suspended: bool) -> DispatchResult {
/// Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local,
/// destination or remote reserve, or through teleports.
/// Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the `assets` vector of
/// index `fee_asset_item` (hence referred to as `fees`), up to enough to pay for
/// `weight_limit` of weight. If more weight is needed than `weight_limit`, then the
/// operation will fail and the sent assets may be at risk.
/// `assets` (excluding `fees`) must have same reserve location or otherwise be teleportable
/// to `dest`, no limitations imposed on `fees`.
/// - for local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and
/// forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to
/// `beneficiary`.
/// - for destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to `dest` chain
/// to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them
/// to `beneficiary`.
/// - for remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move reserves
/// from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward another XCM to `dest` to mint
/// and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`.
/// - for teleports: burn local assets and forward XCM to `dest` chain to mint/teleport
/// assets and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `X2(Parent,
/// Parachain(..))` to send from parachain to parachain, or `X1(Parachain(..))` to send
/// from relay to parachain.
/// - `beneficiary`: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of `dest`. Will
/// generally be an `AccountId32` value.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` (and possibly reserve) chains.
/// - `fee_asset_item`: The index into `assets` of the item which should be used to pay
/// fees.
/// - `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.
pub fn transfer_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
let origin = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let dest = (*dest).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let beneficiary: Location =
(*beneficiary).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let assets: Assets = (*assets).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::transfer_assets",
"origin {:?}, dest {:?}, beneficiary {:?}, assets {:?}, fee-idx {:?}, weight_limit {:?}",
origin, dest, beneficiary, assets, fee_asset_item, weight_limit,
ensure!(assets.len() <= MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER, Error::<T>::TooManyAssets);
let assets = assets.into_inner();
let fee_asset_item = fee_asset_item as usize;
// Find transfer types for fee and non-fee assets.
let (fees_transfer_type, assets_transfer_type) =
Self::find_fee_and_assets_transfer_types(&assets, fee_asset_item, &dest)?;
/// Claims assets trapped on this pallet because of leftover assets during XCM execution.
/// - `origin`: Anyone can call this extrinsic.
/// - `assets`: The exact assets that were trapped. Use the version to specify what version
/// was the latest when they were trapped.
/// - `beneficiary`: The location/account where the claimed assets will be deposited.
pub fn claim_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
) -> DispatchResult {
let origin_location = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
log::debug!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::claim_assets", "origin: {:?}, assets: {:?}, beneficiary: {:?}", origin_location, assets, beneficiary);
// Extract version from `assets`.
let assets_version = assets.identify_version();
let assets: Assets = (*assets).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let number_of_assets = assets.len() as u32;
let beneficiary: Location =
(*beneficiary).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let ticket: Location = GeneralIndex(assets_version as u128).into();
let mut message = Xcm(vec![
ClaimAsset { assets, ticket },
DepositAsset { assets: AllCounted(number_of_assets).into(), beneficiary },
let weight =
T::Weigher::weight(&mut message).map_err(|()| Error::<T>::UnweighableMessage)?;
let mut hash = message.using_encoded(sp_io::hashing::blake2_256);
let outcome = T::XcmExecutor::prepare_and_execute(
&mut hash,
outcome.ensure_complete().map_err(|error| {
log::error!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::claim_assets", "XCM execution failed with error: {:?}", error);
/// Transfer assets from the local chain to the destination chain using explicit transfer
/// types for assets and fees.
/// `assets` must have same reserve location or may be teleportable to `dest`. Caller must
/// provide the `assets_transfer_type` to be used for `assets`:
/// - `TransferType::LocalReserve`: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination
/// chain and forward a notification XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based
/// assets to `beneficiary`.
/// - `TransferType::DestinationReserve`: burn local assets and forward a notification to
/// `dest` chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and
/// deposit them to `beneficiary`.
/// - `TransferType::RemoteReserve(reserve)`: burn local assets, forward XCM to `reserve`
/// chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to `dest` chain's SA, and forward another
/// XCM to `dest` to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to `beneficiary`. Typically
/// the remote `reserve` is Asset Hub.
/// - `TransferType::Teleport`: burn local assets and forward XCM to `dest` chain to
/// mint/teleport assets and deposit them to `beneficiary`.
/// On the destination chain, as well as any intermediary hops, `BuyExecution` is used to
/// buy execution using transferred `assets` identified by `remote_fees_id`.
/// Make sure enough of the specified `remote_fees_id` asset is included in the given list
/// of `assets`. `remote_fees_id` should be enough to pay for `weight_limit`. If more weight
/// is needed than `weight_limit`, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be
/// at risk.
/// `remote_fees_id` may use different transfer type than rest of `assets` and can be
/// specified through `fees_transfer_type`.
/// The caller needs to specify what should happen to the transferred assets once they reach
/// the `dest` chain. This is done through the `custom_xcm_on_dest` parameter, which
/// contains the instructions to execute on `dest` as a final step.
/// This is usually as simple as:
/// `Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }])`,
/// but could be something more exotic like sending the `assets` even further.
/// - `origin`: Must be capable of withdrawing the `assets` and executing XCM.
/// - `dest`: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be `[Parent,
/// Parachain(..)]` to send from parachain to parachain, or `[Parachain(..)]` to send from
/// relay to parachain, or `(parents: 2, (GlobalConsensus(..), ..))` to send from
/// parachain across a bridge to another ecosystem destination.
/// - `assets`: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the
/// fee on the `dest` (and possibly reserve) chains.
/// - `assets_transfer_type`: The XCM `TransferType` used to transfer the `assets`.
/// - `remote_fees_id`: One of the included `assets` to be be used to pay fees.
/// - `fees_transfer_type`: The XCM `TransferType` used to transfer the `fees` assets.
/// - `custom_xcm_on_dest`: The XCM to be executed on `dest` chain as the last step of the
/// transfer, which also determines what happens to the assets on the destination chain.
/// - `weight_limit`: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.
pub fn transfer_assets_using_type_and_then(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
assets_transfer_type: Box<TransferType>,
remote_fees_id: Box<VersionedAssetId>,
fees_transfer_type: Box<TransferType>,
custom_xcm_on_dest: Box<VersionedXcm<()>>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
let origin_location = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let dest: Location = (*dest).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let assets: Assets = (*assets).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let fees_id: AssetId =
(*remote_fees_id).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let remote_xcm: Xcm<()> =
(*custom_xcm_on_dest).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::transfer_assets_using_type_and_then",
"origin {origin_location:?}, dest {dest:?}, assets {assets:?} through {assets_transfer_type:?}, \
remote_fees_id {fees_id:?} through {fees_transfer_type:?}, \
custom_xcm_on_dest {remote_xcm:?}, weight-limit {weight_limit:?}",
let assets = assets.into_inner();
ensure!(assets.len() <= MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER, Error::<T>::TooManyAssets);
let fee_asset_index =
assets.iter().position(|a| a.id == fees_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::FeesNotMet)?;
/// The maximum number of distinct assets allowed to be transferred in a single helper extrinsic.
const MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER: usize = 2;
/// Specify how assets used for fees are handled during asset transfers.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
enum FeesHandling<T: Config> {
/// `fees` asset can be batch-transferred with rest of assets using same XCM instructions.
Batched { fees: Asset },
/// fees cannot be batched, they are handled separately using XCM programs here.
Separate { local_xcm: Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, remote_xcm: Xcm<()> },
impl<T: Config> sp_std::fmt::Debug for FeesHandling<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut sp_std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> sp_std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Batched { fees } => write!(f, "FeesHandling::Batched({:?})", fees),
Self::Separate { local_xcm, remote_xcm } => write!(
"FeesHandling::Separate(local: {:?}, remote: {:?})",
local_xcm, remote_xcm
impl<T: Config> QueryHandler for Pallet<T> {
type BlockNumber = BlockNumberFor<T>;
type Error = XcmError;
type UniversalLocation = T::UniversalLocation;
/// Attempt to create a new query ID and register it as a query that is yet to respond.
fn new_query(
responder: impl Into<Location>,
timeout: BlockNumberFor<T>,
match_querier: impl Into<Location>,
) -> QueryId {
Self::do_new_query(responder, None, timeout, match_querier)
/// To check the status of the query, use `fn query()` passing the resultant `QueryId`
/// value.
fn report_outcome(
message: &mut Xcm<()>,
responder: impl Into<Location>,
timeout: Self::BlockNumber,
) -> Result<QueryId, Self::Error> {
let responder = responder.into();
let destination = Self::UniversalLocation::get()
.map_err(|()| XcmError::LocationNotInvertible)?;
let query_id = Self::new_query(responder, timeout, Here);
let response_info = QueryResponseInfo { destination, query_id, max_weight: Weight::zero() };
let report_error = Xcm(vec![ReportError(response_info)]);
message.0.insert(0, SetAppendix(report_error));
/// Removes response when ready and emits [Event::ResponseTaken] event.
fn take_response(query_id: QueryId) -> QueryResponseStatus<Self::BlockNumber> {
match Queries::<T>::get(query_id) {
Some(QueryStatus::Ready { response, at }) => match response.try_into() {
Ok(response) => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::ResponseTaken { query_id });
QueryResponseStatus::Ready { response, at }
Err(_) => QueryResponseStatus::UnexpectedVersion,
Some(QueryStatus::Pending { timeout, .. }) => QueryResponseStatus::Pending { timeout },
Some(_) => QueryResponseStatus::UnexpectedVersion,
None => QueryResponseStatus::NotFound,
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
fn expect_response(id: QueryId, response: Response) {
let response = response.into();
QueryStatus::Ready { response, at: frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number() },
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Find `TransferType`s for `assets` and fee identified through `fee_asset_item`, when
/// transferring to `dest`.
/// Validate `assets` to all have same `TransferType`.
fn find_fee_and_assets_transfer_types(
assets: &[Asset],
fee_asset_item: usize,
dest: &Location,
) -> Result<(TransferType, TransferType), Error<T>> {
let mut fees_transfer_type = None;
let mut assets_transfer_type = None;
for (idx, asset) in assets.iter().enumerate() {
if let Fungible(x) = asset.fun {
// If fungible asset, ensure non-zero amount.
ensure!(!x.is_zero(), Error::<T>::Empty);
let transfer_type =
T::XcmExecutor::determine_for(&asset, dest).map_err(Error::<T>::from)?;
if idx == fee_asset_item {
fees_transfer_type = Some(transfer_type);
} else {
if let Some(existing) = assets_transfer_type.as_ref() {
// Ensure transfer for multiple assets uses same transfer type (only fee may
// have different transfer type/path)
ensure!(existing == &transfer_type, Error::<T>::TooManyReserves);
} else {
// asset reserve identified
assets_transfer_type = Some(transfer_type);
// single asset also marked as fee item
if assets.len() == 1 {
assets_transfer_type = fees_transfer_type.clone()
fn do_reserve_transfer_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
let origin_location = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let dest = (*dest).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let beneficiary: Location =
(*beneficiary).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let assets: Assets = (*assets).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::do_reserve_transfer_assets",
"origin {:?}, dest {:?}, beneficiary {:?}, assets {:?}, fee-idx {:?}",
origin_location, dest, beneficiary, assets, fee_asset_item,
ensure!(assets.len() <= MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER, Error::<T>::TooManyAssets);
let value = (origin_location, assets.into_inner());
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (origin, assets) = value;
let fee_asset_item = fee_asset_item as usize;
let fees = assets.get(fee_asset_item as usize).ok_or(Error::<T>::Empty)?.clone();
// Find transfer types for fee and non-fee assets.
let (fees_transfer_type, assets_transfer_type) =
Self::find_fee_and_assets_transfer_types(&assets, fee_asset_item, &dest)?;
// Ensure assets (and fees according to check below) are not teleportable to `dest`.
ensure!(assets_transfer_type != TransferType::Teleport, Error::<T>::Filtered);
// Ensure all assets (including fees) have same reserve location.
ensure!(assets_transfer_type == fees_transfer_type, Error::<T>::TooManyReserves);
let (local_xcm, remote_xcm) = Self::build_xcm_transfer_type(
FeesHandling::Batched { fees },
Self::execute_xcm_transfer(origin, dest, local_xcm, remote_xcm)
fn do_teleport_assets(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
dest: Box<VersionedLocation>,
beneficiary: Box<VersionedLocation>,
assets: Box<VersionedAssets>,
fee_asset_item: u32,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
let origin_location = T::ExecuteXcmOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
let dest = (*dest).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let beneficiary: Location =
(*beneficiary).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
let assets: Assets = (*assets).try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?;
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::do_teleport_assets",
"origin {:?}, dest {:?}, beneficiary {:?}, assets {:?}, fee-idx {:?}, weight_limit {:?}",
origin_location, dest, beneficiary, assets, fee_asset_item, weight_limit,
ensure!(assets.len() <= MAX_ASSETS_FOR_TRANSFER, Error::<T>::TooManyAssets);
let value = (origin_location, assets.into_inner());
ensure!(T::XcmTeleportFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (origin_location, assets) = value;
for asset in assets.iter() {
let transfer_type =
T::XcmExecutor::determine_for(asset, &dest).map_err(Error::<T>::from)?;
ensure!(transfer_type == TransferType::Teleport, Error::<T>::Filtered);
let fees = assets.get(fee_asset_item as usize).ok_or(Error::<T>::Empty)?.clone();
let (local_xcm, remote_xcm) = Self::build_xcm_transfer_type(
FeesHandling::Batched { fees },
Self::execute_xcm_transfer(origin_location, dest, local_xcm, remote_xcm)
fn do_transfer_assets(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
mut assets: Vec<Asset>,
assets_transfer_type: TransferType,
fee_asset_index: usize,
fees_transfer_type: TransferType,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> DispatchResult {
// local and remote XCM programs to potentially handle fees separately
let fees = if fees_transfer_type == assets_transfer_type {
let fees = assets.get(fee_asset_index).ok_or(Error::<T>::Empty)?.clone();
// no need for custom fees instructions, fees are batched with assets
FeesHandling::Batched { fees }
} else {
// Disallow _remote reserves_ unless assets & fees have same remote reserve (covered
// by branch above). The reason for this is that we'd need to send XCMs to separate
// chains with no guarantee of delivery order on final destination; therefore we
// cannot guarantee to have fees in place on final destination chain to pay for
// assets transfer.
!matches!(assets_transfer_type, TransferType::RemoteReserve(_)),
let weight_limit = weight_limit.clone();
// remove `fees` from `assets` and build separate fees transfer instructions to be
// added to assets transfers XCM programs
let fees = assets.remove(fee_asset_index);
let (local_xcm, remote_xcm) = match fees_transfer_type {
TransferType::LocalReserve => Self::local_reserve_fees_instructions(
TransferType::DestinationReserve => Self::destination_reserve_fees_instructions(
TransferType::Teleport => Self::teleport_fees_instructions(
TransferType::RemoteReserve(_) =>
return Err(Error::<T>::InvalidAssetUnsupportedReserve.into()),
FeesHandling::Separate { local_xcm, remote_xcm }
let (local_xcm, remote_xcm) = Self::build_xcm_transfer_type(
Self::execute_xcm_transfer(origin, dest, local_xcm, remote_xcm)
fn build_xcm_transfer_type(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
assets: Vec<Asset>,
transfer_type: TransferType,
fees: FeesHandling<T>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Option<Xcm<()>>), Error<T>> {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::build_xcm_transfer_type",
"origin {:?}, dest {:?}, beneficiary {:?}, assets {:?}, transfer_type {:?}, \
fees_handling {:?}, weight_limit: {:?}",
origin, dest, beneficiary, assets, transfer_type, fees, weight_limit,
match transfer_type {
TransferType::LocalReserve => Self::local_reserve_transfer_programs(
.map(|(local, remote)| (local, Some(remote))),
TransferType::DestinationReserve => Self::destination_reserve_transfer_programs(
.map(|(local, remote)| (local, Some(remote))),
TransferType::RemoteReserve(reserve) => {
let fees = match fees {
FeesHandling::Batched { fees } => fees,
_ => return Err(Error::<T>::InvalidAssetUnsupportedReserve.into()),
reserve.try_into().map_err(|()| Error::<T>::BadVersion)?,
.map(|local| (local, None))
TransferType::Teleport => Self::teleport_assets_program(
.map(|(local, remote)| (local, Some(remote))),
fn execute_xcm_transfer(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
mut local_xcm: Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
remote_xcm: Option<Xcm<()>>,
) -> DispatchResult {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::execute_xcm_transfer",
"origin {:?}, dest {:?}, local_xcm {:?}, remote_xcm {:?}",
origin, dest, local_xcm, remote_xcm,
let weight =
T::Weigher::weight(&mut local_xcm).map_err(|()| Error::<T>::UnweighableMessage)?;
let mut hash = local_xcm.using_encoded(sp_io::hashing::blake2_256);
let outcome = T::XcmExecutor::prepare_and_execute(
&mut hash,
Self::deposit_event(Event::Attempted { outcome: outcome.clone() });
outcome.ensure_complete().map_err(|error| {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::execute_xcm_transfer",
"XCM execution failed with error {:?}", error
if let Some(remote_xcm) = remote_xcm {
let (ticket, price) = validate_send::<T::XcmRouter>(dest.clone(), remote_xcm.clone())
if origin != Here.into_location() {
Self::charge_fees(origin.clone(), price).map_err(|error| {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::execute_xcm_transfer",
"Unable to charge fee with error {:?}", error
let message_id = T::XcmRouter::deliver(ticket).map_err(Error::<T>::from)?;
let e = Event::Sent { origin, destination: dest, message: remote_xcm, message_id };
fn add_fees_to_xcm(
dest: Location,
fees: FeesHandling<T>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
local: &mut Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
remote: &mut Xcm<()>,
) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
match fees {
FeesHandling::Batched { fees } => {
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
// no custom fees instructions, they are batched together with `assets` transfer;
// BuyExecution happens after receiving all `assets`
let reanchored_fees =
fees.reanchored(&dest, &context).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// buy execution using `fees` batched together with above `reanchored_assets`
remote.inner_mut().push(BuyExecution { fees: reanchored_fees, weight_limit });
FeesHandling::Separate { local_xcm: mut local_fees, remote_xcm: mut remote_fees } => {
// fees are handled by separate XCM instructions, prepend fees instructions (for
// remote XCM they have to be prepended instead of appended to pass barriers).
sp_std::mem::swap(local, &mut local_fees);
sp_std::mem::swap(remote, &mut remote_fees);
// these are now swapped so fees actually go first
local.inner_mut().append(&mut local_fees.into_inner());
remote.inner_mut().append(&mut remote_fees.into_inner());
fn local_reserve_fees_instructions(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
fees: Asset,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, vec![fees.clone()]);
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let reanchored_fees = fees
.reanchored(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
let local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// move `fees` to `dest`s local sovereign account
TransferAsset { assets: fees.into(), beneficiary: dest },
let xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// let (dest) chain know `fees` are in its SA on reserve
// buy exec using `fees` in holding deposited in above instruction
BuyExecution { fees: reanchored_fees, weight_limit },
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
fn local_reserve_transfer_programs(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
assets: Vec<Asset>,
fees: FeesHandling<T>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, assets);
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (_, assets) = value;
// max assets is `assets` (+ potentially separately handled fee)
let max_assets =
assets.len() as u32 + if matches!(&fees, FeesHandling::Batched { .. }) { 0 } else { 1 };
let assets: Assets = assets.into();
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let mut reanchored_assets = assets.clone();
.reanchor(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// XCM instructions to be executed on local chain
let mut local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// locally move `assets` to `dest`s local sovereign account
TransferAsset { assets, beneficiary: dest.clone() },
// XCM instructions to be executed on destination chain
let mut xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// let (dest) chain know assets are in its SA on reserve
// following instructions are not exec'ed on behalf of origin chain anymore
// handle fees
Self::add_fees_to_xcm(dest, fees, weight_limit, &mut local_execute_xcm, &mut xcm_on_dest)?;
// Use custom XCM on remote chain, or just default to depositing everything to beneficiary.
let custom_remote_xcm = match beneficiary {
Either::Right(custom_xcm) => custom_xcm,
Either::Left(beneficiary) => {
// deposit all remaining assets in holding to `beneficiary` location
Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)), beneficiary }])
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
fn destination_reserve_fees_instructions(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
fees: Asset,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, vec![fees.clone()]);
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let reanchored_fees = fees
.reanchored(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
let fees: Assets = fees.into();
let local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw reserve-based fees (derivatives)
// burn derivatives
let xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw `fees` from origin chain's sovereign account
// buy exec using `fees` in holding withdrawn in above instruction
BuyExecution { fees: reanchored_fees, weight_limit },
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
fn destination_reserve_transfer_programs(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
assets: Vec<Asset>,
fees: FeesHandling<T>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, assets);
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (_, assets) = value;
// max assets is `assets` (+ potentially separately handled fee)
let max_assets =
assets.len() as u32 + if matches!(&fees, FeesHandling::Batched { .. }) { 0 } else { 1 };
let assets: Assets = assets.into();
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let mut reanchored_assets = assets.clone();
.reanchor(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// XCM instructions to be executed on local chain
let mut local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw reserve-based assets
// burn reserve-based assets
// XCM instructions to be executed on destination chain
let mut xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw `assets` from origin chain's sovereign account
// following instructions are not exec'ed on behalf of origin chain anymore
// handle fees
Self::add_fees_to_xcm(dest, fees, weight_limit, &mut local_execute_xcm, &mut xcm_on_dest)?;
// Use custom XCM on remote chain, or just default to depositing everything to beneficiary.
let custom_remote_xcm = match beneficiary {
Either::Right(custom_xcm) => custom_xcm,
Either::Left(beneficiary) => {
// deposit all remaining assets in holding to `beneficiary` location
Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)), beneficiary }])
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
// function assumes fees and assets have the same remote reserve
fn remote_reserve_transfer_program(
origin: Location,
reserve: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
dest: Location,
assets: Vec<Asset>,
fees: Asset,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, assets);
ensure!(T::XcmReserveTransferFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (_, assets) = value;
let max_assets = assets.len() as u32;
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
// we spend up to half of fees for execution on reserve and other half for execution on
// destination
let (fees_half_1, fees_half_2) = Self::halve_fees(fees)?;
// identifies fee item as seen by `reserve` - to be used at reserve chain
let reserve_fees = fees_half_1
.reanchored(&reserve, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// identifies fee item as seen by `dest` - to be used at destination chain
let dest_fees = fees_half_2
.reanchored(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// identifies `dest` as seen by `reserve`
let dest = dest.reanchored(&reserve, &context).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// xcm to be executed at dest
let mut xcm_on_dest =
Xcm(vec![BuyExecution { fees: dest_fees, weight_limit: weight_limit.clone() }]);
// Use custom XCM on remote chain, or just default to depositing everything to beneficiary.
let custom_xcm_on_dest = match beneficiary {
Either::Right(custom_xcm) => custom_xcm,
Either::Left(beneficiary) => {
// deposit all remaining assets in holding to `beneficiary` location
Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)), beneficiary }])
// xcm to be executed on reserve
let xcm_on_reserve = Xcm(vec![
BuyExecution { fees: reserve_fees, weight_limit },
DepositReserveAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)), dest, xcm: xcm_on_dest },
SetFeesMode { jit_withdraw: true },
InitiateReserveWithdraw {
assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)),
xcm: xcm_on_reserve,
fn teleport_fees_instructions(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
fees: Asset,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, vec![fees.clone()]);
ensure!(T::XcmTeleportFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let reanchored_fees = fees
.reanchored(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// XcmContext irrelevant in teleports checks
let dummy_context =
XcmContext { origin: None, message_id: Default::default(), topic: None };
// We should check that the asset can actually be teleported out (for this to
// be in error, there would need to be an accounting violation by ourselves,
// so it's unlikely, but we don't want to allow that kind of bug to leak into
// a trusted chain.
<T::XcmExecutor as XcmAssetTransfers>::AssetTransactor::can_check_out(
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotCheckOutTeleport)?;
// safe to do this here, we're in a transactional call that will be reverted on any
// errors down the line
<T::XcmExecutor as XcmAssetTransfers>::AssetTransactor::check_out(
let fees: Assets = fees.into();
let local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw fees
// burn fees
let xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// (dest) chain receive teleported assets burned on origin chain
// buy exec using `fees` in holding received in above instruction
BuyExecution { fees: reanchored_fees, weight_limit },
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
fn teleport_assets_program(
origin: Location,
dest: Location,
beneficiary: Either<Location, Xcm<()>>,
assets: Vec<Asset>,
fees: FeesHandling<T>,
weight_limit: WeightLimit,
) -> Result<(Xcm<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>, Xcm<()>), Error<T>> {
let value = (origin, assets);
ensure!(T::XcmTeleportFilter::contains(&value), Error::<T>::Filtered);
let (_, assets) = value;
// max assets is `assets` (+ potentially separately handled fee)
let max_assets =
assets.len() as u32 + if matches!(&fees, FeesHandling::Batched { .. }) { 0 } else { 1 };
let context = T::UniversalLocation::get();
let assets: Assets = assets.into();
let mut reanchored_assets = assets.clone();
.reanchor(&dest, &context)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotReanchor)?;
// XcmContext irrelevant in teleports checks
let dummy_context =
XcmContext { origin: None, message_id: Default::default(), topic: None };
for asset in assets.inner() {
// We should check that the asset can actually be teleported out (for this to
// be in error, there would need to be an accounting violation by ourselves,
// so it's unlikely, but we don't want to allow that kind of bug to leak into
// a trusted chain.
<T::XcmExecutor as XcmAssetTransfers>::AssetTransactor::can_check_out(
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::CannotCheckOutTeleport)?;
for asset in assets.inner() {
// safe to do this here, we're in a transactional call that will be reverted on any
// errors down the line
<T::XcmExecutor as XcmAssetTransfers>::AssetTransactor::check_out(
// XCM instructions to be executed on local chain
let mut local_execute_xcm = Xcm(vec![
// withdraw assets to be teleported
// burn assets on local chain
// XCM instructions to be executed on destination chain
let mut xcm_on_dest = Xcm(vec![
// teleport `assets` in from origin chain
// following instructions are not exec'ed on behalf of origin chain anymore
// handle fees
Self::add_fees_to_xcm(dest, fees, weight_limit, &mut local_execute_xcm, &mut xcm_on_dest)?;
// Use custom XCM on remote chain, or just default to depositing everything to beneficiary.
let custom_remote_xcm = match beneficiary {
Either::Right(custom_xcm) => custom_xcm,
Either::Left(beneficiary) => {
// deposit all remaining assets in holding to `beneficiary` location
Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(max_assets)), beneficiary }])
Ok((local_execute_xcm, xcm_on_dest))
/// Halve `fees` fungible amount.
pub(crate) fn halve_fees(fees: Asset) -> Result<(Asset, Asset), Error<T>> {
match fees.fun {
Fungible(amount) => {
let fee1 = amount.saturating_div(2);
let fee2 = amount.saturating_sub(fee1);
ensure!(fee1 > 0, Error::<T>::FeesNotMet);
ensure!(fee2 > 0, Error::<T>::FeesNotMet);
Ok((Asset::from((fees.id.clone(), fee1)), Asset::from((fees.id.clone(), fee2))))
NonFungible(_) => Err(Error::<T>::FeesNotMet),
/// Will always make progress, and will do its best not to use much more than `weight_cutoff`
/// in doing so.
pub(crate) fn check_xcm_version_change(
mut stage: VersionMigrationStage,
weight_cutoff: Weight,
) -> (Weight, Option<VersionMigrationStage>) {
let mut weight_used = Weight::zero();
let sv_migrate_weight = T::WeightInfo::migrate_supported_version();
let vn_migrate_weight = T::WeightInfo::migrate_version_notifiers();
let vnt_already_notified_weight = T::WeightInfo::already_notified_target();
let vnt_notify_weight = T::WeightInfo::notify_current_targets();
let vnt_migrate_weight = T::WeightInfo::migrate_version_notify_targets();
let vnt_migrate_fail_weight = T::WeightInfo::notify_target_migration_fail();
let vnt_notify_migrate_weight = T::WeightInfo::migrate_and_notify_old_targets();
use VersionMigrationStage::*;
if stage == MigrateSupportedVersion {
// We assume that supported XCM version only ever increases, so just cycle through lower
// XCM versioned from the current.
for v in 0..XCM_VERSION {
for (old_key, value) in SupportedVersion::<T>::drain_prefix(v) {
if let Ok(new_key) = old_key.into_latest() {
SupportedVersion::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, new_key, value);
if weight_used.any_gte(weight_cutoff) {
return (weight_used, Some(stage))
stage = MigrateVersionNotifiers;
if stage == MigrateVersionNotifiers {
for v in 0..XCM_VERSION {
for (old_key, value) in VersionNotifiers::<T>::drain_prefix(v) {
if let Ok(new_key) = old_key.into_latest() {
VersionNotifiers::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, new_key, value);
if weight_used.any_gte(weight_cutoff) {
return (weight_used, Some(stage))
stage = NotifyCurrentTargets(None);
let xcm_version = T::AdvertisedXcmVersion::get();
if let NotifyCurrentTargets(maybe_last_raw_key) = stage {
let mut iter = match maybe_last_raw_key {
Some(k) => VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::iter_prefix_from(XCM_VERSION, k),
None => VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::iter_prefix(XCM_VERSION),
while let Some((key, value)) = iter.next() {
let (query_id, max_weight, target_xcm_version) = value;
let new_key: Location = match key.clone().try_into() {
Ok(k) if target_xcm_version != xcm_version => k,
_ => {
// We don't early return here since we need to be certain that we
// make some progress.
let response = Response::Version(xcm_version);
let message =
Xcm(vec![QueryResponse { query_id, response, max_weight, querier: None }]);
let event = match send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(new_key.clone(), message) {
Ok((message_id, cost)) => {
let value = (query_id, max_weight, xcm_version);
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, key, value);
Event::VersionChangeNotified {
destination: new_key,
result: xcm_version,
Err(e) => {
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::remove(XCM_VERSION, key);
Event::NotifyTargetSendFail { location: new_key, query_id, error: e.into() }
if weight_used.any_gte(weight_cutoff) {
let last = Some(iter.last_raw_key().into());
return (weight_used, Some(NotifyCurrentTargets(last)))
stage = MigrateAndNotifyOldTargets;
if stage == MigrateAndNotifyOldTargets {
for v in 0..XCM_VERSION {
for (old_key, value) in VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::drain_prefix(v) {
let (query_id, max_weight, target_xcm_version) = value;
let new_key = match Location::try_from(old_key.clone()) {
Ok(k) => k,
Err(()) => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::NotifyTargetMigrationFail {
location: old_key,
query_id: value.0,
if weight_used.any_gte(weight_cutoff) {
return (weight_used, Some(stage))
let versioned_key = LatestVersionedLocation(&new_key);
if target_xcm_version == xcm_version {
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, versioned_key, value);
} else {
// Need to notify target.
let response = Response::Version(xcm_version);
let message = Xcm(vec![QueryResponse {
querier: None,
let event = match send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(new_key.clone(), message) {
Ok((message_id, cost)) => {
(query_id, max_weight, xcm_version),
Event::VersionChangeNotified {
destination: new_key,
result: xcm_version,
Err(e) => Event::NotifyTargetSendFail {
location: new_key,
error: e.into(),
if weight_used.any_gte(weight_cutoff) {
return (weight_used, Some(stage))
(weight_used, None)
/// Request that `dest` informs us of its version.
pub fn request_version_notify(dest: impl Into<Location>) -> XcmResult {
let dest = dest.into();
let versioned_dest = VersionedLocation::from(dest.clone());
let already = VersionNotifiers::<T>::contains_key(XCM_VERSION, &versioned_dest);
ensure!(!already, XcmError::InvalidLocation);
let query_id = QueryCounter::<T>::mutate(|q| {
let r = *q;
// TODO #3735: Correct weight.
let instruction = SubscribeVersion { query_id, max_response_weight: Weight::zero() };
let (message_id, cost) = send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(dest.clone(), Xcm(vec![instruction]))?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::VersionNotifyRequested { destination: dest, cost, message_id });
VersionNotifiers::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, &versioned_dest, query_id);
let query_status =
QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: versioned_dest, is_active: false };
Queries::<T>::insert(query_id, query_status);
/// Request that `dest` ceases informing us of its version.
pub fn unrequest_version_notify(dest: impl Into<Location>) -> XcmResult {
let dest = dest.into();
let versioned_dest = LatestVersionedLocation(&dest);
let query_id = VersionNotifiers::<T>::take(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest)
let (message_id, cost) =
send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(dest.clone(), Xcm(vec![UnsubscribeVersion]))?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::VersionNotifyUnrequested {
destination: dest,
/// Relay an XCM `message` from a given `interior` location in this context to a given `dest`
/// location. The `fee_payer` is charged for the delivery unless `None` in which case fees
/// are not charged (and instead borne by the chain).
pub fn send_xcm(
interior: impl Into<Junctions>,
dest: impl Into<Location>,
mut message: Xcm<()>,
) -> Result<XcmHash, SendError> {
let interior = interior.into();
let dest = dest.into();
let maybe_fee_payer = if interior != Junctions::Here {
message.0.insert(0, DescendOrigin(interior.clone()));
} else {
log::debug!(target: "xcm::send_xcm", "dest: {:?}, message: {:?}", &dest, &message);
let (ticket, price) = validate_send::<T::XcmRouter>(dest, message)?;
if let Some(fee_payer) = maybe_fee_payer {
Self::charge_fees(fee_payer, price).map_err(|_| SendError::Fees)?;
pub fn check_account() -> T::AccountId {
const ID: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/xcmch");
pub fn query_xcm_weight(message: VersionedXcm<()>) -> Result<Weight, XcmPaymentApiError> {
let message = Xcm::<()>::try_from(message)
.map_err(|_| XcmPaymentApiError::VersionedConversionFailed)?;
T::Weigher::weight(&mut message.into()).map_err(|()| {
log::error!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::query_xcm_weight", "Error when querying XCM weight");
pub fn query_delivery_fees(
destination: VersionedLocation,
message: VersionedXcm<()>,
) -> Result<VersionedAssets, XcmPaymentApiError> {
let result_version = destination.identify_version().max(message.identify_version());
let destination = destination
.map_err(|_| XcmPaymentApiError::VersionedConversionFailed)?;
let message =
message.try_into().map_err(|_| XcmPaymentApiError::VersionedConversionFailed)?;
let (_, fees) = validate_send::<T::XcmRouter>(destination, message).map_err(|error| {
log::error!(target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::query_delivery_fees", "Error when querying delivery fees: {:?}", error);
.map_err(|_| XcmPaymentApiError::VersionedConversionFailed)
/// Create a new expectation of a query response with the querier being here.
fn do_new_query(
responder: impl Into<Location>,
maybe_notify: Option<(u8, u8)>,
timeout: BlockNumberFor<T>,
match_querier: impl Into<Location>,
) -> u64 {
QueryCounter::<T>::mutate(|q| {
let r = *q;
QueryStatus::Pending {
responder: responder.into().into(),
maybe_match_querier: Some(match_querier.into().into()),
/// Consume `message` and return another which is equivalent to it except that it reports
/// back the outcome and dispatches `notify` on this chain.
/// - `message`: The message whose outcome should be reported.
/// - `responder`: The origin from which a response should be expected.
/// - `notify`: A dispatchable function which will be called once the outcome of `message` is
/// known. It may be a dispatchable in any pallet of the local chain, but other than the usual
/// origin, it must accept exactly two arguments: `query_id: QueryId` and `outcome: Response`,
/// and in that order. It should expect that the origin is `Origin::Response` and will contain
/// the responder's location.
/// - `timeout`: The block number after which it is permissible for `notify` not to be called
/// even if a response is received.
/// `report_outcome_notify` may return an error if the `responder` is not invertible.
/// It is assumed that the querier of the response will be `Here`.
/// NOTE: `notify` gets called as part of handling an incoming message, so it should be
/// lightweight. Its weight is estimated during this function and stored ready for
/// weighing `ReportOutcome` on the way back. If it turns out to be heavier once it returns
/// then reporting the outcome will fail. Futhermore if the estimate is too high, then it
/// may be put in the overweight queue and need to be manually executed.
pub fn report_outcome_notify(
message: &mut Xcm<()>,
responder: impl Into<Location>,
notify: impl Into<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
timeout: BlockNumberFor<T>,
) -> Result<(), XcmError> {
let responder = responder.into();
let destination = T::UniversalLocation::get()
.map_err(|()| XcmError::LocationNotInvertible)?;
let notify: <T as Config>::RuntimeCall = notify.into();
let max_weight = notify.get_dispatch_info().weight;
let query_id = Self::new_notify_query(responder, notify, timeout, Here);
let response_info = QueryResponseInfo { destination, query_id, max_weight };
let report_error = Xcm(vec![ReportError(response_info)]);
message.0.insert(0, SetAppendix(report_error));
/// Attempt to create a new query ID and register it as a query that is yet to respond, and
/// which will call a dispatchable when a response happens.
pub fn new_notify_query(
responder: impl Into<Location>,
notify: impl Into<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>,
timeout: BlockNumberFor<T>,
match_querier: impl Into<Location>,
) -> u64 {
let notify = notify.into().using_encoded(|mut bytes| Decode::decode(&mut bytes)).expect(
"decode input is output of Call encode; Call guaranteed to have two enums; qed",
Self::do_new_query(responder, Some(notify), timeout, match_querier)
/// Note that a particular destination to whom we would like to send a message is unknown
/// and queue it for version discovery.
fn note_unknown_version(dest: &Location) {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::note_unknown_version",
"XCM version is unknown for destination: {:?}",
let versioned_dest = VersionedLocation::from(dest.clone());
VersionDiscoveryQueue::<T>::mutate(|q| {
if let Some(index) = q.iter().position(|i| &i.0 == &versioned_dest) {
// exists - just bump the count.
} else {
let _ = q.try_push((versioned_dest, 1));
/// Withdraw given `assets` from the given `location` and pay as XCM fees.
/// Fails if:
/// - the `assets` are not known on this chain;
/// - the `assets` cannot be withdrawn with that location as the Origin.
fn charge_fees(location: Location, assets: Assets) -> DispatchResult {
T::XcmExecutor::charge_fees(location.clone(), assets.clone())
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::FeesNotMet)?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::FeesPaid { paying: location, fees: assets });
/// Ensure the correctness of the state of this pallet.
/// This should be valid before and after each state transition of this pallet.
/// ## Invariants
/// All entries stored in the `SupportedVersion` / `VersionNotifiers` / `VersionNotifyTargets`
/// need to be migrated to the `XCM_VERSION`. If they are not, then `CurrentMigration` has to be
/// set.
#[cfg(any(feature = "try-runtime", test))]
pub fn do_try_state() -> Result<(), TryRuntimeError> {
// if migration has been already scheduled, everything is ok and data will be eventually
// migrated
if CurrentMigration::<T>::exists() {
return Ok(())
// if migration has NOT been scheduled yet, we need to check all operational data
for v in 0..XCM_VERSION {
"`SupportedVersion` data should be migrated to the `XCM_VERSION`!`"
"`VersionNotifiers` data should be migrated to the `XCM_VERSION`!`"
"`VersionNotifyTargets` data should be migrated to the `XCM_VERSION`!`"
pub struct LockTicket<T: Config> {
sovereign_account: T::AccountId,
amount: BalanceOf<T>,
unlocker: Location,
item_index: Option<usize>,
impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for LockTicket<T> {
fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
let mut locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&self.sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
match self.item_index {
Some(index) => {
ensure!(locks.len() > index, UnexpectedState);
ensure!(locks[index].1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&self.unlocker), UnexpectedState);
locks[index].0 = locks[index].0.max(self.amount);
None => {
.try_push((self.amount, self.unlocker.into()))
.map_err(|(_balance, _location)| UnexpectedState)?;
LockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.sovereign_account, locks);
pub struct UnlockTicket<T: Config> {
sovereign_account: T::AccountId,
amount: BalanceOf<T>,
unlocker: Location,
impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for UnlockTicket<T> {
fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
let mut locks =
let mut maybe_remove_index = None;
let mut locked = BalanceOf::<T>::zero();
let mut found = false;
// We could just as well do with with an into_iter, filter_map and collect, however this way
// avoids making an allocation.
for (i, x) in locks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if x.1.try_as::<_>().defensive() == Ok(&self.unlocker) {
x.0 = x.0.saturating_sub(self.amount);
if x.0.is_zero() {
maybe_remove_index = Some(i);
found = true;
locked = locked.max(x.0);
ensure!(found, UnexpectedState);
if let Some(remove_index) = maybe_remove_index {
LockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.sovereign_account, locks);
let reasons = WithdrawReasons::all();
T::Currency::set_lock(*b"py/xcmlk", &self.sovereign_account, locked, reasons);
pub struct ReduceTicket<T: Config> {
key: (u32, T::AccountId, VersionedAssetId),
amount: u128,
locker: VersionedLocation,
owner: VersionedLocation,
impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::Enact for ReduceTicket<T> {
fn enact(self) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::UnexpectedState;
let mut record = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&self.key).ok_or(UnexpectedState)?;
ensure!(self.locker == record.locker && self.owner == record.owner, UnexpectedState);
let new_amount = record.amount.checked_sub(self.amount).ok_or(UnexpectedState)?;
ensure!(record.amount_held().map_or(true, |h| new_amount >= h), UnexpectedState);
if new_amount == 0 {
} else {
record.amount = new_amount;
RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&self.key, &record);
impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::AssetLock for Pallet<T> {
type LockTicket = LockTicket<T>;
type UnlockTicket = UnlockTicket<T>;
type ReduceTicket = ReduceTicket<T>;
fn prepare_lock(
unlocker: Location,
asset: Asset,
owner: Location,
) -> Result<LockTicket<T>, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
let amount = T::CurrencyMatcher::matches_fungible(&asset).ok_or(UnknownAsset)?;
ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(&sovereign_account) >= amount, AssetNotOwned);
let locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
let item_index = locks.iter().position(|x| x.1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&unlocker));
ensure!(item_index.is_some() || locks.len() < T::MaxLockers::get() as usize, NoResources);
Ok(LockTicket { sovereign_account, amount, unlocker, item_index })
fn prepare_unlock(
unlocker: Location,
asset: Asset,
owner: Location,
) -> Result<UnlockTicket<T>, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
let amount = T::CurrencyMatcher::matches_fungible(&asset).ok_or(UnknownAsset)?;
ensure!(T::Currency::free_balance(&sovereign_account) >= amount, AssetNotOwned);
let locks = LockedFungibles::<T>::get(&sovereign_account).unwrap_or_default();
let item_index =
locks.iter().position(|x| x.1.try_as::<_>() == Ok(&unlocker)).ok_or(NotLocked)?;
ensure!(locks[item_index].0 >= amount, NotLocked);
Ok(UnlockTicket { sovereign_account, amount, unlocker })
fn note_unlockable(
locker: Location,
asset: Asset,
mut owner: Location,
) -> Result<(), xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
ensure!(T::TrustedLockers::contains(&locker, &asset), NotTrusted);
let amount = match asset.fun {
Fungible(a) => a,
NonFungible(_) => return Err(Unimplemented),
let account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
let locker = locker.into();
let owner = owner.into();
let id: VersionedAssetId = asset.id.into();
let key = (XCM_VERSION, account, id);
let mut record =
RemoteLockedFungibleRecord { amount, owner, locker, consumers: BoundedVec::default() };
if let Some(old) = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&key) {
// Make sure that the new record wouldn't clobber any old data.
ensure!(old.locker == record.locker && old.owner == record.owner, WouldClobber);
record.consumers = old.consumers;
record.amount = record.amount.max(old.amount);
RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::insert(&key, record);
fn prepare_reduce_unlockable(
locker: Location,
asset: Asset,
mut owner: Location,
) -> Result<Self::ReduceTicket, xcm_executor::traits::LockError> {
use xcm_executor::traits::LockError::*;
let amount = match asset.fun {
Fungible(a) => a,
NonFungible(_) => return Err(Unimplemented),
let sovereign_account = T::SovereignAccountOf::convert_location(&owner).ok_or(BadOwner)?;
let locker = locker.into();
let owner = owner.into();
let id: VersionedAssetId = asset.id.into();
let key = (XCM_VERSION, sovereign_account, id);
let record = RemoteLockedFungibles::<T>::get(&key).ok_or(NotLocked)?;
// Make sure that the record contains what we expect and there's enough to unlock.
ensure!(locker == record.locker && owner == record.owner, WouldClobber);
ensure!(record.amount >= amount, NotEnoughLocked);
record.amount_held().map_or(true, |h| record.amount.saturating_sub(amount) >= h),
Ok(ReduceTicket { key, amount, locker, owner })
impl<T: Config> WrapVersion for Pallet<T> {
fn wrap_version<RuntimeCall>(
dest: &Location,
xcm: impl Into<VersionedXcm<RuntimeCall>>,
) -> Result<VersionedXcm<RuntimeCall>, ()> {
.or_else(|| {
.ok_or_else(|| {
target: "xcm::pallet_xcm::wrap_version",
"Could not determine a version to wrap XCM for destination: {:?}",
.and_then(|v| xcm.into().into_version(v.min(XCM_VERSION)))
impl<T: Config> GetVersion for Pallet<T> {
fn get_version_for(dest: &Location) -> Option<XcmVersion> {
SupportedVersion::<T>::get(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedLocation(dest))
impl<T: Config> VersionChangeNotifier for Pallet<T> {
/// Start notifying `location` should the XCM version of this chain change.
/// When it does, this type should ensure a `QueryResponse` message is sent with the given
/// `query_id` & `max_weight` and with a `response` of `Response::Version`. This should happen
/// until/unless `stop` is called with the correct `query_id`.
/// If the `location` has an ongoing notification and when this function is called, then an
/// error should be returned.
fn start(
dest: &Location,
query_id: QueryId,
max_weight: Weight,
_context: &XcmContext,
) -> XcmResult {
let versioned_dest = LatestVersionedLocation(dest);
let already = VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::contains_key(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest);
ensure!(!already, XcmError::InvalidLocation);
let xcm_version = T::AdvertisedXcmVersion::get();
let response = Response::Version(xcm_version);
let instruction = QueryResponse { query_id, response, max_weight, querier: None };
let (message_id, cost) = send_xcm::<T::XcmRouter>(dest.clone(), Xcm(vec![instruction]))?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::VersionNotifyStarted {
destination: dest.clone(),
let value = (query_id, max_weight, xcm_version);
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest, value);
/// Stop notifying `location` should the XCM change. This is a no-op if there was never a
/// subscription.
fn stop(dest: &Location, _context: &XcmContext) -> XcmResult {
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::remove(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedLocation(dest));
/// Return true if a location is subscribed to XCM version changes.
fn is_subscribed(dest: &Location) -> bool {
let versioned_dest = LatestVersionedLocation(dest);
VersionNotifyTargets::<T>::contains_key(XCM_VERSION, versioned_dest)
impl<T: Config> DropAssets for Pallet<T> {
fn drop_assets(origin: &Location, assets: AssetsInHolding, _context: &XcmContext) -> Weight {
if assets.is_empty() {
return Weight::zero()
let versioned = VersionedAssets::from(Assets::from(assets));
let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(&origin, &versioned));
AssetTraps::<T>::mutate(hash, |n| *n += 1);
Self::deposit_event(Event::AssetsTrapped {
origin: origin.clone(),
assets: versioned,
// TODO #3735: Put the real weight in there.
impl<T: Config> ClaimAssets for Pallet<T> {
fn claim_assets(
origin: &Location,
ticket: &Location,
assets: &Assets,
_context: &XcmContext,
) -> bool {
let mut versioned = VersionedAssets::from(assets.clone());
match ticket.unpack() {
(0, [GeneralIndex(i)]) =>
versioned = match versioned.into_version(*i as u32) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(()) => return false,
(0, []) => (),
_ => return false,
let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(origin.clone(), versioned.clone()));
match AssetTraps::<T>::get(hash) {
0 => return false,
1 => AssetTraps::<T>::remove(hash),
n => AssetTraps::<T>::insert(hash, n - 1),
Self::deposit_event(Event::AssetsClaimed {
origin: origin.clone(),
assets: versioned,
return true
impl<T: Config> OnResponse for Pallet<T> {
fn expecting_response(
origin: &Location,
query_id: QueryId,
querier: Option<&Location>,
) -> bool {
match Queries::<T>::get(query_id) {
Some(QueryStatus::Pending { responder, maybe_match_querier, .. }) =>
Location::try_from(responder).map_or(false, |r| origin == &r) &&
maybe_match_querier.map_or(true, |match_querier| {
Location::try_from(match_querier).map_or(false, |match_querier| {
querier.map_or(false, |q| q == &match_querier)
Some(QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: r, .. }) =>
Location::try_from(r).map_or(false, |r| origin == &r),
_ => false,
fn on_response(
origin: &Location,
query_id: QueryId,
querier: Option<&Location>,
response: Response,
max_weight: Weight,
_context: &XcmContext,
) -> Weight {
let origin = origin.clone();
match (response, Queries::<T>::get(query_id)) {
Some(QueryStatus::VersionNotifier { origin: expected_origin, is_active }),
) => {
let origin: Location = match expected_origin.try_into() {
Ok(o) if o == origin => o,
Ok(o) => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
origin: origin.clone(),
expected_location: Some(o),
return Weight::zero()
_ => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
origin: origin.clone(),
expected_location: None,
// TODO #3735: Correct weight for this.
return Weight::zero()
// TODO #3735: Check max_weight is correct.
if !is_active {
QueryStatus::VersionNotifier {
origin: origin.clone().into(),
is_active: true,
// We're being notified of a version change.
SupportedVersion::<T>::insert(XCM_VERSION, LatestVersionedLocation(&origin), v);
Self::deposit_event(Event::SupportedVersionChanged {
location: origin,
version: v,
Some(QueryStatus::Pending { responder, maybe_notify, maybe_match_querier, .. }),
) => {
if let Some(match_querier) = maybe_match_querier {
let match_querier = match Location::try_from(match_querier) {
Ok(mq) => mq,
Err(_) => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidQuerierVersion {
origin: origin.clone(),
return Weight::zero()
if querier.map_or(true, |q| q != &match_querier) {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidQuerier {
origin: origin.clone(),
expected_querier: match_querier,
maybe_actual_querier: querier.cloned(),
return Weight::zero()
let responder = match Location::try_from(responder) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_) => {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponderVersion {
origin: origin.clone(),
return Weight::zero()
if origin != responder {
Self::deposit_event(Event::InvalidResponder {
origin: origin.clone(),
expected_location: Some(responder),
return Weight::zero()
return match maybe_notify {
Some((pallet_index, call_index)) => {
// This is a bit horrible, but we happen to know that the `Call` will
// be built by `(pallet_index: u8, call_index: u8, QueryId, Response)`.
// So we just encode that and then re-encode to a real Call.
let bare = (pallet_index, call_index, query_id, response);
if let Ok(call) = bare.using_encoded(|mut bytes| {
<T as Config>::RuntimeCall::decode(&mut bytes)
}) {
let weight = call.get_dispatch_info().weight;
if weight.any_gt(max_weight) {
let e = Event::NotifyOverweight {
actual_weight: weight,
max_budgeted_weight: max_weight,
return Weight::zero()
let dispatch_origin = Origin::Response(origin.clone()).into();
match call.dispatch(dispatch_origin) {
Ok(post_info) => {
let e = Event::Notified { query_id, pallet_index, call_index };
Err(error_and_info) => {
let e = Event::NotifyDispatchError {
// Not much to do with the result as it is. It's up to the
// parachain to ensure that the message makes sense.
} else {
let e =
Event::NotifyDecodeFailed { query_id, pallet_index, call_index };
None => {
let e = Event::ResponseReady { query_id, response: response.clone() };
let at = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::current_block_number();
let response = response.into();
Queries::<T>::insert(query_id, QueryStatus::Ready { response, at });
_ => {
let e = Event::UnexpectedResponse { origin: origin.clone(), query_id };
impl<T: Config> CheckSuspension for Pallet<T> {
fn is_suspended<Call>(
_origin: &Location,
_instructions: &mut [Instruction<Call>],
_max_weight: Weight,
_properties: &mut Properties,
) -> bool {
impl<T: Config> xcm_executor::traits::RecordXcm for Pallet<T> {
fn should_record() -> bool {
fn set_record_xcm(enabled: bool) {
fn recorded_xcm() -> Option<Xcm<()>> {
fn record(xcm: Xcm<()>) {
/// Ensure that the origin `o` represents an XCM (`Transact`) origin.
/// Returns `Ok` with the location of the XCM sender or an `Err` otherwise.
pub fn ensure_xcm<OuterOrigin>(o: OuterOrigin) -> Result<Location, BadOrigin>
OuterOrigin: Into<Result<Origin, OuterOrigin>>,
match o.into() {
Ok(Origin::Xcm(location)) => Ok(location),
_ => Err(BadOrigin),
/// Ensure that the origin `o` represents an XCM response origin.
/// Returns `Ok` with the location of the responder or an `Err` otherwise.
pub fn ensure_response<OuterOrigin>(o: OuterOrigin) -> Result<Location, BadOrigin>
OuterOrigin: Into<Result<Origin, OuterOrigin>>,
match o.into() {
Ok(Origin::Response(location)) => Ok(location),
_ => Err(BadOrigin),
/// Filter for `Location` to find those which represent a strict majority approval of an
/// identified plurality.
/// May reasonably be used with `EnsureXcm`.
pub struct IsMajorityOfBody<Prefix, Body>(PhantomData<(Prefix, Body)>);
impl<Prefix: Get<Location>, Body: Get<BodyId>> Contains<Location>
for IsMajorityOfBody<Prefix, Body>
fn contains(l: &Location) -> bool {
let maybe_suffix = l.match_and_split(&Prefix::get());
matches!(maybe_suffix, Some(Plurality { id, part }) if id == &Body::get() && part.is_majority())
/// Filter for `Location` to find those which represent a voice of an identified plurality.
/// May reasonably be used with `EnsureXcm`.
pub struct IsVoiceOfBody<Prefix, Body>(PhantomData<(Prefix, Body)>);
impl<Prefix: Get<Location>, Body: Get<BodyId>> Contains<Location> for IsVoiceOfBody<Prefix, Body> {
fn contains(l: &Location) -> bool {
let maybe_suffix = l.match_and_split(&Prefix::get());
matches!(maybe_suffix, Some(Plurality { id, part }) if id == &Body::get() && part == &BodyPart::Voice)
/// `EnsureOrigin` implementation succeeding with a `Location` value to recognize and filter
/// the `Origin::Xcm` item.
pub struct EnsureXcm<F, L = Location>(PhantomData<(F, L)>);
O: OriginTrait + From<Origin>,
F: Contains<L>,
L: TryFrom<Location> + TryInto<Location> + Clone,
> EnsureOrigin<O> for EnsureXcm<F, L>
O::PalletsOrigin: From<Origin> + TryInto<Origin, Error = O::PalletsOrigin>,
type Success = L;
fn try_origin(outer: O) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
outer.try_with_caller(|caller| {
caller.try_into().and_then(|o| match o {
Origin::Xcm(ref location)
if F::contains(&location.clone().try_into().map_err(|_| o.clone().into())?) =>
Ok(location.clone().try_into().map_err(|_| o.clone().into())?),
Origin::Xcm(location) => Err(Origin::Xcm(location).into()),
o => Err(o.into()),
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<O, ()> {
/// `EnsureOrigin` implementation succeeding with a `Location` value to recognize and filter
/// the `Origin::Response` item.
pub struct EnsureResponse<F>(PhantomData<F>);
impl<O: OriginTrait + From<Origin>, F: Contains<Location>> EnsureOrigin<O> for EnsureResponse<F>
O::PalletsOrigin: From<Origin> + TryInto<Origin, Error = O::PalletsOrigin>,
type Success = Location;
fn try_origin(outer: O) -> Result<Self::Success, O> {
outer.try_with_caller(|caller| {
caller.try_into().and_then(|o| match o {
Origin::Response(responder) => Ok(responder),
o => Err(o.into()),
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
fn try_successful_origin() -> Result<O, ()> {
/// A simple passthrough where we reuse the `Location`-typed XCM origin as the inner value of
/// this crate's `Origin::Xcm` value.
pub struct XcmPassthrough<RuntimeOrigin>(PhantomData<RuntimeOrigin>);
impl<RuntimeOrigin: From<crate::Origin>> ConvertOrigin<RuntimeOrigin>
for XcmPassthrough<RuntimeOrigin>
fn convert_origin(
origin: impl Into<Location>,
kind: OriginKind,
) -> Result<RuntimeOrigin, Location> {
let origin = origin.into();
match kind {
OriginKind::Xcm => Ok(crate::Origin::Xcm(origin).into()),
_ => Err(origin),